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Maybe she is a single mother.......

Posted By: lb on 2005-08-27
In Reply to: MTs who depend on a paycheck will just love you. - sm

I agree...I would go part time with someone...that's what I plan on doing just to supplement. BTW....anyone who has a problem with that...I have a disabled child,although he does not drink formula....everything else is expensive and most of his treatments not covered by insurance.  Maybe this person is in a similar boat..............geez.............I say work as much as you want and make as much as you can doing it......

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I am a divorced mother. I thought that was a single mother.
and I unfortunately always pay my own way. From the time I was a kid I paid rent in my parent's house, and no man ever gave me anything. Does that count?
I was never a single mother but a divorced mother
Does that count? Oh, forgot, single mothers are the ones who apparently want others to give to them because they are single mothers. When divorced mother, I not only had 1 job but had several and I bought my own home, bought my own cars, took nice vacations to exotic places, paid my bills so your situation probably falling under the category of I cant work outside the home, I have a child. Well, now what? Seems like you don�t have much of a job if no work there. Do you continue to wait or do you try to provide for the child or just sit at home waiting?
I have no more empathy with a single mother
than I would anyone else. I feel if you have children, then you should be able to afford to take care of them. I had a husband, disabled, and I worked and supported everyone so I just think saying oh, single mom, is a pure cop-out. I think entirely overplayed.
Can anyone tell me the insurance cost for Amphion per month or pay period? I am a single mother
with 2 children under age 10.  I know you can't give me the exact amount, but anything you can tell me would be great!  I have asked the recruiter but have not heard back as of yet and weighing my options.  TIA!!
I am a mother and I want my
face lift paid by insurance. That is for my mental well being. Surely the insurance should cover me, right?
Not your mother
We are not your mother...if you can't feed your family it is your responsibility to find a job that will help you support your family, not whine about it.  After you got off work at 7 a.m. did you try to find a job or did you just feel sorry for yourself?  There are better jobs out there but you have to look for them.
Usually the week after Mother's Day. Don't know for sure. nm
Are you really mother to 6 children?
Oh, good grief, where is your mother? lol
Grow up. Must be terribly frustrating, being so infantile.

My mother used to say oh for heaven sakes....
Even though a company does not offshore does not mean they won't tomorrow, so applying to another company will not solve this dilemma (if you want to call it that).  I don't think everyone should quit DRC or whatever the new name is now.  I think you all should be just fine!  This is not the end of the world.  Who knows?  This could mean better benefits.  I wish you all the best, but I wouldn't jump ship if I were you unless things start to go downhill.  If you like the company and know your accounts, why should you?  The glass is half full, not half empty, that's what I always try to say!       Stay strong.....   
I can't believe anyone would fall for this. Didn't your mother (sm)
tell you if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is?
They went to that great mother board in the sky.
No, but have a sup who acts like a neurotic mother.
The games that are played by this person are so obvious. Especially the silent treatment. Then comes the drop in income as she punishes us because of some unknown offense.
If you equate the importance of being a mother
with the importance of being an MT, your priorities are really skewed. No use trying to explaining it. It's like the old saying, never try to teach a pig to sing; you'll never succeed and it only annoys the pig.
i agree, isn't it said that a mother can care for
10 children, but 10 children cannot care for 1 mother. And, if one relies on others, one is already deserted.
I'm afraid its a plan only a mother could love.

Hasn't your mother taught you any manners?
What is wrong with you to judge? Do you think every MT has to be just like you. Every business has the high achievers and the ones who struggle, possibly to find they have chosen the wrong field, or the wrong company, specialty expander.

Your ladies who toss off your smart a$$ comments at every chance are part of the reason MTs are considered difficult.

If you are like this 24 hours a day, I have a feeling you spend a good deal of time MTing because there is no one else in the house with you. Who'd want to spend time with a person who could cough up a post such as yours? A masochist possibly.

Find yourself a sense of humor and until then, cease posting in representation of medical transcriptions. We have more class than that where I am in this business.

On the old typewriters, my mother could type over 100 WPM with 100% accuracy -
She was always very proud of the fact that she never had to use correction fluid or paper or ribbon or whatever they used back then. She had been typing so long and was such a perfectionist. I am not quite as accurate since I have the computer to do so much correcting for me, but I am still pretty darn fast, and then my daughter won every speed/accuracy keyboard competition the whole time she was in middle school.

It definitely can be done...
You are the one who is incorrect. The owner of Zylomed would sell his mother for a dollar if he
They most certainly DO outsource offshore.  Perhaps you're not as IN THE KNOW as you thought!
I'll bet you'd be in a snit if you didn't get a Mother's Day card, though, amirite?
Same principle...

Would you feel slighted if your children didn't give you a mother's day card? How about a birthday card? Anniversary card? I mean, after all, you shouldn't NEED a mother's day card to feel appreciated, right?

I mean, if you're going to cast your self-righteous stones at those of us who DO appreciate being acknowledged ONCE A YEAR, then please remember this the next time someone fails to acknowledge YOU on YOUR *special day*.

