I was only half joking s/m
Posted By: Soon To Be Ex-TT Oldtimer on 2008-07-31
In Reply to: I sure wish I could go paint gourds. - MSMT
I've always worked so I'm sure that I'll continue to make extra money. We, as MTs, have more talents than we usually give ourselves credit for. For one thing, I have a website http://www.ozarkmountainmemories.com that right now is used for a nonprofit event but by the first of next year or so I expect it to be making money. I never thought I could build a website and it took me awhile but I got 'er done!
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are you joking.....
do you think there is one or two people waiting until the last minute. If each MQ employee typed 100 extra lines that would affect the work load. Be real and quite complaining
you are joking I'm sure
Using reference material is NOT cheating - this isn't a crossword puzzle. The ability to effectively use resources is part and parcel of the job and most companies are interested in people who know how to do that and WILL do that rather than guess on a medical record. Of course, they don't PAY you for doing it, but oh well.
Why would I be joking? No,
accounts, my OWN accounts. Those hospitals use my service because they are fed up with the lousy quality they get from national services and I only use the BEST MTs. Sounds like this recruiter is part of the reason hospitals get lousy quality. You either know it, or you don't. Being able to do a Google search doesn't make you a good MT. KNOWING it makes you a good MT.
Not joking
No, MQ is not that bad. There is a lot dispute about this, however, there does not seem to be one place that there isn't. That OSi place sounds really bad in comparison.
I really have no idea what they start new employees out at.
If you are interested, you should call the HR dept. They can tell you for sure about insurance coverage/cost and probably what the starting line rate is, or they will put you through to who can.
That's o.k., SS, I was just joking...
Some people really like better working with VR and do do better than straight typing.
Hi, NM, whoever you are, I think you are joking, but nevertheless.......sm
Starting a sentence with a conjunction
Occasionally I come across an adult who still thinks it�s improper to start a sentence with a conjunction. Others think that starting a sentence with a conjunction is an innovation and should be done only sparingly, if at all. For those folks, I offer this passage from the King James Bible (circa 1611)..
'And' so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. 'And' she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. 'And' there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 'And', lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were so afraid. 'And' the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 'For' unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. 'And' this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. 'And' suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Luke 2:6�14.
Ah I was joking LOL s/m
As I said, if I wanted another job I would look to something else. Seriously, I'm very happy that you have found a good place to work. I'm sure there are still a few out there, which goes back to what someone said, you can't just wait for good things to happen to you, you have to go out and look for it. I kinda am a believer in you make your own luck and I also think God helps those who help themselves, that sort of thing. I was ready to retire from MTing anyway but had I wanted to continue there is no doubt in my mind that I would have been right there with you. I would have kissed 5000 toads if I needed to to find that prince. LOL My best to all MTs and may you all find that place that has enough work to go around and most of all RESPECTS their MTs and doesn't just consider them an expendable group of collective fingers.
Ok, I hope you are joking. SM
She said she has been watching the comments about her company in amusement. This means while laughing, taht she finds it funny......
poster was joking around
USA Medical Transcription, Inc.- joking, right?
I am new to the world of medical transcription (less than 2 years), just got offered a job for 6 cents a line, not including spaces on a 68 character line.... WHAT A JOKE! May be new to the business, but I seem to think my time and efforts are more valuable than that.
Be professional? lol You're joking, right?
Bottom line......The levels to which I have read of some MTs stooping to on this board does not belie a professional attitude. Personally, the whole thing makes me pretty nauseous.
Perhaps you should turn your nausea towards the declining wages being offered to seasoned MTs, then you might understand why MTs choose to sign on with multiple companies.
You expect MTs to be professional, but in this day and age there is very rarely a professional attitude returned to the worker bee MT.
The MTs are the ones who are trying to remain professional in this unprofessional rat race that transcribing has turned into. I say more power to any MT that has the guts to accept multiple offers and walk away from those that won't be beneficial to your pocketbook. I for one admire you, it's not something I know I could easily do.
Give me a break. Obviously he/she was joking or they would not have put that in there. You people
are ridiculous, always looking for fault on something someone says. I'm not the OP but I also promise people that I won't come here because if I read something untrue about the company I work so hard for, I get upset.
