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Posted By: Tania on 2008-01-31
In Reply to: They're lying sort of. They are pretty much - me

It is very sad to see people being racist.  I have been working with these people for over a year and wish to continue working with them.  Yes, they are Indians but my experience with them has been much better off than working for many other non-Indian companies and I have never experienced any discrimination against me or any other person for that matter-T

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Post below stated a warning about lartech not paying--be careful with this company if this is true.

I have read the post below but I wanted to know if anyone has info on this company that works or worked for them.




They have an office in India and one in Texas.  I'm working for them now and have been for about a month.  Everyone I have dealt with is very good to work with.  The account I am on is very nice, very few ESL, lots of editing (may be a plus for some) and a small amount of standard transcription.  Pay is decent,  and on time.  They don't have DD, but have said they are looking into it so hopefully they will soon.  They have incentives for when you get over certain line amounts each pay period, and those amounts are not hard to meet either so can pretty much count on the incentives each paycheck (at least that is my experience). 

I'm happy there. 

Lartech QA
HI:  I have been working for Lartech for over a year now as a QC and I have several MTs working under me who I correspond with on a daily basis and they are all based in US. I simply love working for them-T
Lartech pay
Pay is inconsistent and has been changed to once a month. It is demeaning and now we have all been messaged that the checks are going to be even MORE late, it's been 5 weeks since my last check.
Interested in discussion with someone who works for Lartech now. 
I use eScription with Lartech.  Would enjoy meeting other ladies who work them as well.
Any comments on Lartech????
Try Lartech.

I believe they hire new graduates.  They are very nice and good to work for, pay is always on time, it might be a little low (around 6cpl and 3cpl for editing) but it'd be a good place to start. 

If you can get a private IC to mentor you that'd be good too.

I took my first job (3 years ago) with a private IC and she paid me 4cpl for a month then 5 cpl after that.  I stayed with her for 5 months, made decent money and learned a lot.  I was able to go from working for her to a really good, steady job with a nice company.  It's worth it to take a lower line rate if you can get the one on one with a mentor. 


Best of luck!

Was it with Lartech?
It may bite me in the backside, true, but I have a small business of my own and, although I do not have employees to pay, I know how tight things can get. Personally, I would get a 90-day loan from the bank to pay the MTs until the payment came in from the client. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt because I see the number of years they have been in business and know that they could not have been in business for any length of time if they were flat out not paying the MTs---which I have found no evidence of.
RE: Lartech
The previous posts I read about Lartech said they do pay on time and it's accurate. I'm in the same boat, waiting for my first check, but this 60-day pay cycle is the client's doing, not Lartech's, so I'm not holding that against them. It is hard to stay motivated, but I really like the account and they have been sincerely appreciative that I'm staying on with them.
LARTECH Healthprime
Would be greatly appreciated
Lartech? Anyone here work for them?

I applied just this morning and got a call this evening.  They offered me a job without testing.  There is a paid trial period where they decide if you can do the work according to what I was told by the recruiter.  The pay is not bad, better than I am currently getting at any rate, and I was assured after the trial period it can/will go up. 

I am wondering if anyone has experience with this company.  It seemed a bit odd to me that I would get hired without testing, but I'm new to the industry so maybe it isn't that uncommon (just under a year working as an MT). 

Thanks for any opinions or advice!

Lartech Healthprime

Any info on Lartech??? 

lartech warning...
LARTECH Healthprime? sm

Has anybody worked or is working for this company?  I am supposed to start with them on Tuesday, but am not sure about them?



Lartech is in TX but I think is mainly Indian run.
and very much slave labor pay.
Lartech, Transcend...
I also believe Transtech and E-Transcription do but I'm not 100% on that. 
lartech healthprime

REgarding Lartech Healthprime,  they do have a physical address and its

LARTECH Healthprime, Inc.

3403 Stratford Drive
Sugar Land, Texas 77478
Tel: 281-798-5094 Fax: 281-265-3085
Email: lartechinc@yahoo.com


They are training me this morning to work on thier software as an editor. So far, they seem like very nice, friendly people and very helpful.  They seem to be desperate for quality employees.  I will let folks know how I make out as I know alot of people are wary of them and I can understand that.


Anyone with information on Lartech?
I'm not finding any info on them and they have offered me a QA job.  They say they do not outsource to India, so I'm just trying to confirm this, and that they pay on time.  Thanks for any help! 
LarTech Healthprime
I work for them
LarTech Healthprime
I work for them.
Lartech--not paying

I've transcribed for 6 years.  I worked Lartech for two months and never saw any pay.  The owner keeps saying he didn't receive his pay.  Now no communication at all about it.  I quit since I can't afford to work for free.  He owes me at least $1000.  Nice people, but no pay.  Do hospitals really not pay?  Any way I can find out?

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Info on Lartech and Nightingale?
Any info good or bad would be appreciated!!!!!
LARTECH....anyone ever hear of them? Please read....
I am not sure, but I think they may be from India, but working in this country.  I think the company is in Houston, or is it?  Any and all info is appreciated.  Thanks.
Lartech Healthprime/MediVoxx
Has anyone ever worked for Healthprime or MediVoxx?
LarTech line rate?

I forgot to ask before we hung up.  Anyone know what the line rate is for their eScription?

Pretty sure lartech is india..not sure about other one...nm
My LarTech Healthprime review
I have seen some older posts on Lartech Healthprime and I just wanted to give a good update/review on this company as I have 2 years of experience working for them.

Also I just wanted any out-of-work MTs to know that they hired me right out of training (I trained with At-Home Professions) but trust me, they have high standards when it comes to quality and they were patient, gave me a chance and helped me along the way.

My gripes (although this apparently is not LarTech's fault but the hospital account I work for) is that I get paid once a month and sometimes it is later than that, very inconsistent pay :(.

There is only two people I can get a hold of if I have any questions but they don't respond right away which is a downfall since my questions have to do with reports I am currently working on and I don't have time to sit around and lose TAT time waiting for them to get on, all communication is done via Yahoo messenger. They do respond to all E-mails, whether it takes them an hour or a day, they will get back to you.

They also do seem to have a problem with communication, for instance, I have been there for about a year and a half and I was only getting 7 cents standard, 3 cents editing and I asked them for a raise, he came back and said he already gave me a half cent raise and was surprised I didn't get that E-mail.

I know, the pay is super low, but I was out of school for a year looking for a job and nobody would give me a shot but they did and now I have 2 years of experience because of it, it beats the internship I almost chose to do for 6 months right?

Anyways, just wanted to get that info out there for any MT students looking to get their foot in the door, they gave me a chance from a very non-reputable school, why not you!

Lartech has been talked about recently, check
the archives.  I believe it is a 100% Indian company.  
LARTECH, waiting 2 months for a check?

Is anybody out there getting paid at least 60 days out from Lartech?  Waiting 2 months for a check?  Is this crazy?  I am having a hard time staying motivated to work because I know I will not see any money for months.