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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

I posted after she quits giving her time to a non-

Posted By: payer;THEN she can go after her money. nm on 2008-03-20
In Reply to: doesn't resolve the issue. She wants - mt


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And that makes up for giving your time and skills
Giving away my time and skills is not a "little thing"
Why do you hope everyone quits?
I wish you luck, but do not understand why you hope everyone else quits too.
Do their last names begin with P and M. I think they should throw them out before everyone quits.
And this is the first time I have posted.

But you've already got me pegged as someone who "can't a joke and is plain crazy and mean to boot."  (I do appreciate the "young" reference, though, since that's something I haven't heard in 30 years.)

Nobody can take a joke better than I can.  I just didn't see one.  All I saw was somebody trying to be witty and failing; trying to be mean and succeeding.

I'm certainly not mean, but you might want to consult a mirror in that regard.

But if I keep reading and responding to posts in this thread, I MUST be crazy, so keep basking in your bashing.  I'm outta here.


I am not the only one. This is only the second time I have ever posted. sm
It may be that I used someone else's moniker, but when I worked for MQ, I used a different one. No matter what anyone has to say good about a company or bad, there are people on here that are so rude that no one can get a true picture of things.

I work on an account that uses ExText and I am very happy with the ease of use and speed of the program, as well as the line count. There are a lot of us on the account, at least 10 were on a conference call that I was on a few weeks back.

Keystrokes is much better for ME than MQ was. That is my personal opinion, and unfortunately, one that will probably be jumped on by some unhappy, miserable person here.

Until OUR government quits making it so lucratime tax wise to outsource...
these companies get great tax breaks to outsource. Google it, it will amaze you.
I'm sorry your experience was so bad. Yesterday was the 1st time I ever posted so you have no cl
who I am.  Please folks, Amphion mgmt is the best.  They have outstanding, professional, caring people who work very hard to keep their employees happy.  I've been there almost 3 years and am more than happy.  The benefits are tops in the industry.  But they do require excellence and reward that amply.  I won't be back here to dignify the unprofessionalism exhibited by some posters.
Second time this was posted and still have no idea what it means...
It's about time we see something positive posted about TT. I, for one, am sick
and tired of seeing them get bashed. Yes, work was low. Yes, I was scared. That doesn't make them public enemy #1 though. Thank you for your post.
Do they still exist? Haven't been posted about in a long time. nm
I saw this posted some time ago and thought then, hmmm, not a good idea
You were outraged and it was very apparent as you spoke then of they knew who you were and you really spoke your mind. I know we are supposed to have freedom of speech but having said this it was like you did not care if someone came after you and now, well seems like that has happened. I am not saying it is right but sometimes good to keep thoughts to yourself, especially now since you have heard from the state. You said you are flattered. I would never been flattered to have someone sue me. Seems like you bit off more than you can chew.
I'm giving them a try (sm)
I was impressed that they contacted me within 10 minutes of my submitting my resume.
Not giving one's best
One person's best is not the same as another person's best.

In fact, one person's so-so may be higher or lower than another person's 110%. The problem here is when we get treated like we come from a cookie cutter or mold.

A person who has been doing this for 30 years can do a so-so job and may be doing it better than a person with 10 years doing their best. It all relates to experience.

Why would someone not give their best? Hmmm,go work for MQ for a year and see if you give your best. It would seem a person gets demoted for doing their best in that situation.
giving your best
I think those of us who have been doing this for years and years have for the most part taken pride in the jobs we do or we wouldn't have lasted in the business. But these days it's extremely demoralizing to do your best only to have your pay cut to the point that you wonder if it's even worth trying anymore. The respect should be mutual. The employer definitely has a right to expect our best, but we shouldn't have to feel like we've invested years in something only to be treated like we're pretty much worthless and certainly dispensable. To have your salary cut in half after years of working hard and perfecting your craft is beyond insulting. We're in a field where our employers can legally pay less than minimum wage and get away with it and some of them certainly don't mind taking advantage of that fact. And as long as there are enough people willing to take whatever they dish out, I don't see that changing.
try a second job before giving up first job.
The Rates Are Posted Here and Posted Below

The service owner fees are posted in a UnionNow post (below), but here they are again:


$0.115 - $0.25 per line for full transcription of acute care on 24/7 accounts

$2.75 - $7.65 per report for full transcription of pathology, lab, specialty operative notes, plain film and interventional radiology

