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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

MDI - Anyone know the website

Posted By: MT4eight on 2009-05-18
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for this company?  Trying to apply, but can't find the website. 

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You should check out the Nuance website and the Focus website
Nuance is Dictaphone and since a lot of use Dictaphone equipment, you can say we all have something to do with this. If you are surprised at the website above, look at the US website of nuance. Just IMHO and try to get both sides of the corporation.
It's not at the IRS website. It is in my state website.
It is clearly written that any employer out of state is bound by the laws of my state as far as taxes. Look at your state website.
Their website does not say that (nm)
to the website

No www. in front. It will ask for your sign on and password.
Do they have a web site. I am having trouble finding one; thanks
don't know if this will help but here is a website with a ton of
transcription services on there and what each one offers and what they are looking for.

What is the website for MDI-MD? nm
Thank you.
Do they have a website I can look at. nm
I just went to their website....sm
and I did not see any indication that they offshore to India or are Indian based. Can you provide a link?
Does HIP have a website?  Are they hiring?
I went to their website
but did not see where they don't pay for headers, footers, etc. Did you speak with them or where did you get this info?
Website for them?
The website I found didn't have any MT infor or a way to apply. Does anyone have this information they could pass on? THANKS!
Do they have a website or an ad somewhere?
I have decided I have had enough with the company-who-will-not-be-named. I admit I can't take it anymore, though I thought I would retire with them! I would love to work for a nice NJ company - Jerser girl that I am. I am looking for a nice company with work, so they sound like a match. Can anyone share how to get in contact with them? I'll be googling in the meantime, but would appreciate any other contact info!
Do they have a website? TIA

Good luck. I know how hard it can be to find a good company. I, again, absolutely LOVE DSG and all the supervisors! They also give positive feedback, which is another hard thing to find in a supervisor/company.
what website?
Could you give me the name..I searched but found nothing.
Do they have a Web Site? I searched for them on the intenet and came up with nothing.
Do you have their website address or where to contact them? Do you work for them as an employee or an IC? TIA
Website - Thank You
I had the feeling that it couldn't be posted. Thank you for the information. I googled, and couldn't find a thing on them at all.
Thank You Again - Website
Does anyone have the D&L Website addy. TIA.


I just tried to Google D&L Typing and their website does come up.

can you tell me if mdi-fl has a website?


MDI-MD website
Could you please email me their website?   
DSG website? do u have it? nm
website- sm
It is www.dsg-inc.net.  Their website doesn't give a lot of information but here is what I know.  It is IC status, they have about 180 to 200 MTs.  Minimum for PT is 2500 lines a week, I can't remember what fulltime was but I think it was 5000 lines a week.  You don't have a set schedule, you can work when you want and like I said earlier about the weekends.  They use DocQScribe as their platform.  I've had people tell me that they have a hard time getting work with them but when I talked to the recruiter she said that they had one of their largest accounts that had started sending in more dictation and they were behind pretty bad.  She said that she expected the large amount of dictation to continue and not have a problem getting work.  I turned down the position and went with somebody else but they were my second choice of all the companies I had talked to.  They sounded like a good fit for me. 
Does anyone have website for MDI-MD?

I can't find it.


Website for MDI..
Go to IRS website and - sm
do a search for independent contractor and it gives very specific guidelines to what an independent contractor is.  If they are not following those guidelines then they are breaking the law. 
Website sm
Their website isn't down.  I just checked.  Web address is meridianhcs.com.  Doesn't offer any information, though.
D - do they have a website sm

About how much do they pay for acute care?


No website.  It is my understanding she is in the process of getting one up.  She started me out at 10 cpl with spaces, but I had 10 years' experience when I started with her.  I don't know what she starts out at now.  I just know what she started me at.  She gives yearly raises as long as it is deserved with quality/quantity/work patterns. 
MDI-FL website
I currently work for MDI-FL and LOVE it there. I have worked for five companies so far this year alone before finally finding MDI-FL. Finally back to making money and have never run out of work yet. The website is medicaldictation.com. Good luck!
MDI-MD website .... sm
It's mditrans.net. Good luck!
she said they DO have a website

Hi!  This name sounds interesting!  Do you know the name of their website?  I can't locate it on Google yet.  Thank you!!

What is MDI-MD's website? THANKS!
Went to their website and it says it there. nm
Look them up on the BBB website
Nothing  but negative.  Don't be fooled by their promises.
MDI-MD website???

What is website for MDI-MD?  I am interested in checkin them out, but when I put in MDI-MD as a search, I do cannot find it. THANKS.

MDI website

You can either go to mtdaily.com and scroll down on the left where there is  link to the site or try transmdi.com/home should take you there.

here is the website
Which I figure you already looked for. It is awesome how it works.

Do they have a website?
Do they have a website?
I'll try to Google it in the meantime or look on here? Thanks for the tip!
Website for DTS in OK
EFD website
Here is their website, not much there, I'm afraid. http://www.efdtrans.com/opportunities.htm

Thanks, I saw that on their website. nm

here's the link for their post on this site:



what is on their website?
Hey...what do you see on the website that looks derogatory to MT's?  I went and looked and I don't see what you are looking at.... Thanks
What is your website?