I see you didn't listen to my last post sm
Posted By: Same old story, give it a rest on 2008-12-26
In Reply to: NO WORK at Transtech -- did no good to work the holiday for 1.5 lines, did it? - TT low work
TT MANAGEMENT DOES NOT GET PAID HOLIDAYS. They are SALARIED. That means NO EXTRA for overtime, NO COMP DAYS either. They work when they are told. I can't be told to work on my days off, but management CAN and they frequently DO work on their so-called time off. Given that I make more than many people in management at TT, I will not begrudge them taking off Christmas or New Year's or whatever pittance they get in the way of a holiday off. I know 3 people in management who worked yesterday, from home on their *paid holiday* so that those of us who were working had a go-to person. They have management around between 6 a.m. and midnight 7 days a week, 356-1/4 days a year, and tech support too. If this **** you off so much, GO FIND A JOB WITH A SALARY and get a grip! I have had a salaried job and guess what? Worked more hours in a year for less pay than I get on production. You just aren't bright enough to see the writing on the wall. How is it you MT when you can't read?
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Did you read post? OP didnt ask if pay for spaces.
Nope, didnt forget - the went grated my nerves, the other didnt
so i didnt mention it
Don't listen!
Trust me, honey. If you want to find out about OSi, you don't need to be reading this board. All of the "ex-OSIers" get on here and criticize OSi for trying to weed out the bad employees and become a better company. They make assumptions of upper management when they really have NO IDEA. Then they wonder why THEY aren't invited to the home office parties or why OSI doesn't take their "parties" on the road. Well, I'll tell you why...because OSI doesn't want people like them at their parties. Would you want someone that does nothing but criticize you to come to your parties? I think NOT!
If you're really interested in working with OSI, this is not the place to research. OSI is a wonderful company and they treat their employees with respect. Some will tell you that OSI shorts them on lines, OSI gives the easy dictators to their "favorites", and so on and so on, but if you believe that then you're just as ignorant as the people saying it. OSI is growing VERY rapidly and will only continue to grow. If they really were doing all of this stuff, there's no way they would be where they are today. So--don't listen to all of the nonsense on these posts. It's nothing but a bunch of unintelligent people getting together to complain because they have nothing better to do with their time.
Well we know what it is really like and if they want to listen to em, then they
are passing up a great opportunity.
I am happy here. I guess that is all that counts.
You don't listen
You are not understanding. I was never told that they weren't hiring. I was told she was too busy to hire. Didn't you read my initial post??!! Also, there were many other things going on besides that. Like I said, I am not putting their business in the streets, just a fair warning. Oh, and by the way, I am not an MT.
Yes, but 100% listen
so it is really a cut in pay for me.
Don't listen to them...sm
I've used Meditech with rad before and averaged $25/hr. Just depends on how lines are counted, etc. You know how it is. It all depends on the company/client.
That's not VR. On VR, you have to listen to
every report the whole way through and make corrections throughout the report, and there are generally a lot of corrections to be made because VR isn't what it's cracked up to be. VR will never be able to go straight through to the client without a complete listen/edit. I think you're thinking of QA, not VR (voice recognition reports). QAs fill blanks and/or do full listens/grading AFTER the MT has already either transcribed or fully edited the VR report.
Listen to this
I just got to work (am on the West Coast) and all of my accounts are packed full of work. This after nearly two months of famine. I am not complaining, just amazed.
don't listen to these people
find out for yourself. There's a whole lot of MTs at MQ that have been 'around the block' a few times and have been w/them for years. MQ is the biggest for more than a few reasons, one being that they have more to offer.
I just don't want to have to listen to the whining when this happens, as you know it will. nm
careful what you listen to
You might want to find out from someone who knows. Call the office, check what the TAT log says. There is work, they have been doing overtime on many accounts. If that person posting isn't working, it is because they aren't trying to. There was just an email sent around that if you account was slower you could do a different platform, etc. Can't blame the company for this one - blame the one who sits back and waits for the company to come to them. Don't have to, too many others who are stepping up to the plate!
You should listen up to Listenup.
Listen, there is some truth to some of this
I just left spheris. I do not have anything bad to say about them. I simply woke up one day and decided to give my notice without having another job. I left 2 weeks ago, and today I accepted a job offer. I simply did not like working for Spheris. Nothing bad to say, but the reports I pulled for samples from India had a lot of typos. Whole pages were crossed out and medications spelled wrong. That is the truth. I often wondered how do they reach 98% accuracy. I really do not think the MTs in India could maintain 98% quality. My guess is they probably are not required to maintain any accuracy, because every report I pulled was really, really messed up.