It's like reading the National Enquirer. 99% gossip, 1% truth, but for that 1% truth and the daily laughs, it is worth coming to read.
I do believe she was joking. I found it funny, CB/crankybeach. (NM)
They only pay half, so if you were
say 8 CPL, you would only get 4 CPL. I am not doing ME for them but you would have to do twice as much to make the same money. I have already decided if they try to force me into it, I will move on.
A lot of companies like mine pay half. If I had to do ASR full time for that price, I would go to work at a store or something easy.
about half. However, you might be one of those sm
people who really excels on ASR once you get going on it and figure out ways around it. I know people who now prefer ASR and are making more than they did with regular and don't want to go back to regular. Keep in mind you have to do 2.5 to 3 times the lines on ASR as regular to recoup what you were doing on regular. Some people can do that, I can't, because I read too slow. Even with ASR, it's all in the macros/shortcuts. 1200 lines a day at 10 cpl is $120. You'll need 2600 ASR lines at 0.045 cpl to get $117. Can you opt to do both regular and ASR?
one-half cent
I'm a little confused. Do you mean 3/4 of a cpl or 7 and a half cpl? sm
Because if you are meaning 3/4 of a cent per line that seems REALLY low. Maybe I'm just reading your post incorrectly.
I got mine within about a day or a day and a half.
I was only there a year and a half, but
did the same, got a secondary job as an IC back in August when things were crazy with the 15 different CPs I was making NO money and was so frustrated! Before that, I was at the same hospital for 11 years and only left cause they went over to MQ. I am still keeping my IC job, I love it! But am doing 40 hours for KS. Training was today, kind of confusing after working on DQ, but I'm sure I'll get it. Smart move, I hope you find the new job much more profitable so you'll be able to switch over for good!
No, half of what you make as an IC does not
go to taxes, but 30% is a good percentage to work with at this time, but that is likely to change with a Democratic president. Not trying to make a political statement here, just state facts. As an IC, you will have deductions you can take, home office expenses, a percentage of your utilities based upon the square footage of your home office, any expense that has to do with your business, DSL, extra phone lines, etc.
This job is going to the dogs. If you read the ads on the boards, most of the big nationals are nothing more than sweat shops these days, trying to get blood out of a turnip, and paying less and less and giving nothing in return. Oh, they say they offer benefits, but you can't afford them. Not to say that they can make it more affordable in these economic times, but the fact remains that they are in business to make a buck, and they are making their big bucks on the backs of transcriptionists. They expect sacrifice, but it is YOUR sacrifice they want, not theirs. That is evidenced by the fact that you, the MT, will work on the weekends, you will neglect your family, you will have no life, and they don't give a rat's patootie. I remember when we didn't work weekends or holidays. Don't give me this 24/7, 365. THEY, the muckety mucks DON'T work weekends. When they negotiate contracts, they sell your soul to provide 24-hour coverage, but their big asses are at home on the weekends.
I am an IC because I cannot stomach working for a national that wants my blood, my children's blood, and my life sitting and waiting to hopefully grab a job and if I don't have work today to stay up 24 hours so I can make line count to keep my benefits! Benefits???? What benefit is there for me and my family working for these companies if I never see my family, never have the time to take a leisurly day to do the things that normal families do, going to a ball game, a movie, having their friends over for a cookout, going to church together, sitting and watching a DVD together?
I am afraid we have allowed this to happen to this profession. We bowed to their demands of Tue. thru Sat. or Sun. thru Fri. We accept poverty-level wages. We say it is okay that our benefits are based on our production, but when we don't have work, we don't scream and yell when they take away our benefits.
You know, unions were created because of just such conditions. These companies are taking advantage of us, and if you don't think so, just look at the demands being made if you apply and are one of the chosen ones.
Lord help us all. When the economy really tanks (quite soon, I'm afraid), you'll see them drop like flies, all of them, to 3rd world countries. You think they care about the American MT? Heck no. They only care about themselves.
not paid the second half
Ok, about a month ago, I posted about a service who would not answer emails, phone calls, about paying me what was owed. She paid me less than half of what she owed, and now I have waited patiently to get the balance and once again she will not answer emails or phone calls. She is blatantly ignoring me. I emailed her and asked her WHEN she plans to pay me. She has in her contract that she pays twice a month when the docs pay her. Well, this is going into the 3rd month now. I have gotten that ONE check which was less than half what she owes. I no longer work for her, as she locked me out of her system when I kept emailing her. (GO FIGURE!), who would want to work and not get paid anyway!
