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My daughter works for WalMart

Posted By: and makes 11 bucks an hour on 2007-11-21
In Reply to: You can get paid - rm

plus excellent benefits, super cheap health care, vacation, etc.

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As my daughter would say
Don�t be a hater. Sorry you are probably having to do VR and just cannot get up to making a decent salary. You don�t pay my salary so again just slide back under that rock and don�t worry about how I do my job and that is not here on this board. Now slither along.
When my daughter was little, s/m
One day she parked herself on the floor next to me and set up a board game with a stuffed animal opposite her for her to play with. I about cried. I stopped and played with her for a little bit. She's 17 now; hang in there!! My kids were used to me working, and behaved pretty much.
Until WalMart
pays me an average of $25/hr, I'll continue to transcribe.

And when Walmart begins paying $25.00/hr, then I will declare myself the queen of Brooklyn..

So, I know, what is the secret of making 25.00 per hour?
I understand about your daughter.

How long do you think your marriage will last?  If he doesn't see you only for the weekends, I think that would put a strain on things.  This is just my opinion.  I have seen it done and be successful, but two days a week seeing your husband is not many especially with a special needs child.

I agree. My daughter
has a Honda Civic which is not a hybrid but gets phenomenal mileage! Her next car will be their hybrid.

Anything we can do to help clean up this mess for our children and grandchildren.
Yep and the boss's daughter

I tell you, the incompetence of that company was truly amazing!  And before anyone starts in, yes, I am working and actually DO like the company I am working for. 

I forgot another thing:  When I started, they forced me to buy a footpedal for like $150 that they claimed was necessary because only this pedal would work with their software.  I believe the owner's husband had something to do with the company that sold this footpedal.  Guess what, a footpedal I had from a different company worked with SS software, as I later found out. 

I also at one point worked for Medquist and, believe me, SoftScript was WORSE, if that is at all possible. 

I have called my daughter that but she is
mixed. What term would apply here?
Must be you're the daughter, eh?

Coming to the defense of your mother who gave you access to the queue?

Well, will be boycotting them too, just like Walmart
No Coca-Cola in this house. Was going to boycott Walmart with that big scaffoo last week, until they finally caved. This is just getting so ridiculous - why do such a small minority of naysayers have such a loud voice. Maybe WE need to have a bigger voice and put a stop to all of this foolishness already!
walmart, wages, etc
No I do not work at WalMart, never have, don't intend to.  I was told the wages recently by a greeter who works there, and she also said she gets a raise every year.  I was surprised to hear it.  I have never once told anyone to get 2 or 3 jobs, because I think that is easier said than done.  I believe people need a life too.  My whole point is simply that I think the MTSOs are largely responsible for the downturn of our wages by underbidding each other and then wanting to hire others to work for inferior wages.   I used to work in a hospital and we did it all, transcription, charting, xeroxing, etc., and we did it well, made decent wages too.   I don't think anyone should have to work 2-3 jobs to make ends meet.  Especially in this job with its knowledge. I think you have misunderstood what I am saying.  I am on your side!  I am sure you are worth a lot more than being offered.
walmart, wages, etc
No I do not work at WalMart, never have, don't intend to.  I was told the wages recently by a greeter who works there, and she also said she gets a raise every year.  I was surprised to hear it.  I have never once told anyone to get 2 or 3 jobs, because I think that is easier said than done.  I believe people need a life too.  My whole point is simply that I think the MTSOs are largely responsible for the downturn of our wages by underbidding each other and then wanting to hire others to work for inferior wages.   I used to work in a hospital and we did it all, transcription, charting, xeroxing, etc., and we did it well, made decent wages too.   I don't think anyone should have to work 2-3 jobs to make ends meet.  Especially in this job with its knowledge. I think you have misunderstood what I am saying.  I am on your side!  I am sure you are worth a lot more than being offered.
look at WalMart in news a lot sm
A huge organization what is it 8000 stores nationwide and they want employees to work off the clock.  YEP and there was something else in the news regarding pay.  Hey, a company that big know, they know the rules yet, they pay a fine and still come out ahead.  Unfortunately it is whatever works.  People have to be MADE to be honest seems to me.
I hear you, only it was my daughter at Christmas
$500 per a 2 week period was just not cutting it and not even able to verify my lines with the worst dictation imaginable, 2-3 minute reports with not one ESL spelling their name, putting their correct number or correct patient name, or being courteous enough to spell anything. All I did was constantly search or send to QA of which they did not think I was digging hard enough!!! That is what our profession is now.
No, but my daughter attends Stanford!

LOL. That's my daughter's Christmas list.
If you were my daughter, I'd strongly recommend SM
you go for it. Furthering one's level of education is an extremely wise move for anyone, you're ultimately setting a good example for your children, and a degree in nursing can be taken many directions, including right back home to type for a while if needed (but the Walmart option so many here seem to seriously consider will never need to be among them!).
I'm not Joann's daughter or a hairdresser, but
The hospital in the town where my daughter
goes to college sends their x-rays to Australia to be read.
and is qualified for not much more than being a greeter at Walmart

ever wish you could work at Walmart or somewhere and make enough??

There are days when I shake my head and wonder what the he** was I thinking 20 years ago when I decided this is the life for me.  NOW I am stuck to the money like glue and nothing pays like this ... so I'm damned if I do ... damned if I don't. 

