I meant "unemployment (on the inside) correction not employment going up!
Posted By: Moving on on 2007-09-10
In Reply to: You are correct - also the millions CEOs took off the top for the Katrina supposedly home reimbursem - Moving on
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I meant nothing wrong. I meant a friend who can vouch for
It was not meant to be nasty. I meant that you should take every job seriously. Just because someo
is their focus does not mean that patients should suffer. 96% accuracy could mean the difference to someone who is on the receiving end of that report. I am NOT QA or management but I am an experienced Transcriptionist who believes that the reports we transcribe need to be accurate for the patient's sake.
What determines their line? I am stressed these days. Thanks.
Sorry, title should read I Believe That...
Re: Why would anyone be WILLing to slave over this work for 27-YEAR-OLD wages?
Actually would be correct to have just said regressive wages...
this isn't clear:
The corporations call the shots with YOUR Congress/government primarily because AMERICANS are so easily pacified and distracted by the toys these corporations made for that exact purpose.
They (corporations) call the shots because of their influence; and CONGRESS helped to give them that power in the late 1800s by passing certain laws which gave the corp. similar rights to individuals...
I mixed two thoughts originally...
Correction - sorry
feedback on that PROGRAM (i.e. Isagenix), not problem.
rad pay correction
I need to clarify this was only for emergency coverage and is temporary. My supervisor informs me that once we go to VR, only 2 inhouse full-time transcriptionists will be used and those positions are filled.
meant same nonexistent or uncommon email service provider
Worked for them in mid 90s, not 80s....it's been a long day!
let you go that should read.
80% + ESL account
Whoops! I meant places, not placed.....
Correction...Not 12 cpl...
You'd have to make between 10.72 and 10.1 cpl for straight typing to make 7.5 cpl for ISR at Webmedx. I don't think a relative newbie with only 5 years experience is making over 8.5 cpl starting with Webmedx. Correct me if I'm wrong. I just don't believe it for a minute.
Just a correction...sm
your base rate is NOT $9....it is based on YOUR line rate, so for everyone it is different. I actually get quite a bit more than that. Also, Medware has more than one platform, so what is happening on the Dictaphone side is NOT necessarily happening on the Merit side, and not everyone is unhappy on the Dictaphone side. Not THAT many have left. Just so you know and can make an informed decision.
Completely different atmosphere on CMX side.
Whoops, I meant to say I HOPE, not I CAN. It's way late where I am, so I had best pack it in for the night. Sorry for the error.
Correction: Above should be "...NO announcement..." NM
Correction to post - sm
I have also seen positive and negative things mentioned about virtually every transcription company discussed on this web site. Didn't mean to say companies that YOU discussed on this web site!!
Note correction in CAPS
If you do control S for a job and click on statistics you will get a number of lines. If you are on OSI's very own line cheating Xpress server, that number will be much HIGHER (NOT LOWER) than the IChart line count. Do this. Do only one job for the day then write down the correct line count using the above method. Go to IChart although it may take hours to show up so you may want to do this on a day off. There is your proof. I-CHART LINES ARE LOWER THAN OSi X-PRESS LINES. The reason the correct statistics are disabled on the XPress server is because OSi is skimming lines and don't want you to see the correct number. OSI is diligently trying to eventually get every possible account on their very own XPress server so they can cheat on all accounts. Rest assured that they are billing the client for the correct line count. I could not make any money with OSI because of their dishonesty. Dictaphone Extext is a good system but OSI could change how it was set up and rip the MT's off.
Correction - sorry for confusion
I apologize for not checking this before -- I just found a problem with my suggestion, so here's the deal:
You are better off forcing the format - as you did to h:mm:ss (or hh:mm:ss), to ensure that all cells display consistently. This does force you to have to enter more digits for hours though.
There is a shortcut for entering data -- for 00:05:12 (5 minutes, 12 seconds), you can type: 0:5:12
For 00:05:01 you can type 0:5:1
This may be more foreign than just adding the extra leading zero, but if you're hyper about cutting every keystroke, you can....
Then when you add down a column, there's nothing special to do in the sum.
Sorry for any confusion.
Holidays correction
I'm sorry the above poster is right. If you want off you have to take it without pay or use PTO. You get paid extra if you work the holiday...which to me is a bonus as so many don't pay anything extra for holidays. Sorry for the confusion.
Whose QA gets paid per correction?
We get paid hourly, although I do know there are some who get paid per line. The folks I know paid per line get credit for the full report, not just their corrections. They also are the first blamed if a client reports an error in a report that has passed through QA.
Correction - "a few WORDS"....
Correction **4.5-5.5 cpl VR** not MR. Please excuse
correction to first post
Oops--I know ISDN is a location-to-location thing so that's out as far as working for a national. I recall a while back that several MTs mentioned they worked for nationals using hughes.net/satellite. Thanks again for any info.
correction low not lowl
slip of the finger
CORRECTION - not post right above, the mean one
I never see an ad for employment with them.
Don't you have to pay self-employment tax? Isn't that the same as SS? nm
You may not be able to get employment if you are
fired either. The company has a say in what happened and can dispute any claim. I would think they you could not get employment based on you resign or else and I think they are being very generous in giving you that option. If you quit I don't think you stand a chance of getting unemployment.