$0.097 - $0.125 per line for VR editing


$0.85 - $1.25 per report full transcription

$0.06 - $0.115 per line full transcription

$0.035 - $0.06 per line for VR editing








You are giving out the wrong
info.  The hourly wage job is for midnight to 8 AM, NOT for any other shifts.They need coverage for that shift only.  All other shifts are cpl plus incentive.
Not giving references
You folks need to contact the Department of Labor as well as an employment lawyer. You have a right to a reference. Do not let these people get away with this!
Yep. Which is exactly why I'm giving up on nationals.
Why don't ya try giving the transcriptionists

a limited number of doctors to learn in the areas they were hired for?  NOOOO....gotta know 15 doctors.  Then you folks want us to fill in on an emergency in a field never tried before by the transcriptionist...the Transcriptionist tells you she's never done that but you say....ahhh...you won't have any trouble...please???  She says yes and tortures along trying to figure it out for pennies on the dollar.  Two days later she is still struggling along, has told you several times, but you say you're doing great...Two days later you send her an e-mail saying that if her work doesn't improve you'll have to dock her pay.   Stick it man.

Lets see....doctors specialize but we who make peanuts have to be able to transcribe ALL specialties or are punished.  Wake up.



How about giving me a break?
I am the MT who seemed to upset a lot of you with my post below about MDI and the lack of work for some. Unlike what many of you surmised, I also need a regular income, a daily line count that I can depend on and I work far more than 1-2 hours per day and always have. I am also an MT who has been kicked to the curb by enough MTSO's to make me want to quit this profession at times and work at just about anything else. What I was saying below is that MDI, at least for me, is trying to get me more work and guess what? I have more now! Yes, everyone, they are being helpful and NICE! When compared to others I have worked for, who have also been low in work at times, and who have told me and other MTs who ask for more work, to basically get over it and wait it out or go elsewhere, I think I prefer the treatment I have received with MDI far above the others. If a nice company doesn't cut it for you, then go to the many out there who don't give a rat's behind how they treat you. They are not hard to find. When the work is there, you will be worked to death and when it isn't, they could not care less. Heck, you can make good money these days working on a garbage truck, so if nice isn't important,what's stopping you?
giving notice

To anyone that has left Spheris, did you give two weeks notice?  If you did give two weeks notice, did they just tell you to quit then?  After almost 6 years, I'm finally getting out of there. 

I'm very tempted to just quit and not give notice, however, I have about 3 days of PTO time also I don't want to lose. 

Also is it normal for anyone in an employee situation to have to get someone to cover your hours if you want to take off?  I'm going to a bridal shower in another state and needed a day off and was told I had to find someone on my team to cover my hours otherwise I couldn't have off.  Also whenever I ask to have a day off I'm always asked Why?  Why is it their business?  So glad I'm getting out of there. 

giving notice
in most states, if you give notice to a company, and they tell you to leave then, they are responsible for reimbursing lost time, etc - because you gave notice and expected to work and earn money. Check out your state and verify. this would go for any company requiring a notice period.
TT giving MT's no explanation on why all this

This is certainly a mystery to me.  Announcement of Jesse being gone was heartbreaking.  He was such a good tech guy, but these loss of working hours due to server problems we are having is not due to anything but Dictaphone, it appears.  The **check back every 10 minutes** is getting old. 

It seems that chunks of work disappear when these problems occur, so don't know where the work goes when server goes down.  Hopefully, TT is not outsourcing to another service again, as we have been SO LOW on work for the past month or so. 

I just wish the upper mgmt. would give us an explanation for all these server problems as of late so that we would not wonder about why this is happening.  Maybe some of you can explain to us.  Maybe I am just out of the loop.

Giving notice

If you are required to give a 30-day notice to your current employer and don't have a start date yet for the new job you were just offered, when would you actually give that notice?  Now that you intend to take another job or when you actually have a specific start date for that new job?  Thank you for your advice.

From above: they are giving you. I bet facilities are
I think they are just giving you the times
they need people. Just because you are IC does not mean that you can work whenever, only when they want you to or need the help. They can tell you that they only have work between 12 noon and midnight, so that would be when you would work for them. Just because you are IC you cannot tell them to let you work at 8 a.m. if they is not when they need the help. They do have a little leeway, they just cannot set a strict schedule.
There is no way punctuation is giving SM
you that low of a QA percentage.  No way.  There have to be other issues (typos, incorrect terminology).  Even on short reports a couple of commas do not give you a QA score in the 80s.
Not giving a patient's name
is a HIPAA violation. Report her to your supervisor.
I was giving you a compliment...
that even though you only type clinic and for 1 American doctor, you are valuable to them. But nevermind--I'll take it back if it will make you feel better. :)
Hey LK - I'm always looking for different strategies to increase my productivity. Would you care to share what techniques and strategies you used to give yourself that 13% bump in productivity? I could sure use some ideas once in awhile!

