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My heart and prayers are

Posted By: gourdpainter on 2009-08-27
In Reply to: all those days off I worked, - mdiscrewee

with all of you MDI-MD/Transcenders.  I've never worked for either company but I know the drill.  Anyone remember ddi, Inc.?

Now is the time to act.  Contact your representatives in Congress.  HAVE YOUR SAY.  I did and I actually got a phone call the other day from Washington DC regarding a letter I had written a short time previously. 

Now is the time to stop the offshoring and I believe it is also time to trim the fat in health care and one good place to start is putting transcription back in the medical facilities where it belongs.  In short, cut out the suit's fat paychecks. 

Don't waste your time ranting here it MIGHT get you sued.    TAKE ACTION.

If you stand up for what's right it'll be alright.  What goes around comes around.  I believe that.

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prayers all around
If you are the one who called me a loser or said I was wacked, please don't pray for me!!
My prayers
I am so sorry over the loss of your jobs. I want you and your colleagues to know that you are in my daily prayers.
Thank you for the prayers!

thank you!

Awesome, prayers go with you
Wow that is so cool. My prayers will be going with you that the audience will have open hearts and ears to hear this dilemma and do something about it.. You are a credit to us all for standing up for our profession... Thanks for what you are doing..
Prayers appreciated s/m
Thank you for your prayers.  I  have some family issues that really need prayers. 
My prayers and best wishes to Heartland's sm
US MTs who have been laid off. If it were me, I'd be tempted to drop a line to Gov. Howard Dean who is the chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Howard Dean is also a physician, an internist, who I'm sure would be very interested in hearing from some MTs about this situation. I'd also contact one of the nighttime news magazine shows, Dateline, etc.

I wish you all the very best.
I am so sorry for your losses and will say prayers for you & your family. NM
My heart goes out to all of you. sm
There are people thinking of you and your predicament.  Shame on Big Business.  I would hope most of you are actively looking for new jobs so you can dump these fools way before the 60 days are up.  Good luck to all of you. 
my heart goes out to you

I haven't a clue what you are talking about.


My heart goes out to you...sm
I feel your pain. I have typed through tears on many occasions while my little girl has to watch TV by herself just until Mommy gets done. As a parent you always feel guilty about something. Hopefully one day what our kids will remember is how blessed they were because they had a mother that worked so hard to give them what they needed. My daughter may have had to watch a few extra episodes of Sponge-Bob, but at least she did it in the comfort of home with Mom right there.

I really hope your situation gets better for you. Please try not to beat yourself up. My own mom tells me that all of the time. Funny how it's much easier advice to give than to take, huh??
If you see a wizard, he might have a heart for you. nm
A heart of gold, there. :(
I think this is an idea (from my heart)


I think a really positive thing to do because there is so much discontent and distrust and distress in this field - at least 90% of it warranted - would be to start a space or maybe even another forum here on MT STARS for something like How To Get Free or Back To the Light or who knows what - just a place to post and network and throw out ideas and experiences and tips of how to get out of this field and start again - or like someone else wrote -  use some of our skills but in other ways we might never have thought of on our own...


What makes you think think I am suddenly trying to fix it?  You must have a pretty hard life, or maybe too good of one to have that kind of heart.  This isn't new, this is something I have been working on for some time.  And, you know, I could tell you about the fire and the parents and all that, but you don't deserve it!!!!

heart and sole?
and that means WHAT????? Am I missing something here? I said heart and sole with  TT.  Did I say something wrong? Enlighten me, please.
My heart goes out to all of you in turmoil. sm

This merger should be of interest to all MT's.  I have never worked for either service, but I have been following the discussions to see how my fellow MTs are being treated by their companies, as well as other company discussions.  It could happen to any of us that work for MTSO's and has happened with a couple services I worked for.  Nobody is stopping anyone from starting new topics.  Just bypass the ones you are not interested in.  Don't you realize that this may be the only networking avenue these MTs have open to them right now?  Count your blessings if you work for a company that doesn't offshore.  Thankfully, mine doesn't.

If people had paid attention back in the 1970s and 1980s when our manufacturing base started eroding, jobs going to other countries, maybe we wouldn't be in such a sad state of affairs. Offshoring is nothing new, just new to medical transcription.  Millions of Americans (mostly blue collar) have lost their jobs to offshoring in the past 4 decades, but few paid attention because it wasn't their problem. 

My heart goes out to all of you in turmoil. sm

This merger should be of interest to all MT's.  I have never worked for either service, but I have been following the discussions to see how my fellow MTs are being treated by their companies, as well as other company discussions.  It could happen to any of us that work for MTSO's and has happened with a couple services I worked for.  Nobody is stopping anyone from starting new topics.  Just bypass the ones you are not interested in.  Don't you realize that this may be the only networking avenue these MTs have open to them right now?  Count your blessings if you work for a company that doesn't offshore.  Thankfully, mine doesn't.

If people had paid attention back in the 1970s and 1980s when our manufacturing base started eroding, jobs going to other countries, maybe we wouldn't be in such a sad state of affairs. Offshoring is nothing new, just new to medical transcription.  Millions of Americans (mostly blue collar) have lost their jobs to offshoring in the past 4 decades, but few paid attention because it wasn't their problem. 

