She has excellent grammar, by the way, and she put it up as a joke. When I saw it, I thought of this thread!
The new guy is the president and the COO (not CEO). Who was sm
the prior COO?
So, who is the new president now?
Glad I apparently put so much humor in your life tonight. You're welcome.
If you work for the hospital in my town, you get a RAISE on a regular basis. When did you get your last raise from your MTSO? The hospital furnishes the MT with a new Dell, pays for the virus protection (mine goes up every year - yup, it does), and pays the internet (yuppers, mine goes up every year). Good for you, count yourself lucky, but don't get too comfortable in your Ivory tower. Downsizing, cpl rate cuts, lots of things are coming your way. You just haven't gotten hit yet, but good luck with that attitude of yours.
Please refer to the statements the above poster mentioned about the brown-nosers and such. My post was not intended for you!!! Evidently YOUR company pays you for some of these things, or are you an MTSO, but mine didn't. Work for myself now on local accounts. Got tired of your MTSOs and the little profit I was making.
Glad I apparently put so much humor in your life tonight. You're welcome.
If you work for the hospital in my town, you get a RAISE on a regular basis. When did you get your last raise from your MTSO? The hospital furnishes the MT with a new Dell, pays for the virus protection (mine goes up every year - yup, it does), and pays the internet (yuppers, mine goes up every year). Good for you, count yourself lucky, but don't get too comfortable in your Ivory tower. Downsizing, cpl rate cuts, lots of things are coming your way. You just haven't gotten hit yet, but good luck with that attitude of yours.
Please refer to the statements the above poster mentioned about the brown-nosers and such. My post was not intended for you!!! Evidently YOUR company pays you for some of these things, or are you an MTSO, but mine didn't. Work for myself now on local accounts. Got tired of your MTSOs and the little profit I was making.
VR couldn't take us down, but now the president is going to.
I wish I wouldn't have came on here today, now I have one more thing to worry about in this time of woes with the economy. This really sucks.
Voice recognition couldn't take over, we may have lost a few jobs, but now the president is going to dictate how the transcription gets done. He is the only one who will be left with a job, or should I say jobs. He is the jack of all trades now. Cars, banks, now transcription!
I really feel bad for the millions of women, yes women as this is mainly a women oriented business. I have only met about 3 males who actually did transcribing in the past 25 years of this career. So this is also a discrimination against women, the many women that were able to make better than minimum wage and stay home with their kids during their early years will now have to go find who knows what, the one only opening at Walmart to try to support her family.
This just makes me sick. Why do we need to have a shortened medical record made by templates just because the president thinks it will be better.
I can only say I hope he legalizes prostitution before he gets rid of transcription. Because this may be the only option left, (only joking, hope it doesn't come to this point).
Yeah this free insurance sounds real great. At least while we are sitting at home wondering what to do we can try to break a leg or an arm just to get into that wonderful hospital setting where we can have room and board and 3 squares a day.
We should all start a petition or write to the white house, calling this discrimination, that's the only thing that gets attention in this country. Discrimination against this mainly women oriented industry and their children.
I can only pray that this doesn't happen. God bless us all who do this grueling job.
OK, maybe I'll run for president
Thanks for your suggestions. All women on the verge of turning 50 are delighted at the prospect of changing careers - and so are the employers to hire them.
I haven't been in this profession very long - less than 10 years. So I DO have other work experience. Competing with girls half my age in the current job market is such a thrilling prospect, I'll get right on it. My skills with addressographs, mimeograph machines, hand-kept books, selectric typewriters, etc. are in SUCH demand I know I'll blow past those whippersnappers like a blazing comet! After all, I've forgotten more software programs than they know, because I was all about computers before they were cool!
Jewish high holy days begin at sundown tonight.
Email was from the president/CEO, dated 6/19. nm
Email for Proveros President
At least the president of the company must have some class. This is an email I just received from him: 
Hi Marla -
Your numbers are correct. I am so sorry!! I am sending you another check today via FedEx for the full $67.58. Please keep the first check for $39.00 in return for your frustration and time.
I will have the second tracking number sent as well.
Thanks for all your time and again our sincerest apologies.
What do you mean the president is going to dictate how transcription gets done?
