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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

I work there - would recommend them; for details - email me - nm

Posted By: Amanda on 2008-07-23
In Reply to: eTransPlus - Lilly


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I work for them and would recommend them highly. Email me if you
want to ask specific questions. oceansonata@aol.com
I work at etrans. Would recommend them. Specific questions - email me... nm
Never heard of them. Could you email me the details. Thanks. NM

Webmedx does...Email me for details. nm
Email me for details. Don't feel like getting bashed on here today!
i work there currently - see message for details.....
pay has been on time. they pay twice a month. pay period runs from 1-15 and 15-30th. never a set day or set amt of days between pay periods so know idea how they figure it but we get a calendar with pay dates. direct deposit is offered. the company itself seems like a great company, very nice people that i have had contact with, communication good, benefits good; cons - still no set acct, i am in a pool and every report i get is in a different state so i can't learn the acct, the other con is we get paid for 65-character line with spaces, specifics says two spaces after period, yet the system changes all the two spaces to one space and just realized recently myself i only get paid for every one space i type and not both, thus, i am getting cheated out of lines and currently searching for a new job. email me if you wish.
LOADS of work. E me for more details.
Used to work for them, would never again and definitely wouldn't recommend it to anyone
I work for etransplus and would recommend them - nm
I work there and am very satisfied and would recommend it - nm
I recommend Keystrokes too. I make great money, have a lot of work and have sm
been around the block a time or two.

I have worked for them for 6 months but had worked for them previously (in 2003). I left for several reasons but all of them have been resolved. I think a big part of the improvement is due to direct deposit and the office. When I worked for them before, the owner ran things from her home office but now there is an office that has a lot (not sure how many) people in it and I can get answers and help quickly when I need it.

I think that they had some growing pains but resolved them. I know that they are still growing, even faster than ever from what my lead tells me. If you have a lot of hospital experience, they are hiring for two new accounts and need good MTs.

Does anyone recommend a pretty good company that is good to work for, pay always on time and plenty
of work.  I know that is asking a lot, but just curious?
Anyone work for Breitner. They keep sending me an email to work for them. What
do you know about this company at present.
Can you email me and tell me where you work?

Anyone work for HDS? Email me.
I currently work there. You can email sm

me if you'd like. 


Please tell me where you work here or email me
thank you
Please email me where you work at
I have not been with OSi for long and wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt after reading the things said about them but when I got the email I was very surprised and this just makes me want to find another job where this type of stuff doesn't happen. I find it hard to believe that OSI would promote someone fresh out of the mentor program to a management position but I read the email with my own eyes.
email me if you want - i currently work there. sm
i found them good to work for. i am assigned work daily from same acct, but not necessarily in a pool. mostly same dictators.
I work for them currently. You may email
me with any questions.
It's exactly like the email from where I work
So no, there's nothing confidential or sensitive in this post at all.
Details, details.....sm
Minimum is 1000 lpd, Expander is not a problem. Surprisingly, schedule is quite flexible.
We need more details, please. nm
Anyone have any details?
Looking into Probity - anyone have the scoop on them? Their website doesn't say how long they've been in business, or much about their size, platform, benefits, requirements, etc. Does anyone actually work there or are they brand new?
E-me if you want details, MT *or* QA. nm
I don't know the details...
I just was told the contract expired and wasn't renewed...for what reasons I will never know.  Total bummer man. 
details on

*new* insurance plan been released yet?  It has been months in the making . . .


Of course, individuals will have different experiences. Some find the accounts a breeze and love it there. I found the accounts to be tough, the QA to be extreme and at times inconsistent. I know that it has been said here that the manager is better now, but this was the primary reason for my departure. I could have dealt with the stringent QA and the tough accounts, but nastiness and disrespect I could not handle.

I would suggest that you try them for yourself. The benefits are great and I loved the fact that I could see how much money I earned for each report I typed almost immediately after completing the report.

Even if the manager was not an issue, I do not think that I could have earned a decent living on the account that I was on. Give them a try, maybe you will get a better account and have a better experience.
See msg for details...
I believe full time is considered $900 per pay period (I think there are 2 pp per month). If they pay 8 cpl that is 1125 lines per day for 10 days. That is about standard (many places 1200 lines/day is full time).