We were shopping the other day and I thought Ahhhh bliss.  To take a job at Pier One or Starbucks and SURVIVE ON THE MONEY!!

stupid industry.  Thanks for sucking the joy out of what USED to be a decent job. pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffft

WALLIE WORLD (walmart)
Where in this country does Wal-Mart pay $11 an hour? - even after 5 years in and at 40 hours?
Don't kid yourself, WalMart doesn't do American. sm
They'll have sweat shops all over India, China, etc., to do the work. It's how they do everything else.
That's what WalMart asked, OT off the clock sm
and was fined, BUT, they did it before too, according to the newspaper, so it probably is just a business write off deduction. Company nnames should be sent to the labor board and let them check it out. Present the problem, Google labor board for address and send in the names.
Greeter makes more than that at Walmart
And working in produce at Walmart is the next to highest pay grade they have there.  Fellow MT's husband works in produce making three times the amount she does at $18 an hour 32 hours a week.
My daughter put this on her computer as wallpaper tonight ...

She has excellent grammar, by the way, and she put it up as a joke.  When I saw it, I thought of this thread! 

Can hub's work safely if your daughter is up at night,
Arse kisser Joann's daughter
Your a dreamer and oblivious to everything around you. One need only look as far as this blog to see that SoftScript is not exactly what one would call a cream of the crop company. No, far from it. I don't believe I'm alone; furthermore, just because someone does not like a company does not mean that they could not cut the mustard but more means that they could not cut through the BS. Get you head out of the sand and open your eyes to sick reality that is called SoftScript.
So you quit and now no job, daughter to support, unemployment?
Have you only been in the work force for a short while? This is business. Like I said, nothing personal about you but they are running a business and we are not important as far as family concerns most of the time to them, only to do their work. Do you think now that quitting was a good idea? I would have just answered the question as yes and let it go at that, not try to read something else into it.
We usually get a gift card for Walmart.. Last year,
I donated mine to a single mom whose 10-year-old was not going to get a Christmas because mom couldn't afford it. I've been a single mom so my heart went out to her and I got a bunch of people to donate items i.e. tree, ornaments etc.. food, gifts etc. I felt good about it and I know my employer would have felt good about me donating it to a family in need.
No, I neither shop at Walmart or go to Disney World
Would not be caught dead at either place. Neither do I buy Levi or Lazy-Boy products since they moved to Mexico.
Walmart isn't too keen on chosing days to work.
Thank you. I went to Walmart today, and guess what, they had one phone and it didn't work!. Go
Recall WalMart asked staff to work off clock for overtime, remember? sm
It was on TV, newspapers, it took a court thing to resolve. Guess people will try most anything (for the moment) and just pay a fine, i.e. the cost of doing business.
The platform is Word. Their program works with Word but does not change how Word works. nm
The benefits just changed the first part of this month. I don't have them but I remember them being reasonabl for a single person. Family and spouse was not reasonable in any way (in my opinion).
Probably someone who works on...sm
a variety of (or all) accounts and interchanges regularly to help with backlog.  I previously worked for a company and they called it something else but basically the job description was someone who could work on any account at any given time and worked on accounts as needed (no specific primary/secondary, etc.).  The place were I worked paid these MTs a higher rate.
yep, works well. nm
Here is how it works
Review resumes as they come in. Separate into two piles. Immediately respond to all unqualified MTs with a simple email. Even if it is 100, it will take about an hour - no need to respond to follow ups to those, if any. Next, reply to qualified MTs with a simple email telling them resume was received and the next step and to email you when that step is completed. This may take a couple of days, tops! Everybody deserves a response, even those not qualified. It is called professional courtesy. Please. All recruiters do is recruit. It's not that difficult!
I know someone who works for them
From what I understand she is very happy there. If you have the experience, you probably can ask for 9 or 10 per line. They will negotiate with you. They are a growing company, management is nice and helpful, but a little slow getting everything off the ground, it took a bit of patience on her part to actually be up and working. They do outsource but never has run out of work.
What works for me is this:
1. I tell people who know I work from home that I am not to be disturbed unless someone dies or the house catches on fire, NO exceptions, NONE.
2. I screen every call and NEVER answer the phone until I am finished for the day. I also pick up any messages at that time. If the school needs to call you, can they call on another line? If you answer the phone every time it rings or even listen to the messages you will never get any typing done, trust me. :-) I have found VERY few phone calls are true emergencies.
3. Explain as best you can that you are paid on production and when your fanny is not in your chair you are making nothing at all, so you can you borrow some money when your bills come due?

The bottom line is that if you do not treat this as a *real* job then no one will respect your wishes. If you had a job outside of the home and were on the phone all day long or had people dropping by to visit all day I sure bet you would be fired! It really is tough to put your foot down, but you can do it!!!
Who works for TTS currently?

I have been offered a VR editing job with TTS and would like to here from people who currently work for them.  Yes, I did see the postings further down on the board about TTS and that is why I want to hear from current TTS VR editors. 

What I want to know is how many lines do you get a day and many of those lines are actually VR lines and not typing lines?    Also, how many lines do TTS require their MTs to have a day?  Do you use a 9-pin foot pedal with the sticker on the bottom that reads IN-DB9?  Do you have dial up internet connections?   Lastly, do you feel that you are making more money with VR editing and saving your hands/wrists/arms too? 



Anyone who works for
TransTech - Will we get paid before or after the holiday, since our pay date is 5/28?
I know someone who works there....
and she is NOT very happy. She is definitely looking elsewhere. They must be pretty hard up for MTs since I keep getting a recruiting postcard from them in the mail almost every month!
They will - it's in the works
no, that's not how it works.
MS Works
Your company should provide you with technical support to help you. ...Good luck!
NO one works there
Indian based company and have no clue when called office as it just rings and seems no one works in US at all. And even if work I hear they dont have good Management at all
works well for me.nm
you must be one of the MTs that works
instead of running out here to post.
That works, too.