I used to work for a Tailor Made Transcription that was called TMT for short - does that sound right
Posted By: duck on 2005-07-15
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Awful one they made themselves called beyond TXT
I agree. Definitely called them. That doesn't sound right to me either.
Beginning to sound like you made this up.
That could be any number of companies. Put up or shut up as they say.
I just called the office and was told there has been no change made in their QA policy.
its called the transcription company
Does anyone know anything about a company called RC Transcription?
Anything would be appreciated.
Sound S1 transcription? sm
Anybody work for Sound S1 transcription out of Columbia, SC? I stumbled on an ad but cannot find any opinions. Yes I did a search here.
Company called Transcription Unlimited (sm)
There used to be a company by that name in Independence, Missouri that was ran by Linda Hill. Now I see it is a company that students of a community college in Kansas City do their internships at.
When I search for information on Transcription Unlimited it comes up with a company from out of state.
Any info appreciated.
Sound Medical Transcription
Hi! Does anyone have any info on this company typing IMEs?
Sound Medical Transcription
Does anyone know anything about this company, good or bad?? Thanks for any info.
Sound Medical Transcription
Anyone know anything about this company? Any info is appreciated. Do they hire ICs or employees? What benefits, if any, do they offer? Are the hours flexible?
Sound Medical Transcription
I received an email a while back stating that they were supposed to be getting some new accounts in September and would like to consider me for a position. However, it's been over a month and I haven't heard anything else. So...I was wondering if anyone ever started with them on these new accounts or if someone that currently works for them has any info? Thanks! (Yes, I did email the company, but haven't heard back.)
Sound Medical Transcription
Does anybody have any info. on this company, good or bad? Thanks!
The dictators were terrible. The owner constantly called me. I quit after 2 week, I could not handle the constant phone calls and never got paid for what I did do...
There's a smaller service called Global Transcription in Texas. Had
I had a few days where work was short sm
Other than that the whole time I have worked for them they usually have more work than not. They did recently get a new large account and hired in advance of that coming up which made work short for a few days until they transitioned MTs over to the new account. I asked for another account those few slow days and was given one immediately, so it really was not a shortage for me. The accounts are like anywhere else, a good mix of dictators, not all bad ESL, but there are some, which is why they ask for 3 years of acute care experience. I think they pay above average, have lots of work in general. If you are a good MT, willing to learn new things, I think they are great to work for. Like all companies, none of them are perfect and none the perfect fit for everyone.
I was out of work for a short while earlier sm
I baked a cake. LOL
Hated VR. Made less money that straight transcription..sm
I was extremely boring and mindless work. People say they doubled their production/lines with VR. That is true but remember if you make 0.08 straight typing and 0.04 doing VR, you are making the same amount of money. I made about 150 bucks less a month because the dictators were horrible and I had to end up typing almost all the reports over. I will never do it again.
Not sure exactly. We all have many backups now and short of work so we wont do you much good up
there. Are a lot of MTs leaving because of this lack of work. How do you do with those quality checks being shifted around on accounts all the time. Dont you have that QA plan up there. Well, I will have to find who to complain to if this happens because I do complain about things like that.
I've not been short on work at all. Plenty so far (knock on wood) lol. nm
You sold yourself short then. There ARE good compoanies out there with consistent work. sm
I work for one that is praised on this board and attacked on this board, depending on which way the wind is blowing.
The money and consistency are there for those who work hard.
My apologies for lumping you in with others.
Wow-40%! No wonder we're short on work. Let's bring those billions back to the U.S.!
The Medical Transcription Market
Market size
$12 billion total market (includes hospitals, clinics, physicians offices)
Approximately 40%, or $5 billion, is outsourced
Transcend target market: 4,900 community-based hospitals in the U.S.
Estimated target market size: $2.5 billion
Several thousand companies � mostly with revenue in the $1 million range
� 2009 Transcend Services, Inc., all rights reserved
Few with revenue greater than $20 million
Competitive Landscape
1. MedQuist (MEDQ) $277M transcription revenue, 11% share of target market
2. Spheris $167M revenue, 7% share of target market
3. Transcend $67M run rate at 4/1/09, 3% share of target market
4. Others Nuance (NUAN), CBay, Webmedx, Heartland�
I have heard they will have three main offices. Is there a reason Amherst is so short of work. What
is it they are trying to accomplish. They must be losing MTs if there is no work. No the new ASR rate is not out yet. If it goes low you will see an exodus off ASR I guess so that will mean more MTs on the regular work. It will be a big shock for some of them to see what that is like now.
Prior complaints of low work loads and only short reports, so struggle to get lines. How about
Was there a short time last year. You work as an employee, not IC. Different software/diff. accts.
I personally can't sit for 4 hours at a time. I work 2 hous, sign off and take a short break.
It might just be fixing something to drink or starting a load of laundry. If you did something like that then you wouldn't have to worry about a disconnect and possibly losing a report.
Have you called them? I don't work for them now, but
had this issue regularly. Their communication is horrible, but supposedly there were issues with the client's system being down and unable to transmit work - at least that is the story I got.
I just called them. They are in NY but send 100% of the work
out of the country. No thank you.
