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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Love it... I'd like to add to that.. sm

Posted By: Addition #1 on 2008-07-21
In Reply to: Sick of invasive, no-wrong-answer tests. - Sherry Lee

Let's see:

MTs are doing this for the love of the job, not for the money, so we can just pay them any time we want.  True or False

We overhire MTs because we are paying on production not hourly, so it doesn't matter how many stoolies we have sitting at home waiting for work.  True or false.

We ramp up our MTs before we get a contract and just leave them sitting there not doing anything while we then try to figure out when the account will actually go live and how much work we will have.




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Love, love, love TransTech! Not overhiring, just growing like crazy!
I too love path & can't find it at home & would love to cross-train into rad in the meantime I do
Love this company, love my boss, very informative QA.nm.
Does anyone think 41 is too old to go to nursing school. I love MT but I just would love to be a
nurse.  I have such a interist in helping others and the medical world.
Love, love, love DeVenture
Super nice, flexible and just all around nice to work for.
Love, love, love Axolotl
I totally love Axolotl.  Just as A-team said, fantastic benefits.  Yes, strict schedule, but never ever had a problem getting off when I needed to.  I wouldn't dream of going anywhere else. 
I would love to know too, I love EXText
Love Bayscribe and love the pay
At 11 cpl I love working for MDI Maryland. Bayscribe is a breeze. The lines build up so quickly. Everything is right there on the page. Sometimes, you have to fill in patient data, but who cares.... you do get paid for it. No holiday or vacation pay as it is an IC position. It beats 8 and 9 cpl any day. IMO
Love, love Archivus
Mind my asking what your line rate is? Do you have to work a schedule? Is their platform good? Anything else?
love/hate MT, mostly love it :)
i've long been dismayed with the direction in which this profession has gone, and i agree with the person who posted that women have accepted substandard wages and/or unfair IC or employment situations. It's very sad to see how, when outsourcing became the norm, women did not adequately negotiate to, you know, pay their bills!!! It seems this has resulted in lots of undercutting and lower line rates for everyone. I see some companies slowly improving and not requiring crazy line counts and hours in exchange for paying into health insurance. i entered this profession as a single female. i married an engineer and was living mighty comfy and cushy and happily doing 4 hours at 11 cpl in the late 90s. didn't have to worry about not having bennies at all. now as a single mom with a young child, i truly struggle. but i do love my work and hold out for my specialty to keep the line count up. still, i see the glaring problems and it's just a shame. if there were an MT union, i'd join in a heartbeat. no time/energy to start one and be some kind of norma rae, though!

Ah, yes, a love/hate thing indeed!

Best to all of you wonderful mts, male and female :)
Love it there

Okay, I have read all the posts and have been keeping up with all of this.  I wasn't going to say anything, but some of the naysayers are getting a little nasty.  I think that Transcend is a very good company.  All of their pay rates and incentives, bonuses and benefits are public knowledge on the forum.  It would make it very hard for preferrential treatment to go.  However, I suppose it could happen.  What I don't get is if it is happening to someone, why wouldn't they do something about it instead of putting up with it and complaining to the world about it while they do it? 

Also, there are a ton of posts on here about Transcend from this thread that are not nice about the company and I haven't seen MT Stars pull one single post.  I guess they aren't as biased as some would claim!

I've been with them for almost 6 months, and they are the best! They truly treat their MTs with respect. I would highly recommend them!
love JLG
I have been an MT a long time and JLG so far has been the best company to work for. Work flow is constant, management is great, and so far, I have not run out of work. If I have my way, I will never go outside the house to work again. I cannot imaging having to drive into town everyday with the price of gas right now!!!!
I love my job. Best job I have had. People nice to work for, flexible schedule, no nit-picky QA stuff, like "comma in the wrong place". And great pay. RAH RAH RAH...I didn't even have to take any test. Sent them my resume, the called and hired me.
I love it!
"little control freaks with no experience other than raising a few kids"  ROFL!  Yeah, you have that description down pat. Honestly, with some of the ranting emails we get from team leaders or account supervisors, I'd hate to hear them dealing with their children when they think nobody else is around.  OK, so one person on the team did something wrong, so let's scream at everyone!
I love OSi..but I wonder about this, too
MDI-FL...what is it that you love?
I just got hired by this company and am looking forward to getting started.  It sounds like a great company to call home and that's just what I'm hoping to do.  I really need a fresh start after a bad experience with a few nationals.  They seem to have a lot to offer.  I would love some input from current employees on what to expect.  Is the work volume pretty stable?  Platform user-friendly? Easy to make line counts?  Are most of the dictators pretty good?  Do you they pay every 2 weeks or only on certain dates of the month?  Is pay always on time?  Have the changes over the years been for the better?  Would you say this company is here to stay?  Sorry for all the questions; I'm just hoping this is the last MT I'll work for.  Any info you can provide on the boards or off the boards would be much appreciated!   
You will love it!
I love....
You are a sick individual. I hardly ever come on these boards anymore because the level of discourse has sunk so low. There is someone else on this board who uses a name similar to mine and we have been mistaken for each other in the past. But, even if you mean to direct your comments to me, it is of no consequence to me because you are obviously ignorant. I have every right to my opinion and to express it. If low IQ people like you misinterpret what I have written, that's the price one pays for expressing oneself.
All I know is that I love the changes!
They are great! I can't wait! Don't care about much else. All of my accounts are on DocQscribe.
Would love to know if

feedback please.