I'm so tired of you judgmental people who can't just NOT post but instead squeal with delight at putting others down. Must suck to be you....

/end rant
Not a single one. nm

I am not a single
mother but I empathize those who are and who are trying to raise a family on their own doing this. If not for my husband's income I wouldn't be able to survive on my own. Thats my point, a woman no matter what should be able to be self-sufficient and chosing this as a career will not give you that security.
Another single mom MT here

Yes, it can be done.  It isn't easy by any means, but it is possible if you are fortunate to be working for a good company.   

I have supported both my child and I solely on my income as a work-at-home MT.  For a little over a year I picked up some typing on the side for a few hours on the weekends for non-MT related businesses.  That at least paid for the phone bill.  I didn't and still don't owe much of anything, so that's a help.  I have one credit card that I use for groceries and gas, it gives cash back rewards and it's paid off in full every month. I almost own my home with the bank owning a mere pittance. There is no fancy car, no yearly vacations where I actually leave the town I live in, and I've had my TV for 8 years, after my grandmother owned it for 6 years.  Criminey, I don't even subscribe to any magazines.  All books come from the library, all newspapers are read online. I have automatic dedcutions taken from every pay check that are directly deposited into accounts for myself and for my son. We don't have much, but at least we have something. I keep an old ice bucket in the closet that all pocket change goes into.  When my son was little and would ask for pizza I'd tell him if there enough money in the ice bucket, we could get pizza. If there wasn't he'd have to wait.  I still use that bucket.  This year it will go towards flowers for the garden. 

My child is no longer a child, he's in his second year of college.  He workd all through his high school years, bought his own car and gives me 75% of his paycheck that go into the account mentioned above for college when he's home working summers.  He works while at college and that is what he lives on while at college.  He has never asked me for money..yet. 

I worked for a national company for almost two years when I first started out as an MT.  The pay was horrible, they were horrible, and I constantly ran out of work. I have worked for two small companies since leaving that national.  I never EVER refuse OT, I do my 8 hours/day 5 days/week and I work my fanny off.  It's not fun, and some days I hit my head against the wall thinking I can't do one more day of the tedium that is my job. 

I was always here when my son was growing up.  I attended every home sporting event, every awards night, drove him where ever he needed to be, and picked him up when it was done.. I was with him when he was sick, here when he had a problem and needed to talk (whine), and the lucky kid got to come home from school to hot choc. chip cookies out of the oven - not because I was June Cleaver, but because the hormones kicked in and I needed a sugar fix.  We both won.  Just don't tell him that. 

Looking back, the sacrifices for this job, mostly my sanity, have been worth it. Though my son grew up without a father, he had me there every single day, whether he liked it or not. We could never, and still can't keep with the Joneses, but I never liked the Joneses anyway.  I love working at home.  My car looks as new as they day it was bought 8 years ago and it has under 50,000 miles on it. Think of the savings of gas, wear and tear on the car, and your sanity if you have to commute.  I was here when my neighbor fell in the boxwood hedges and couldn't get up. I was here to see my dog scare the beheezies out of the two men from the famous door-to-door religious sect who never made it more than 10 feet up the driveway.  Really, can it get any better? 

I know I am fortunate and I try to remember that every time I type a report from the Bozo that dictates from out in the hall. If you want to be an MT, then I guess the key is to finding the right company, working your butt off, pay yourself first, don't spend what you don't have, and pray your fingers and your brain can survive the MT world.

Sorry, but $250 for single is
NOT a great deal!!  I work at KS, and thank goodness thanks to hubby's ins. I don't have to pay that.  I thought MQ was bad at $150 a month.  SHEESH!!!
If you are single mom, with this SM
economy, the feeling of being pushed out is so vague, I can't imagine you giving up a job for that.  Is there something in particular that's happening that is forcing you to leave?  Hourly jobs are really scarce nowadays and most are on production.
I'm sure that every single one of us sm
if we were to admit it, have let ourselves be taken advantage of when we first got in this profession. But, if we continue to let ourselves be taken advantage of, that is where the problem comes in at. I figure I will just warn those who are doing this and if they want to be used like this, then its their problem, but it sure isn't making things any better for the rest of us and it also is causing nothing but downrigiht SLAVE LABOR!

I am willing to work my rear end off for my company and go above and beyond. But, when a company takes advantage that is where I draw the line. On top of that, like the other poster said, 7cpl and paying your own taxes is not enough money period!

Truthfully, I don't know what the answer is. I know people need jobs and especially now you have to do what you have to do sometimes to put food on the table, BUT personally, I wouldn't do it and be anyone's slave. On the other hand, I WILL go above and beyond the call of duty for a good employer who appreciates what I do, the skill I have and the willingness to work. Its a give and take. I think any company that wants a decent reputation will treat their employees right. Hmmmmm is that too old fashioned thinking??
I'm sure that every single one of us sm
if we were to admit it, have let ourselves be taken advantage of when we first got in this profession. But, if we continue to let ourselves be taken advantage of, that is where the problem comes in at. I figure I will just warn those who are doing this and if they want to be used like this, then its their problem, but it sure isn't making things any better for the rest of us and it also is causing nothing but downrigiht SLAVE LABOR!