What's with the big change of heart? Were
Your heart is certainly in the right place (sm)
but please be careful - speaking from the experience of getting taken - in real life, and not once but twice (you know what they say about that...) - by an individual that I felt sorry for and thought really just needed a bit of a hand up. Not saying don't do it, mind you, because the world will be a very sorry place when we all get to that point, but please be careful.
Heart of Quality is a Joke!
They will all be unemployed soon too...be it by lay off because they will be replaced by someone in India or because the company will be run into the ground...IT WILL HAPPEN.
Anyone heard of Heart of Georgia?
Anyone ever heard of Heart of Georgia?  I have accepted a rad position here because another keeps on telling me I can start soon, yet it has been 2 weeks and counting and I'm sitting here broke with nothing to do. 
Anyone work for Heart of Georgia.

How is it to work there?  Are you able to get the lines and make decent money in an 8-hr day with it being 75-char line?  That seems like a really long line.


This company is only for the strong of heart
or the very desperate.  Owner and QA degrade you and they do want 7-day coverage.
well that sure made my little heart sink.
Would you mind letting me know what was so hard about the test and do you think it was you, bad day, bad sound, bad test?  I really need/want this job.
I thought it was heart and soul.
somehow I knew you were a person after my own heart
I think we can both spell integrity AND flexibility. LOL
yes, after my husband had 5 heart attacks, you would be too
Sometimes life happens. My husband had 5 heart attacks, requiring cardiac surgery. If you were working several accounts and had to answer 800 emails and hire while your husband was in the hospital, maybe you could understand.
My heart goes out to you -- what an awful place to be in. sm

I am one of those unfortunate souls who lives paycheck to paycheck, and it would only take one or two disasters to send me spiraling.  Of course, right now I am working 3 jobs, so I hope to build a little safety net, but this is not about me ... I feel bad for you.

Maybe you should try getting on with a company that pays weekly -- that should get you the money you need quicker.  Off the top of my head, the only company I know that pays weekly is New England Medical Transcription.  They used to just use Word with an FTP transfer of work, but I think that has changed.  Still, probably the setup would not take long.  Or, if you are really desperate, perhaps you could try a temp agency for something.  I think they pay weekly, although the people working there do not get near what the temp agency does .. sigh.  

I'm sure things will start picking up for you.  Perhaps if you explain your situation to your creditors and such, they will understand and give you a break.  Everyone knows about the devastation in Texas and surely would be sympathetic. 

Regardless, I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way.  Good luck! 

This is what I am leaning toward. This is what my heart tells me.
I guess it is my brain that is all confused. Your help here is truly appreciated, it echos that small voice we are supposed to listen to in hard times....
I had heart nice things about them and
passed the test a while back, but still have not been contacted by the recruiter. Saw several ads since. So, this MT moved on. All I can guess is they are swamped with resumes. A nice place to work, was my understanding, so good luck to you!
Thanks, GothMT. My heart says it is the right thing
And I believe that flexibility will be key, as being a SE I get flexibility. Thanks for your comments here for helping me to make such a decision. :)
These stories warm my heart
which is maybe why I love helping people.  Had the people who were my mentors  not been so kind, I would never have achieved the success I achieved in the MT world.  They gave me knowledge that no MT school could ever provide. I could never be arrogant or try to put anyone down, I remember too well what it was like to be a newbie even though it was nearly half a century ago.
That was great. My heart goes out to the MDI people, too. nm
I do ops for 3 services, but rarely get the heart stuff.


I do hospital work, do heart surgery, etc.
but don�t do the caths and glad of it. They have others specifically for that. I do all other reports including ops, discharges, consults and the histories and such.
I agree. And remember your heart and soul.
I did what you are thinking of doing, and got so burnt out, and angry because I was at the computer all day, and everything in life was interrupting my work... all of a sudden I started slowing down. No matter what I could do, I could not stop myself from slowing down until one day I just stopped. Got up, walked away. That was 6 or 8 weeks ago. After a leave of absence, looking at life differently. Now I am an IC, working at transcribing half the day, something else the other half (sales) with no set hours and making as much as one full time job. Managed to pay for a cruise for me and my little boy in cash by doing this. But, I had to walk away from the computer not go to it more. The toll this type of work all the time on my brain, my psyche, my heart and soul was too much. IF you want to make money you have to invest time in yourself and your happiness. Then, you may even make one third more not twice as much than you are now,you will be happy, and you will find that ends will meet. You know, it isn't all about the money, that is life. It's about what isn't money. Sorry to sound so cryptic. But don't make the mistake of forgetting yourself for work or money. ENjoy life. GOod luck to you!
That is heard, not heart. Must be a subliminal error!
Me too, me too! Mine was 2639! I heart MT work! nm
Thanks, I am talking about CABGs and general heart surgery, which all of my
Does anyone know anything about a company called Heart of Georgia Health Information Services? (sm)
I am beginning a job search and this was one of the services that I came across.  Has anyone worked for them and had good or bad experiences that they could share?  TIA