Love OSI


Love it here at TH. And no way would they ever do that.
I've had emergencies, and as long as I communicate -- everything is FINE. The staff is nice. The work is decent (ESLs though and some mushy americans but who DOESN'T have those)... You can't beat their benefits and I've never EVER had a late paycheck. You can do worse, trust me.
Same here, love OPs.
I second that! Love it there! nm

No but would love to know how (NM)
Love UST!!!!
I too also love UST.  They are very good to work for.  Their platform is their own but it is out of Word and extremely easy and you spend most of your time typing and not entering demos, etc.  I highly recommend them!!!!!
Would Love to Help Out
Hi.  I'm interested in helping out with your account.  I work outside the home during the week and do MT on the side, so that would work great.  Please post a reply/followup if interested.  Thank you.
i love it
I love it!

I have worked for a few different MTSOs.  Spheris, by far, is the most professional.  They will send you all equipment...down to the mouse pad. Tech support is always available and always helpful.  Pay is always on time.  Training lasts a week and is very very thorough.  After training, you are on guaranted pay for several weeks while you familiarize yourself with your account.  You are assigned two accounts up front.  If you have more than 2 hours of downtime, you can submit a request for compensation.

There are other MTSOs who pay more, but I earn a more than adequate salary and am very very happy with them.  I have a great supervisor.  I hope to retire from Spheris. 

I love it there...
I have never encountered the problems that you describe. I love my TL and all the people, very friendly all the time
I love it.
I get treated better and make better money.  I'm not just some ID number. 
I LOVE it! (sm)
After 9 years working for nationals, I'm now working for several services where I don't have to mess with stupid proprietary platforms that interfere with my productivity methods. I take files from the FTP site and upload them within the turn-around time. My small service owners know me, and I know them; they're not just some name on an email. Yes, it does take more planning: I can't just take off when I feel like it because the clients are depending on me, but you know what? If feels much better to be needed. Go for it!
Love to help!
I have been with the company I am currently with for just over 2 years now. About six months ago I began working as a part-time IC for another company as well just to pick up some extra cash. I'm always floating around here somwhere, so never hesitate to ask for help if you need it!

Good luck to you!
I love my job!!
I've only had my job for just over a month, but I can say wholeheartedly that I love it!! I work for a local dermatology office transcribing for two doctors that I can actually understand....most of the time. LOL.
I love it there, too.
And have never run out of work. I do have a backup should that happen, tho.
I love DRC!
DRC (Digital Records Corp) in Ca. Great company, nice people who care about their employees, and I like the work.
Great company to work for...employees paid by productivity...high speed internet.  Hope that answers all your questions and helps!

I love it. I have been working there for a few weeks now and I absolutely love it. The people are so nice there. I would definitely recommend it.

Good luck!!

Love Your Job?
Ok, Ok - Every company I think seems pretty good, I hear nothing but horrible things about.  I'm terrified of leaving MQ as I've been there since the beginning but know it's time to jump ship.  If you LOVE your transcription job, it pays great, and you have ample work, I'd love for you to share with me the name.  Thanks a bunch
Webmedx is a great place to work! My accounts are not 90% ESL. There are plenty of accounts in the organization which are not high ESL. If you get a chance to work for them, grab it. They are wonderful!
I would love to, but ...
I'm not sure if I can.  I need to read through the contract again. 
You will love it

What's love got to do, got to do with it?
Now I have Tina Turner in my head!

You didn't think you said sex/love had anything to do with it, but actually, you did. ...gossip, I know, but money and love seem to mix.

Oh, and I wasn't thinking of Tara. Didn't realize she was back to day-to-day recruiting.

I used to have a link to a Yahoo finance group that discussed all things financial about Transcend (various investors/watchers). You might want to do some research on that. It's pretty interesting what insiders are watching for/seeing.

Again, best of luck in your search. My recommendation is to look for a hospital that uses remote MTs rather than a national. Fewer politics.
i love osi
I love OSi and they have NEVER done anything but be supportive! I have high line counts and they never change my account! They offer great incentives for holidays, etc. Everyone is very nice and i never hear from anyone so there is totally NO nastiness like i have seen other places!
Love it there
I have worked there for a year and love it. There were some changes in management since they changed to SPI, but it hasn't effected my job. Their platform, Chartnet, is the best, most efficient that I have ever worked with and I have never had a single problem with it. I have a GREAT account that I have been on since I started with them a year ago and have never had to change, but I do have a couple of backup accounts in case I run out of work, which is very rare. Pay is every other Friday and is always on time. I would definitely recommend them.
I love it also.
I love psychiatry too. I did a few years of psych for several VA Hospitals in the past. It was wonderful. I miss it terribly.
I would love that 2, and I will let you know!
Love that!
i love osi

OSi has been a wonderful place to work!  I have been there for over a year now and have great accounts and they have incentives all the time!  Not sure why all the bad and negative comments on here when I have never had not one bad thing happen in any way!  OSi is awesome in my opinion! 

Love it!
Yes, I love it
I've worked on most of them, and it's my favorite.  Everything you need is right there on one page, previous reports, you name it.  I think it's a fantastic program. It's basically Word with all the extras.