Unfortunately, this does sound like the JLG I work for (sm)
recently took from 5/26 (supposedly, at least) until 6/6 for me to get my paycheck, and it always takes over a week (yet somehow when they want me to fill something out or whatever for their purposes, it gets here much quicker...) Have to pretty much agree with mt34+ on everything here, except I'm still working for them. Haven't yet quite convinced myself that the grass will be greener anywhere else, I guess!
did you work for MTS? sound like them for sure!
I know that two are starting next week. I work on one of them right now and they called and sm
asked me if I wanted more work or knew anyone who has heme/onc experience.
Just because you work in a so-called nationally known hospital
does not mean you are familiar with all specialities. As for being less experienced and/or younger, I have been doing this for 30+ years. My first 2 hospitals were small ones, therefore the major specialities were not included. I have since worked in large teaching hospitals/university hospitals and have more experienced now. The recruiter was just trying to see where you might fit in their organization.
I resent being called clueless. If you don't work at
Precyse, don't attack me or the company. We're all trying to survive in this market.
Of course you work for OSi. You sound just like their management
how sad!
May I ask how the work is at DSG right now. Are you still having problems with sound and is that
mainly with DSG2. I have been contacted by them and am considering what I want to do. Thanks much.
I work on DSG-2 and one account the sound can be sm
horrible but the other accounts are pretty good. No real problems with sound.
Sound quality and now, no work
I just love it when I get up early to work my required sch'd hours and see 0 reports on all my accounts. The DQS system had horrible sound quality even when I worked at MedQuist, so I don't believe it's much to do with any given company but more due to the platform of choice.
Wow, does not sound like the JLG I work for! You are scaring me! sm
My experience has been quite the opposite, but then again I came from MQ so I could be tied up and dragged by my toes while having needles stuck in my eyes and I'd think it was better. Just kidding, but other than not have DD, no complaints at all here.
That's illegal - an IC cannot be made to work sm
either a schedule, a set number of hours, or mandatory overtime.
Low work volumes, horrible sound
What is going on with Transcend?
I am about to leave also and I never thought I'd see myself type that!
I have no sound issues, plenty of work...
Not sure what platform you are on, but I am on 2 of the Dictaphone accounts and there is so much work not sure how we are going to get it all done. My team leader is good and the company has some of the best benefits of any place I have worked, and believe me I have worked for a lot of companies. I am sure it is not a fit for all, but what MT company is.
Doesn't sound like the Transtech I work for...NM
I work for DSG now and the sound quality is just fine sm
now that they are not doing MQ subcontracting.
However, I'm wondering why they are hiring. Of course all companies want their reports back in the right TAT but why do they always have to over hire? I am sure they want weekend and night coverage. That's a problem I think with any company. Even at MQ we are being asked to change our working hours to afternoon, evenings and weekends.
Work can be really low at times and I find the sound to not be the
best but it is not any worse than a lot of the other places.
I thought it made a difference to work
but unless you are working for the hospital it doesn't matter, you still get what they want you to have. I asked my last supervisor if they get psych work and was told they did but she saved them for another MT who liked them. The work I would get would be one-minute mush mouths. It sometimes took 20 minutes to complete one. That's the way it stayed until I finally left. I think that's an MT service thing because when I worked for the hospital, I typed whatever was next in line, no cherry-picking and no favoritism.
Sorry to hear that is happening to you. Hopefully, things get better either through communicating the problem or by getting a better job situation.
I think I work for the comp. with an M that you mention but they are the ones I made more with than
I had previously at another job..huh?? I do notice a discrepancy in accounts. On one account, I get a great line but when I tried another one of their accounts I was not making the same..not even close. I questioned it and was told that the way it is counted is per the hospital/client's contract and they set the rules. So, I just assumed that that facility got a contract that paid for less things than my main account. You can email me privately if you'd like to compare accounts. Trust me, I wont share with anyone. I have had more than my share of issues with this company and am seeking to move on. Good line count or not, sometimes it is just not worth it.
Actually, I'd be happy to work for 80s wages -- I made a lot more then. nm
I, too, so frustrated with TT NO WORK that I made typo
No reason to talk to them. They talk to us via email about NO WORK. Flex, flex, flex . . . overnight, into EVERY weekend, and then absolutely impossible to get line counts required.
Hate it when these companies OVERHIRE for a supposed account coming onboard and another company picks up the account from them! ! ! ! ! And we MT's continue with overhired MT's and NO WORK.
I, too, so frustrated with TT NO WORK that I made typo
No reason to talk to them. They talk to us via email about NO WORK. Flex, flex, flex . . . overnight, into EVERY weekend, and then absolutely impossible to get line counts required. Something like the saying, TT is counting their chickens before they hatch NOT even thinking one thing about the MT's who have been sticking by them and continuing to pay their SALARIES while we cannot even get paid our OWN salaries, because we are PER LINE/PIECE WORK employees.
Those TT employees who work in the office and those mgmt-type people who work from home HAVE NEVER MISSED A PENNY from THEIR paychecks, when we are constantly getting LOWER AND LOWER paychecks due to their OVERHIRE.
Hate it when these companies OVERHIRE for a supposed account coming onboard and another company picks up the account from them! ! ! ! ! And we MT's continue with overhired MT's and NO WORK.
WMX is a great company to work for. Made
Can anyone comment on the sound quality and JLG and work availability? nm