I don't think the President has any feelings whatsoever in how transcription gets done. His idea is to go to EMR - that has nothing to do with not having transcription - that has to do with the way the transcription is stored - electronically, not paper.
I worked for a hospital that has had EMR for years now and believe me, we had more transcription waiting on us every day than we could possibly do.
Clinton also left this president a SURPLUS
Because now he has created the LARGEST DEFICIT IN THE HISTORY OF THIS COUNTRY. By the time he's done, there will be no US - we'll be a satellite branch of China or Japan.
Yes, it's true. The CEO and President and everyone who works in the office all came from L&H.
Also many of their QA staff and MTs.
Like becoming President? I don't follow your line of thinking.
I know that payday is on the 15th, but since the 16th is President's Day, sm
do you think we will be paid on Friday like we were last payday? This is only my 2nd payday, so I was just curious. If I have to wait until the 17th, then so be it. I don't want to be lectured by those I have seen about people expecting to be pair early. As I said, it happened before, and I just wondered. Since it is getting late and I have not yet received an email with my paycheck stub, it is looking like probably not.
I'm just curious -- where do you bank that is open on President's Day? sm
I mean no harm -- I am just truly curious. I just moved to the Denver area from Kansas, and there is a chain of banks here that is open on Sunday, which was a surprise to me just with that. I didn't know that there were banks that were open on holidays too -- that would be great! Well, sorta great ... I'd get my deposits anytime, but then again my checks would come bouncing an anytime too ... oops! LOL 
I haven't worked at Keystrokes very long, but they have been fair with me. I am disappointed that I have to wait until Tuesday to be paid, but it certainly is not a deal breaker. I have a part-time job as wlel. But I have certainly been in those situations where a day or two was critical, so I emphathize to those who truly NEED to be paid as soon as possible.
Anyway, again, I meant no harm by my post. I just am truly curious about banks that are open on holidays.
did you see what she wrote
Hey, did you see below where the cheerleader wrote that I need a lawyer? Funny isn't it? Hmmm.... I'm thinking First Amendment applies! Sheeeshhh
Do you see what you just wrote to me? sm
Read your second paragraph with all the caps and personal attacks? I did not do or say anything that justifies you calling me miserable. This is a board where adult professionals post opinions. I posted mine and I guess you don't agree with my opinion. For you to suggest that I need social skill and that I a NASTY as you cap it and MISERABLE is provocative and looking for an argument. I will not take the bait but I just will point out that you are overreacting and provoking here.
Do you see what I wrote under the post?
It does not matter what I believe anyhow. The fact is the company believes you have to be a QA person for 5 years. I believe you should to do their accounts, yes, because their accounts are acute care, in depth
called and wrote
I already joined and wrote him! sm
I pray that they will get theirs in the end. Justice will prevail!
Yes, I wrote them twice since testing, but got no
Somebody wrote in the forum that they did
Wrote this a while
Never got published, but maybe you can get some points from it....
I am a medical transcriptionist, and I am also a patient of several doctors in the United States of America.
I have a story that needs to be told to U.S. Citizens. I shall remain anonymous, but I do feel that whoever breaks this story to the public will have done them a great service.
In an effort to save money, at the public’s personal expense, many patient records (voice dictation) from the United States are going overseas to be transcribed (mostly to India). This means that possibly even YOUR confidential medical and personal information (such as your Social Security number, address, phone number, etc.) is going overseas. The world climate in which we are now living makes this is a very dangerous situation.
I do have a financial interests in this issue, but I am also a US citizen who is very concerned about my personal medical information getting into the hands of the wrong people and feel that the US government should put constraints on this.
All people are created equal and I am very sorry for the people who would no longer profit from this business overseas should our government put an end to it; however, I do feel that the US public has a right to know what is happening to their medical records, as they are their legal property. At the very least, they should have to legally consent to their records leaving this country.
Thank you for your attention to this.
Concerned Citizen
I wrote it and can't find it either
I just wrote in about the MT from MDI asking where to go...I can't find my reply either! Glad you saw it. Now I know I'm not going crazy.
Suzanne Gabric
If you read what I wrote more carefully
you would see that I said it is fine as long as they tell you up front. Which they don't. Which means it isn't fine.
In other words, I was being a little sarcastic :)
I just wrote my state senator the following..