They do have set schedules (I think).
You want details? sm

The owner holds your paychecks and you get paid late and then blames it on the postal service.  They over hire and you never can make any decent money because there is too much down time.  They don't do anything about cherry picking, yet they will b##h about it (I don't cherry pick because if I did, I would be in hog heaven and would not be writing this post).  The owner is rude and you can never get feedback from QA even if you beg for it.  Their tech support stinks to high heaven!  You will never get anyone to answer any questions after they close at 5 p.m.  They don't staff around the clock like most companies do.

The platform they use is EMDAT and not a very MT friendly one at that, so your line counts suffer.  The sound quality of their dictations is substandard. 

Just some concerned advice to anyone who might be thinking of going to work with them just to save a fellow MT tons of grief.  I'm glad I found another company.  I was with them for some years and put up and sucked it up and kept saying you have to take the good with the bad.  My tolerance level is very high, but this has gotten ridiculous!

Any details?
I applied for the Ortho position too.  Any details as to why this company is good or bad from former employees would be appreciated.
I work there, but cannot send an email.
How can I help you
Looking for oncology work - please email me. NM
your email address did not work nm
If you work for eMTS, would you please email me. Thx. nm
I tried the email again and it didn't work, so

I'll just post it here. Maybe if you email me it might be easier.


Hi Fatcat,

I'm trying this email again and hope that it gets to you.  I'm an IC at MDI too and I have 2 accounts that both have no work today.  I've been considering taking on another job part-time, but most of the ads are for full-time or for ICs where they set a schedule for you.

I just wanted to ask you if you know of companies that will hire ICs part-time and allow for a flexible schedule?  Also, how do you juggle the second IC position when most require a Saturday or Sunday and that's when most of the MDI work comes in?  I'm so afraid of taking on a second job and then finding I'm over my head.

That email address did not work?

Could you email me and let me know what the email address was that you used to send your resume to.


Why do you regret it? Any details?
Details of my plan
I chose the United PPO plan. If I remember right it has a $250 deductible, a $35 copay, and a 3-tiered drug copay ($10 -$30 depending on the drug). No referral is required for specialists. I'm not sure on the details of the other plans offered, but this is what I have.
Yeah, I'd like more details on this myself. sm
The MTSO sued YOU because THEY stole your time, effort, and talent?? And they WON? Hmmmmmm......I wouldn't be surprised if Robin herself didn't place this post.
Please, no generalities. More details.
I'm too new to know the exact details, but I too

remember all the negative posts and thinking not such nice things about the owner and thinking that is one company I'll never work for.   The owner posted several times back then, admitted they had issues and were working on them.  I don't know what the specific issues were so I can't say, though they do ask for feedback yearly from each MT and if you have an issue at any time they seem to be very receptive to trying to help resolve it.

What I fear now with the influx of resumes and subsequent hires is that there will again be lots of negative talk.  KS is not perfect.  I came from a company that seemed to be as perfect as you can get until they started offshoring and then got greedy and offshored more.  It came back to bite them in the butt and they lost several accounts and finally went under.  I had been with the company for several years so any move was going to take some adjustment.

I think there will probably be lots of MTs who come on board who will also have adjustment issues, whether it be a different platform, more ESLs than they are used to, etc., but I think overall it will be a possible experience based on all the posts I have seen recently about MQ and OSI.

I personally have some issues with KS, nothing major, but then I'm still in adjustment mode, but other than the company above and a small local MTSO I worked for, KS is next in line for the best company I've worked for. 

They have a great reputation for radiology accounts and accounts actively seek them out, so someone must be doing something right along the way. 



I'm sure there are plenty of details
and things going on that you were not privvy too, but sorry you had a bad experience.  If I could ask one favor, it would be that you not bash the company while we are trying to fill positions - especially since your time there was quite a while back and not all the same players are involved.
platform details
Axolotl uses a proprietary transcription application built on top of Lotus Notes and MS Word. It's the same software for all accounts. Most MTs find it productive and easy to use.
Give details, please...nm
If you read the email she sent about 2 weeks ago - more work by 01/23/06. nm
Yes ... just looked again at the email I receievd ... 8-1/2 cpl. I just can't work for that. sm
We must work for the same place.. I'll email you (nm)
there is NO WAY I would work for 9 bucks an hour!!! What is the email
address??? I would LOVE to email them and tell them how crazy they are!!!
Leave your email and i will contact you about possibly some prn work. nm
Needing steady work as well....email inside
Thanks! nwmt68@hotmail.com