TIA :-)
What is the reasoning he is giving?
I did have one company tell me that I couldn't have any file sharing type of program on the computer I would be using and would need to uninstall all other platforms. I ended up not working for them as if they want to tell me what I can and cannot have on my work computer, then they need to provide the computer.
Giving orders?
It wasn't an order, just a suggestion from someone who has been through the no work situation before. Sorry, I was not replying to your post, just added it at the end of the line.
Would need permission from the OP before giving

I would not feel comfortable posting that information on the Board without the Original Poster�s permission, since it contains personal names and addresses.  TransTech is probably reading every one of these posts right now and you could be management for all I know.  LOL.  Suffice it to say that this is public information and can be researched if you know where the headquarters of TT is and how to access court filings in that county.  

I am giving my opinion, which is what the OP asked for
As a recruiter, I hate giving these as much as...
...most people hate doing them. It's actually kind of painful to listen to someone who just can't figure out the answers, or is wrong and wants to know if the answer was right.

For someone who tests well over the phone, it's a breeze and I enjoy them, but for those who don't, it's a difficult experience for everyone involved, and it still isn't necessarily a perfect indicator of whether they can do the job.

I still prefer transcription tests, where MTs have the time to settle in, proofread, and aren't put on the spot.

Recruiting isn't an exact science, unfortunately. Ah well.

Just my 0.02.
Without giving away my exact pay rate....sm
I can tell you it was above 8 cents a line.   I'm sure it also depends on how well you test, how much experience you have, and what account you will be on also.
This person is giving you bad info--
I used to work for TransHealth and they're not perfect but don't pay attention to what this person is saying. You get benefits almost immediately, I used ShortHand when I was there, and they were pretty flexible. Some of the accounts are not so good, but you get that anywhere.
I applaud them for giving feedback. YOU, however,
should learn to spell (with meaning!!) before you go slapping people around. Advise indeed... pfffft.
Medware is giving work to her.
And they are giving me hearing loss
their cell phones go off, they are right next to the dictating phones and they do not know whether to answer or call back, you can tell they are picking them up and looking because you are getting an ah, ah, ah and then leaving something electronic close to the phone because all of a sudden we have this horrible loud screech in your ears. My hearing is sensitive!
Why Wendy? She is only QA, right? I don't think she has the powers that you giving her.
Debbie or account manager would make more sense to contact -- not a QA person!!!!!!!
No one is giving a straight answer on this at TT.
Not bitter..just giving my experience
That is not fair, why did they sit on the dictation, that happens a lot usually giving it to ....
themselves (if they also have quotas) and to people who have been there longer. I personally have that happen with 2 parttime jobs I have, and why did she get work after stating she was not going to be jailed for no work. We all want a life beyond a computer and insensitive people who do it to you because they do not have face-to-face contact and can blow you off over the internet. No one stole work from you, they were stealing it from you, she said after she told them what she would do, she got work. You say you now know why you are out of work, she got it. She got nothing until she said she wasn't going to be put in jail by a computer with no work from her company.
expose the companies by giving their name
How long to give it before giving up?
I applied for a job with Gulf Coast Transcription.  Took the test and passed.  Was hired.  Was told would have to sign paperwork.  After a few days of not hearing anything, I emailed and asked to please let me know what is going on to which they responded they needed to know if I could work as a subcontractor.  I told them yes (which I know we had discussed before) but only for the rate they had quoted me in the beginning and yet again contact has dropped.  Should I just give up?   These companies can be so frustrating and I think well if it is this hard in the begining, what is gonna happen when it is time for my paycheck....
CPSI is giving me fits...
It's the system the hospital uses, so my MTSO has no control over it...it has either been disconnecting me or is so slow that I can't get anything done.  I have work in my cue, but I can't do it because of this problem, and now it is out of TAT.  No one's working who can fix this at this time of night either.  Of course, this is the first time it's done that.  They need to use a better system then CPSI....I always liked ChartScript.  Now it's almost the end of the work day (not even my normal work day).  Guess I'll have to keep trying.
What has this to do with giving minimum performance????....s/m
It is the other way around: The extensive usage of Autocorrect, normals and macros, InstanText, etc....makes an MT a typing machine.
Expanders, normals, macros, Autocorrect, where you also enter ONCE the right spelling and the right cap or not cap and it's automated, no need to use your brain anymore, just a '
click' and the computer does the rest for you.

What are you talking about? I think YOU have forgotten how to use your brain and have become a typing machine, unable to reason 'like a human, thinking human being.'

You see, the introduction of ASR made the usage of Expanders almost obsolete.
Christmas is about giving not receiving...

I think that's what most posters were angry about in regards to Did anyone get a bonus for Christmas? 

Christmas is about giving! 

I am an IC.  I expect nothing.  The one online MTSO I work for is my client.  End of story.  My other two accounts are my clients as well.  They are not my employer; none of them.

For those of you who are actually employed and are not ICs, maybe you would expect something.  But in my opinion Christmas is about giving and not expecting to receive.

May you and yours have a safe and happy holiday season!