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Just like "American" automobiles

Posted By: AnnuderMT on 2009-05-24
In Reply to: If the transcribed files go to India, are sent out from India to be transcribed, sm - Seems odd to me

About the only thing American about most of the supposedly American car companies these days is the CEO's address. I think if you were to check, Hyundai and Toyota probably manufacture as many vehicles here as Ford, Chevy, or GM, but we're back to the point where if you drive a Cambry made in Kentucky or a Sonata built in Alabama, you get taunts for not driving American. I guess with globalization, US Made simply applies to where the CEO's paycheck is mailed (before being forwarded to where he's cavorting).

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Lots of Indian workers use "American"-sounding

Their website touts themselves as being an "AMERICAN" family-owned company. Kind of ironic! n