Dear Senator: You may or may not know about a recent sale of Medquist, Inc. Transcription Services selling 70% of their stock to an India-owned company as of 5/22/08. In 2007, Medquist fired over 1000 employees to prepare for this sale. CBAY is known for firing US employees and hiring employees in India to do US medical transcription. We desperately need your help to address the issue of outsourcing of US medical records thereby losing confidentiality of our medical information, social security #s, birthdates, and much more. including further loss of jobs for US workers. We urge you to pass the following bill:
S. 810/H.R. 1653
Clinton (D-NY)/Markey (D-MA)
Prohibits American businesses and health care organizations from sharing consumers’ personal information with foreign affiliates or subcontractors without consent from consumers. Allows consumers to “opt out” of having their personal information processed overseas and bars companies from denying service or charging consumers more as a result.
Any and all help you can give us in regard to keeping jobs in the US will be greatly aprpeciated.
I misread what you wrote and apologize.
My response below was a result of my misunderstanding!
My apologies, MtMommyof2!
That sure sounds like AHDI wrote it. It sure is
Or maybe even FBI - one never knows how deep their dishonesty runs.........
Dude, I'm poking fun at what you wrote! LOL.
I'm curious who wrote that post...
...if they are WebmedX mgt trying to mislead? I know of no accountso f theirs still on regular transcription and I asked as well. I hate editing. Two years later it hasn't gotten any better and I make SO much less it's rediculous. It's easier the majority of the time to type the whole report from scratch and make pennies on the dollar for doing same. :(
Ok. So for each report you wrote down the word count?
then compared it? Just wondering. I probably won't do it because that would just take up too much of my time but wondered how you did it.
Just to clarify, I wrote the first few MTSO posts
But this is not mine. However, I have to agree that some MTs look much better on paper!!
Based on past interviewed, there is the information I wrote down
I cannot guarantee this information is 100%, and anyone with more accurate information feel free to chime in, but I have interviewed with several companies over the past few months, and here are the notes I have taken on what was offered by Webmedx and Axolotl:
Webmedx Acute Care = probably includes ESL dictators
Axolotl Clinic Work = probably easier/better dictators
WMX = Starting to covert accounts to ASR
AX = Unknown
Insurance (Single): Axolotl costs more per pay period than Webmedx.
Pay Days:
WMX = 26 (every 2 weeks)
AX = 24 (twice monthly)
Medical, Dental, Vision Insurance:
WMX = Eligible after 90 days
AX = Eligible after 30 days
Flexible Spending Account:
WMX = None
AX = Eligible after 90 days
WMX = Eligible after 1 year, with NO MATCH
AX = Eligible after 90 days with partial match
Eligible Tuition Reimbursement:
WMX = Unknown
AX = $2,000 per year
Working Holidays:
WMX = You are expected to work the holiday if it falls during your regular work schedule, unless you request it off in advance and there is enough coverage.
AX = Rotating. If it falls during your regular work schedule, they try to spread it out so no one is working all the major holidays.
Yearly Bonus or Pay Raise:
WMX = never heard of anyone getting a raise
AX = Anniversary $500 bonus (minimum)
ISP, incoming dictation snafu, or Acts of God preventing you from working:
WMX = Full-time: you have to make up the time or take PTO, preferably the same day
AX = Depending on the circumstances, you may still get paid and only have to work your regular schedule
Full-Time Status:
WMX = If you fall below 35 hours per week for three consecutive months (no matter what reason), they automatically drop you to part-time status.
AX = Unknown
I wrote this email and sent it to the Toledo Blade newspaper.
Dear Mr. Zerbey:
I wanted to make you and your readers aware of the situation that took place at Heartland Information Services (owned by HCR Manor Care-parent company-Toledo based company) today, Monday, May 8, 2006. In a mandatory conference call (for the chosen employees) Kathy Clemmons, VP of the US based operations and Colleen Neidert, HR Manager promptly told all of the US based medical transcriptionists and some Quality Assurance employees and auditors, that we no longer had jobs with Heartland Information Services. Kathy Clemmons stated that over the past 4 to 6 months Heartland had been looking at ways to become profitable for HCR Manor Care by increasing their business through new contracts with hospitals and physician practices. Apparently, according to Kathy Clemmons, VP, that did not happen and the company decided to look at ways to cut costs. Kathy Clemmons, VP stated that it cost Heartland 5 times more to pay the US based medical transcriptionists versus what they pay the medical transcriptionists in India. So, needless to say, here I am typing this email to you as one of the employees given a permanent layoff as per Colleen Neidert's (HR manager) words in the meeting. All US based MTs are employed until July 7, 2006 at 2:00pm, at which time, all computers are to be turned off and work as a Heartland employee ceases. They are offering the computers that employees used to work on from home offices for an astounding deal of $800. They are going to show the $800.00 on the time sheets as income and then deduct the federal taxes and then we will also be responsible for the state and local taxes on the computer. This is the severance package. Of course, we can opt not to take the computer and send it back.