I have tried to work with her and give her the benefit of the doubt, but at this point, I think that I am going to have to take other measures.
What is the other half of the company?
Signed on contracts like hospitals and stuff? I'm not following what you all mean. If it covers it for now does that mean lay offs might happen?
Thanks Travelin! I think half the sm
battle is finding the fit for you! Not every company is for everyone.
Yea my job offered me less than half....
of my salary accompanied by the e-mail saying how I would be getting 3 times my lines with this wonderful VR system. I'm not overly concerned because it is my part-time job. I barely make any money with them anyway, so I will take the opportunity to learn it and just see how it goes I suppose. It's ridiculous though.
Oh heavens. Sorry about that. Half awake. nm
NO, you are wrong. They deduct half of the 15%
the other half. So 7.5% is deducted from your check, then they pay the other 7.5% themselves. My company does not withhold any federal or state taxes, only 7.5% for SS and then Medicare tax.
If half of these companies were worth
a rat's butt, there would be no need to hop.
I hopped right into a fine job paying 14 cpl, so I say hop away.
Plus, your line rate is up to half of what it
would be transcribing and there are so many corrections since the machine has no brain like a human does and spits out all kinds of crazy things. It wastes one's timI with all of the correcting. I feel it is INDEED a big threat.
Can't even get half of that with my current company...
bout a year and a half ago
been awhile.
Yes, and if they are in a bind they PAY time and a half, so (sm)
what is your problem?
Excuse me. I didn't even put half a name
They pay half and it is really, really good insurance. nm
Same experience. Half the pay for doing work that would take
We're not even getting half rate.
Our company is going totally VR on all accounts and we're going to 3.5 cpl. Adding insult to injury is that the accounts haven't been on VR yet, so we get to train the system. I don't plan on staying long.
you said 446 for half an hour of VR LINES SO... DUH....SM
I just did x2. I don't care if you typed after that, it still would be doubled for an hour. this is REALLY idiotic all right and I'm not wasting any more time on you. You already lost credibility by saying you type 130 wpm and would rather VR. Simply a lie miss L.
No, you didn't. It's still there about half way down the first page here.
and scoff all you want... my half million house says it all.
So, Transcend pays half of MT rates for ME?
I get half the number of reports I request each sm
download, and then I have to call and ask for more work. Of course, then I have to wait for it, sometimes it never comes in, and I give up after waiting 45 precious minutes. Could this be why there were problems with TAT--that MTs weren't getting the work DURING THEIR REGULARLY SCHEDULED WORKDAYS??
The OP could have been me posting. I voiced my sadness to this company using the very same words.
I am sick about this.
I won't be defending this company here anymore, either. I've found that indifference helps to mend wounds such as these.
When their line rate is cut in half because they are so productive, then what. They have said that
My former employer swore it did. Now, I'm half blind. :(
Anyone with half a brain knows why they lost the account.
I know why, but I don't understand why. It is like they did it on purpose. Why not just sell-out to start with, why let it get to the point that it did and have their name smeared everywhere (let me say justly so). I know there are still MTs who don't know all the details and I myself probably don't know all of them, but I know lots of details and they aren't pretty.
half of us probably had mothers who didn't teach us anything....
What about time and a half and/or bonuses for holidays?
Does MDI ever offer any incentives? TIA
oops half of them (my own grammar police)
Half the employees didn't take it? I'm shocked.
You'll work twice as hard to get half as much, it seems
Replies - You can get private insurance for half
that amount. I don't understand why people think their company has to provide insurance. If you have pre-existing conditions opens may be limited and you may need company insurance, but otherwise you can get a private policy much cheaper, probably better coverage, and then you can leave any job you want because your aren't tied to it because of the insurance.
Webmedx pays for half of the testing fee...sm
if you pass, which I think is very generous.
They also raise your line rate a quarter cpl when you become a CMT, which is not fantastic, but we all know any addition to your cpl can add up.
It's more than most companies offer.