I am willing to work my rear end off for my company and go above and beyond. But, when a company takes advantage that is where I draw the line. On top of that, like the other poster said, 7cpl and paying your own taxes is not enough money period!

Truthfully, I don't know what the answer is. I know people need jobs and especially now you have to do what you have to do sometimes to put food on the table, BUT personally, I wouldn't do it and be anyone's slave. On the other hand, I WILL go above and beyond the call of duty for a good employer who appreciates what I do, the skill I have and the willingness to work. Its a give and take. I think any company that wants a decent reputation will treat their employees right. At least that is the way it should be...treat your employees right and they will do a good job. Hmmmmm is that too old fashioned thinking??
and I can't think of a single MT
who shouldn't be required to take a written exam for the 20 laws defining and IC versus employee, to make THEY fully understand the difference between the two.

I would do it too if single.
I am originally from the PNW and I know a lot of people who have gone to Alaska for temp jobs because of the extra bonuses and pay offered to get qualified workers up there. It can be a good deal. Many of them went up there and saved all the money (said there wasn't much to spend it on anyway since room and board are often provided to temp workers) so that when they came home they took 2-3 months off. Sounds like a good deal to me. I have never been to Alaska, so I think it would be interesting to go live there for a short time.
Well, as a single mom, do not, I repeat do not,
You will be soooorrrrrrryyyyyy. I guarantee it. There are too many other GOOD jobs out there, keep looking and good luck.
If you are single and have no family

go for it.   My situation was a bit different in that I wasn't running out of work, just testing the waters.  I applied to about a dozen companies, offered positions with each, took 3 positions to figure which I liked best.  I had worked for a small local company for 13 years as my only experience so was really clueless.   I found it really difficult to switch from the various accounts and scheduling became a nightmare because I really had no clear-cut hours or line counts.  It got to where I wasn't doing a good job, just doing the lines and not caring about the product, plus I was screaming at my son for bothering me while I was trying to work.  Just wasn't worth it. 



Single or family? nm

If $300/mo for single that is a ripoff and

you'd be much better off with a private policy.  My family of 4 pays less than $400.00/mo for good insurance. 

Single is about $45 a PP (not exact) SM
and family I can't quote since I don't have it, but I hear it's pretty cheap as national family coverage goes.  The insurance is Blue Cross-I have to say it's good insurance.
Are you on the single ASR account? (sm)
Because that's how many accounts Webmedx has up and running. I would say not because (1)if you were on that one and only account, you would know that the ASR engine can handle ESL just fine, and (2) the technology isn't called VR by anyone except the ignorant and inexperienced. You can attack, attack, and then attack some more all you want, but at the end of the day, you have no credibility at all. You're a bitter hag, and if you're that jaded with Webmedx, quit and go work for another company! Good luck finding one that will treat you with the dignity and respect that Webmedx gives all their employees.
Really, not one single complaint??
A lot of MTs are single moms, or the
only breadwinner in the house. How do these people pay their rent? These are the people who are really suffering. All the way around its a lack of respect for this profession and the companies are screwing us royally. It takes a great amount of skill, many years of learning and the ability to sit in front of a screen for long hours. The way things are rigged now, you can't even afford to take a damn break for fear of getting the electricity cut off.
Single parent MT
Am a single parent MT and have always made a very good living for my child and myself, sure would like to have more but I get the convenience of working at home and having steady employment, only thing kiling me is the 700+ per month I pay for health insurance.
I can't tell you exactly for single, but I was quoted
a range from $134 pp to $245 depending on which plan you choose for E+child. I would think it would likely be about half that for Employee alone. But that is just a guess. HTH some.
Do you know what the single premium is and when it
What is the single premium?
  I was checking out their website last night and going to sites trying to get some feedback on the company, looks promising.
I would put every single question
That's how I do it when I start a new job.
So what's the single rate?

Anyone know what the single premium is for
Approximately $130.00 for single
WAYYYYYYYYY TOOOOOOOOOO MUCH javascript:editor_insertHTML('text','');
Single $70 every 2 week, B&B, but I am very sm
That is health, dental, vision, disability and life insurance. I have no idea what the breakdown is amongst these, price wise.
You are NOT really that ignorant are you? Single
means just that, single, whether divorced, unmarried, separated, or whatever. With your bitter attitude I understand why you were divorced.
Not a single job this morning. nm
only if you want to work every single day!
I accepted a position with them a while ago. They say you can work when you want as long as you get your lines in for the pay period. then they call you and ask why you aren't working. their expectation is that you log in every day to see what work is there. Thanks, but no thanks. Every single day? I don't think so.
That's not bad for single, but I really need family coverage.
Anyone know what these companies preminums are like for family coverage.. Thanks.