I wouldn't worry about using Spheris for a reference, doesn't sound like they would give you a good reference even if you resign. If you haven't been there long just leave them off your resume and say you took some time off. I don't think the resume has as much to do with your hiring as it is how you do on testing.
Are they still hiring and how is their pay rate?
For employment, what else would you ask?
I've pasted all the questions I think I would like to know from a prospective employer. If you can think of other questions I need to ask, or a better way to ask the question, please let me know! I realize some of these questions will not get answers and some are probably not palatable by employers, but if I don't ask, I won't know and on a more personal basis, I'm tired of getting $crewed down the line.
� What percentage of your full-time transcription employees make greater than $36,000.00 per year?
� Do you offer incentive pay?
� What percentage of full time employees have been with you more than 2 years?
� Do you offshore any portion of your available workload?
� What percentage of the dictation (within a +/- 5% range) is ESL dictation?
� What is the cost of your best insurance coverage for a single person per pay period? How long after employment before it becomes effective?
� Do you offer dental insurance?
� Do you offer a 401(k) plan? Do you match contributions or? How soon is participation allowed?
� How many PTO days per year? How soon are they available for use? Are there any clauses that may prevent use of PTO?
� What is your holiday policy regarding time off?
� What is the rate per line, the characters per line, and does this include spaces?
� Are headers included or excluded in the line count?
� Do you have software that indicates lines completed?
� Are there any charges for software/hardware required by your company?
� Do you allow split shifts?
� Do you dock pay for blanks (inaudibles, etc.)?
� Do you guarantee work available?
� Do you have 24/7 management and tech support?
� What contingencies apply to QA?
� Do you offer direct deposit?
� Have you EVER been late making payroll?
� How often do you pay and what are the parameters of the pay period?
� What other benefits do you offer?
� Within the acute care dictations, how many different work types are there?
� Is it possible to remain within 2-3 work types only?
� Do you offer training/work with speech recognition?
OSi employment
Why don't you just give them a call? I have worked there going on 2 years now and I see other MTs complaining of not getting paid, not getting work, slow networking, etc. I have not run across these issues with OSi. I get work every day, I get paid every pay day. I get answers to questions and I don't get micromanaged. Communication has been good. I am not related to anyone there and don't know anyone there, just sign in and work. OSi makes the qualifications very clear and it is not impossible to make the required lines. Good luck.
considering employment
would like info that would be helpful in deciding whether to accept.
for employment
As in who offers the best pay, benefits, incentives, vacation, bonuses?
OSi employment
I have been with OSi for 3 years now. Some days the work is low, and some days there is OT available, but, that doesn't look any different to me than what I read on this site. I agreed on a schedule which has been maintained for 3 years now. I get paid on time and sometimes early. There are lots of e-mails which can be deleted in a heart beat. When there are problems I am notified of them. Otherwise, just work, get paid, get annual raises. That's what I expect from a job, and that's what I get. Good luck in your search.
I need someone to tell me what is better, contractor or employee.
Correction to my above post. I just looked
and I apologize. I had to wait until the 1st of the next month, not the 15th (maybe it just seemed longer) for that money to be in the bank. So for that payroll from the 1st until the 15th, I had to wait until the 1st (though the payroll was late). Guess all the waiting just seemed longer. That still is the longest I have had to wait for a payday. So when I quit, I also had the same thing. I just went through the paperwork.
In any event it SEEMED like a very long time and particularly with some of the paydays being late.
I do apologize as I certainly do not like to give incorrect info.
When you have kids though it does hurt. In other words, I started on the 1st of the month and first paycheck was not until the 1st of the next month except it was late.
Correction: Don't get all excited now...they are NOT paying at least 8 cpl.
Correction: Should NOT expect to be paid
correction to thin-skinned
I meant I don't really THINK that is necessary...
Oops-correction, s/b learned!
Need more coffee!
oops, correction, spoke too soon -- sm
OSi does not appear to offer health insurance, etc. on their website ... they do offer holiday pay and other nice things ...
Correction to Minnie Mouse
Whoops, I meant to say lowly MT, not lowly MD. (That wouldn't be me, I hated science.) I was up nearly all night last night working. No work shortage here. Anyway, sorry I made an error in typing, hope the grammar/typing cops don't launch their grenades at me. :)
Correction to last sentence of my post...sm
It should have read:
Doing so makes you as unethical as the accusations being made.
Whoooops! Correction to text!
Another MDIer, I meant to say GRAB it, not CRAB it, but who knows, might have been a Freudian slip! :)
It has to do with employment laws in SM
those states.
When I inquired about employment...
which was a few months ago, the recruiter couldn't explain the pay scale and/or incentive program. Keep on truckin'...
Heartland MTs - if you are still looking for employment.....
AAMT Reaches Out to Displaced Heartland MTs
AAMT is working with Terri Kaminski of Transcription Matchmaker and Heartland Information Services executives to provide a free outplacement webinar for all Heartland employees from the U.S. who recently lost their jobs. The webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, May 17, 2006, and displaced employees will receive information on how to promote their services and learn of opportunities in the medical transcription field. AAMT is extremely grateful to work with Transcription Matchmaker and Heartland Information Services to offer this outplacement service to transcriptionists in need of new jobs. For more information on this program, please contact Jennifer Hardy at Jennifer@aamt.org.