Teletrak? did anyone listen to the
tapes on their site? They have voice files right there to listen or download.
I agree... but listen sm
The big nationals who underpay and push things through... nobody hires them anymore except for the most impossible hospital accounts. They are not going to last very long. Also, the best thing to do is for the companies to demand quality MTs and editors, pay well and take less profit, get better paying accounts.
Listen please. I've been at this many many
years. MDI is not DOING anything to you. I am confident they are not over-hiring. The doctors have to DICTATE consistently for there to be consistent work. It was just a few weeks ago with MDI that I didn't even take a day off for weeks as we were so busy. This morning, my accts are extremely low to empty. This business fluctuates, people, depending upon holidays, hospital deadlines, bla bla bla. Try to relax. It will not be this slow for long. I can tell you though, when the work was heavy, I felt almost alone out there -- very few people seemed willing to pitch in. I take the attitude to make hay while the sun shines. You newbies to MDI, if you'll just hang in there, I am confident you will be glad you did. Those that can't afford to, being this is SE status, you are certainly free to get back-up acct's with other companies for security. And don't neglect to talk with your liaisons, or even the recruiter. Let them know your needs/concerns. Things may look scary if you are new, but it is my firm belief that MDI will take care of you like no other company, and CARES like no other. Do what you have to, but I recommend hanging in there.
Listen to your second thoughts
As an employee, if your line counts is low for what ever reason, this puts your health insurance in jeopardy and happens too often. I would stay as IC.
You don't want to listen to this poster.
Really, it would be decent advice--except that you don't want to have anything whatsoever to do with Softscript! Try any other company but them. This person posting is either SS management or has never worked for them.
This person is management - do not listen to
them!! They most certainly will as it happened to me!! I did a great job, but took time off due to a family emergency. DO NOT LISTEN TO THE ABOVE POSTER!! PLEASE!! SHE IS KNOWN TO POST HERE ALL DAY!!
Thank goodness you are all starting to listen!!!
None of what was posted on the board was to stir the pot but rather save a bunch of wonderful MTs that are being messed with. It is so true and I would look for another position ASAP.
They said we couldn't have people listen in - sm
nothing at all was said about discussing it afterward, and we were told all things regarding this merger were supposed to be 'open & transparent', & that no one would be kept in the dark. We're all entitled to our opinions.
So, listen to this, you would rather continue to retype
a VR report for only 4 cents a line rather than train it where you could hopefully just zip through it? It will never improve as long as being deleted. Does that really make sense to you? You are paid 8 cents a line if straight, 4 cents if VR and yet you would continue to retype time after time?? Again, this is making sense to you?
so 500 lines/hr listen through & edit???
Absolutely - listen carefully!
Though not at Transcend, I have just recently been a victim of exactly the sequence of events and circumstances posted above. It was sooo hard to keep my mouth shut, with a lead sending condescending, negative, accusatory, power-hungry, and just plain idiotic e-mails. Just couldn't do it, wanting to have my side/opinion/defense known to all the blind CC's - management. The power went to her head, and it was like being assaulted through e-mail on a daily basis. When I made a suggestion, it was rudely shot down immediately.
I wish I had though, because it was my demise. It also was a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't situation, though, so I really still don't know what I could have done differently. You have to respect yourself, you know?
Anyway, to the posters who said just keep doing a good job -- that doesn't really matter anymore. There is no work ethic anymore. There are plenty in line waiting for your job. There is no one to help us. We are at their mercy.
And to the suggestion, if you don't have resolution, go higher -- YEAH, RIGHT!!! Management just LOVES that! Look where it got me!! That absolutely does not work anymore - so please, please just follow the rules and keep your mouth shut about everything!
MT LITTLE is just sharing an experience, you better listen to your fellow US MTs.
I dont know why even other countries can view this site. MT LITTLE is just giving a general warning to everybody concerned with the MT industry. Kasmir pls go home.
I am glad I did not listen to the nastiness of this board. Going to sm
Keystrokes was a good move for me. What kind of promises could be made? We do our work, we get paid. We know our pay rate from the day we are hired. We have a book sent to us that explains their expectations and our benefits. There should be nothing to have a broken promise about.
Listen, Howie, go back to surfing the net...
or recruiting more followers or however you spend your days. Most of your minions are fleeing the cult. Your lies are becoming apparent to even the most naive and foolish among the Evil Q MTs. About time!
I agree that QA is there to listen to blanks that the MT cannot understand...
However, there are times I see so many reports where people do not even try to find the blanks and think someone else is going to do that for them...I wouldn't spend hours finding a blank either but you made it sound as if you didn't even try to find the blank...obviously you are the type of MT who are not talking about so you shouldn't get offended...I don't think doing QA means your above anyone...you are there for an extra set of ears to see if you can hear a blank but some MTs take advantage of QA as a backup to not finishing the report...