Noticeably absent from this mandatory conference call was Dennis Paulik, President of Heartland Information Services. I thought that was rather professional and courteous of him. He destroys the lives of hundreds of employees and their families and then does not have the courtesy of firing his own employees! Great guy he is!
How many more jobs are we, as United States citizens going to lose to India or China? How much longer are we going to turn the other cheek? What is it going to take to stop this raping of our own country of jobs and lives for that matter? Who will have the nerve and strength to say enough is enough?
What will the hospitals and physicians' think when they learn that all of their dictation (legal documents in a court of law if there were to be a lawsuit) are being transcribed by nonEnglish speaking individuals? What will the patients of these facilities think? How is the HIPPA law being enforced overseas to protect the rights of patients?
The bottom line is money obviously, for Heartland and HCR Manor Care, but if given a choice, I know without a doubt, the American patient and American physician and hospital and healthcare facilities would choose quality and accuracy 100% of the time over an underpaid, nonEnglish speaking, half the world away individual listening to and transcribing their vital information pertaining to their actual lives in some cases.
I am one of those unfortunate individuals fired today. I worked my heart out for this company as did so many. We worked weekends, holidays, overtime, we worked when others were sick or on vacation or to cover shifts when individuals did not call in to work. We worked and worked, always grateful in the most humble of ways, grateful for our jobs with Heartland.
Heartland, the name itself, the heartland of America, not India, but America, all of the great American cities such as Toledo, Ohio; Madison, Wisconsin; Omaha, Nebraska, and Rockford, Michigan. What will happen to us now? Where do we go from here? Sure, we will all find ways to continue on, we have to, but what about the next company, the next American citizen working hard to live the true American dream, what happens when it continues to happen? Where does it end?
God Bless us all. May we be blessed with great, American based jobs.
I would be most grateful to you if you would place this email on the Editorial page or even the front page of the Toledo Blade. I am a full-blooded American just telling my story and the story of hundreds of others today. May you find it in your heart to hear the cries of the American worker, simply trying to live the American dream, only to be replaced by the Indian worker, trying to destroy the American dream.
Thank you for listening not only to me, but I hope my words expressed what so many of us former employees are feeling tonight here in the Heartland of America.
To Mary K - I totally agree...I thought you wrote a
great letter and I hope you get some response to it on a national level..the public needs to know about this as is concerns THEIR medical records! I applaud your efforts and hope something comes from it!

Oh Geez- i didnt read what I wrote - correction in msg
Has anyone else gotten late paychecks from Meridian in the past.
I was up working half the night. So please dont hound me.
I didn't see that in her post at all. In fact I wrote something similar...please sm
I believe what she meant was similar to what I wrote which was that I felt a majority of the nasty posts probably came from isolated people that take crap all day. These types normally get walked on because they aren't outspoken enough in real life to say what they feel. Then they anonymously come here (or other boards)to take out their pinned up frustrations. It's merely an opinion and you know what they say about those.:)
The reason I believe this to be true is because I've encountered way more nasty people on-line than in real life. If some of the posters said the same nasty remarks to a person's face that they do hiding behind a screen name, #1) They'd get fired. #2) They'd have NO friends.
#3) They'd lose a few teeth.
Think about it.
I wrote to their HR department, which is the only contact I could find for them, last week, but no r
I'll say! Wrote off $82 million as "goodwill impairment"
oh geez "always... all the time" I should read what I wrote before I post. sigh
Nothing much... can AAMT do anything?
She said AMA not AAMT, and (sm)
they will be taking American out of the name, as there is a committe in place to work on a name change for the organization.