Co I work for, large national, allows normals. Of course, you must listen
You make a lot of good points. Listen up, MTSOs.
Hi, Unfamiliar. An already typed report comes up on the screen. You listen SM
just as you always did to the dictation and hop the cursor along the sentences and down the page with the dictation, making corrections as needed, such as correcting formatting, names, spelling, and wrong words, correcting and adding punctuation, filling in blanks, and so on.
It seems to require somewhat different skills from straight transcribing--ability to read and decide what and how to edit fast and accurately are needed, in addition to the ability to listen and type. I have the audio speed cranked up at or close to maximum on dictators I'm familiar with and whiz through those reports. Some make more editing and love it, some make less and hate it.
But all produce a lot more lines editing than transcribing. My company pays exactly half the transcribing rate for editing, feeling the average person produces about twice as many lines per minute of dictation on our platform, but some produce significantly more. So when you see someone fussing about how she's going broke earning only 60% of her transcription cents-per-line rate for editing, it's possible that she's significantly below average in her ability to edit quickly. Or something else is wrong, because at current pay rates a competent Editor should be making a decent or even better living.
maybe we're hoping companies listen up when setting
next year's goals...
Short attention span, now listen closely
I have reached the age of retirement. I do not have children to raise. I have a husband who pays for the housing, the vehicles and I pay only small household bills as in gas and electric. I have no debts. That was not the case years ago but now is. I work PART time now, my choice. I do not have to work 2, 3 and 4 jobs, don�t now even have to work part if I do not want to. I have money in the bank, financially well off now and will get in almost $2,000 a month now on social security because of my strong earnings in the past. I do not have to struggle like in years past. What do you not understand now? As my daughter says, don�t hate.
Sorry that didnt work
Their PTO is good. Lots of ESL's. I wasn't there long enough to see about a raise, but something after 120 days they were supposed to evaluate you for it. They always pay on time. Platform is very easy to learn.
I don't know about their line counting system. I don't trust it only because several times when I would send a job I would keep getting it back several times already typed by myself. I even got a report that was already fully typed from another person, I didn't take credit for it. Trust me, they wouldn't break or abandon a report that long it had no blanks and 1 QA marker. I didn't think it was right. I asked the WFC and she said to abandon it. I got that typed report back every time I would finish a job that day. So I dont know how often that happens, but I didn't like it.
Not trying to bad talk the place, everyone was very nice, nice doesn't cut it..when it comes to work, don't expect any, and don't expect anyone to get back to you about a second acount, plan on working all weekend every weekend.
I don't know about everyone else, but when I pick a schedule, I pick it for a reason, to work it.. not to work every day and every time but that. I don't mind it here and there, but it was EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND. Sayin how they are tired of always having the same people being team players.
They require one weekend day a week. I wasn't able to work any other time really than the schedule I picked
Anyways.. I worked 5 hour days there and I ended up with no more than 200 lines a day.
Might be different for you, but I'm just giving you my experience.
Check out page 2 or 3 on the company board there is more talk about them there.
I didnt know SpongeBob was
But when I just googled it basically all of the sites had it spelled that way except for a few unoffical sites. Maybe she was checking research skills. I duno. That is pretty stupid that you would be failed over something like that though. Probably better off.
They lost a lot of us, now, didnt they?
They will realize that doesnt cut it.
How do you know she wants a pic if you didnt apply? nothing said in ad?
Hmm, didnt see the "This is for everyone but MT
eMTS, I didnt know that!
I didnt hear that.....
I was recently offered a job with them, but it was 60 to70% ESL so i politely turned it down.
Didnt he get shot?
Not to worry. Didnt think you came up with it.
All the old reviews say they're horrible. Listen to those MTs and choose another company. nm
How is editing for them? 100% listen, fill in blanks, lots of feedback
I didnt see that when I logged in. Where do you find it.
2 days. I didnt have to call them..but if you don't
the recruiter.
noyb - I didnt notice the..
experience/no experience. sounds even more strange!
I would apply but I'm not radiology MT...but wait....I don't need experience....and I have a C-phone and internet.....but wait....I would have to work in Yorba Linda. Geez...how can I decide??????
I didnt know if they had the 9 foot pedal in USB or not. Where did you get yours.
Your right.. the 9-pin is becoming outdated and obsolete. If there is a USB one out there that works then I need to get one. Can I ask where you got yours and have you tried it on a laptop?
They didnt worry that it would be affordable for the MTs.
you gotta be kidding, lol
I didnt see that info on their website. nm