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I find it hard to believe that Debbie "promised" you

Posted By: there would never ever be a slow time on 2008-08-21
In Reply to: It is their fault when they "promise" me I can feed my 2 kids sm - DS

So is Transtech the first company you ever worked at that had slow periods? Didn't think so.

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It is very hard to find an IC job

IC jobs leave a lot to be desired especially with these MTSOs.  They can save money by hiring ICs, but then want to control you.  So, of course, if you mention that you want to set your own hours they back off. 

I had one tell me (I have 20 years of experience) that they don't set hours, but I would be required to transcribe 3 days a week and the line count had to meet I think it was 3,000 lines.  I had to tell them which 3 days I would be working.  So, I figure that's talking out of both sides of your mouth.  In other words, the me setting my own schedule bit is within that 24-hour timeframe or whatever. 

Then I decided to transcribe from a pool, which works well other than the fact that most of the work is gone in a jiffy, so I have to be on my toes.  If something comes up that day, then I'm fried and have to work into the evening.

Good luck to you finding a part-time IC job that you only work nights and isn't ESL and very low pay.  A lot of these companies don't even want part-time workers.  Also, some MTSOs want you to take an assigned physician (but you can type whenever you want).  What a joke!   

I find that hard to believe.
I honestly wish the MTs there nothing but the best, some are friends. I don't think there is any other major MT company that is doing things like MQ is. Whoever is running it now has driven it into the ground. They have some crazy ideas on how to run that company.
Hard to find anywhere
Finding benefits of any kind for part time is hard in any industry - high tech is probably the worst! The problem is the company does pay a portion of your benefits to the insurance company and if you are part time it increases their overhead with less profit from your work. And if they do offer benefits you will probably find the cost not worthwhile because very little of your medical will be covered for the amount you have to pay.

You'd be surprised how affordable private health insurance is...if you are working part time I'd start looking around and see what is out there. Employer provided is always less expensive but that doesn't mean private isn't affordable!:)

Good Luck!
There must have been some misunderstanding. I find this hard to believe.
I find it hard to believe they will do "pay cut"
I think more likely they will adjust line counting to take more of a percentage. I can't believe they would try to do an across the board cut. The floodgates would really be open, I believe, if they did that.
That will be kind of hard to find....
I have been in that same situation before where some days I had plenty and others not so much.  Companies aren't going to want to hire you to just work whenever your workload is low.  I almost always have had 2 IC positions, PT with one and FT with the other.  Some days I am overloaded with work from both and then others days I only have work from one.  That's just the way it is with MTing.
Maybe one in a million MT's makes that but I still find it hard to believe.
It looks more common to me that people who do MT are at the doors of destitution. Just read these boards! We have people who can't even buy their kids Christmas gifts, we have people who have had their car repossessed, we have people in debt up to their eyeballs. Seems to me that's the norm by the amount of postings of that type.
In this day and time it is really hard to find a job that pays
anything decent and not work weekends. Maybe a smaller company, but the larger ones are almost all on Tues-Sat or Sun-Thurs.
It is hard to tell on this board. I find myself reacting very sm
defensively most of the time, and I am normally not like that.
sorry, but 10cpl with benefits is very hard to find
Gee, I tried real hard to find those good posts,

but all I could find, in addition to the other complaints already listed, were complaints about being in the "middle of an 11-minute job when it was pulled and given to someone else," "There has to be a better way NOT to make a living," "I know I am going to end up on food stamps," complaints of no compensation for down time and BTXT being down and MTs not being notified.

If there were one or two positive comments about it on there somewhere, they are certainly overshadowed by all the justified negativity, outrage and frustration that's there.

I wouldn't wish this company on my worst enemy, and you should be ashamed of yourself if you recommend that anyone apply there for employment these days.  It used to be a good company, and like the song says, "Used-to-be's don't count any more."  Although I don't expect them to "bring me flowers" I do expect to be able to earn a living wage, and those days are quickly disappearing.

I find it very hard to believe that all work types are on a 1-hour TAT(sm)
Are you talking about stats or everything?  Do you have this 1-hour TAT in writing?  I've never even heard of hospitals being on that tight a TAT.
Do you find it hard to get your line count in daily? sm

And the recruiter told me that they did not mind you not working a strict daily shift as long as you got your line count in -do you find this to be true?  Thanks for your information!

When there is a lot of work, do you find it hard to make 1100?
cause I sure do.
lol You'll be hard pressed to find work with
Good MT hard to find & 1 familiar with platform is
You'll be hard pressed to find a company
that pays hourly and allows you to work at home, that just isn't the way the business works.   I'm not saying that those type of positions don't exist, just that they are extremely rare.  Now if you worked on-site that is a different story. 
I find it hard to believe with this new pay plan coming out soon that they will be paying people
that rate and I understand all offices will be paying the same base rate and I seriously doubt they will be paying all MTs 9.50 base rate with incentive to get 2 more cents at 1600 lines. That is more than they are paying most now and have stopped giving raises.  
If getting paid regularly for your hard work is important to you, find another company. nm
I love doing pathology, but it is hard to find a position for working at home. Gross pathology is
easy, descriptive typing.  Microscopic is a little more difficult, but once you get the terminology down, it goes really quickly.  I also found it easy to get lines in with pathology.  If you've done acute care, you should not have a problem with the transition, IMHO. 
Sue and Debbie
Maybe if Sue would actually LEAVE things would be okay, but right now the company is going downhill FAST. Debbie is back AGAIN and with her disorganization things will NEVER change.

If you want to be happy with where you work (at least most of the time) then you need to continue looking because these two companies are not the places to work. Think about it, why are they always hiring more and more people? It�s called HIGH TURNOVER!
when was Debbie gone??nm
You should ask Debbie
Any concern especially with regard to below.... ask.
Is the air time card also called an express card? Do they have cards that you just pay a monthly fee for and not through your cell phone but like through a satellite dish or something?
Debbie is a schemer, nothing more!
I could swear when we first checked out her pay me to take surveys MLM scam site before she had previously worked at Bloomingdale's or Nordstroms, but I do not recall that she had worked there for 20 years or had worked anywhere for 20 years. Seems to me she had references from several people she had supposedly worked with from several different places all swearing up and down what a wonderful and qualified employee she was (too much so, if you get my drift). I don't recall ANY of those said jobs being QA positions, more like sales or clerical. She seems to have had a lot of jobs for someone her age who worked for 1 company for 20+ years.

My point here is that this gal was operating a pyramid scheme just a couple months ago. Her original site was Join here and pay $20 to take survey's about our MT business, and then refer people to me and you will get $5.00 per person who signs up under your name. I don't believe she is interested in any of this information being factual, she just wants to collect it (along with our personal data) so she can make money by selling it to God only knows whom, probably costing us our jobs or at the very least a whole lot of aggravation with e-mail boxes being filled with spam from other companies. Her only goal (in my opinion) is to make money in a marketing scheme. I guess she thinks the national MT companies are going to pay her for this data just because she collected it? She will claim its accuracy because she did a survey? I also find it odd that while she talks about QA this and QA that, it seems to me what she really means is quality control - and that is a big difference, odd she would not know the difference, isn't it?

Being a former Spheris employee myself, if she was as all that in the QA field, she should have started with them. I do wonder if she is still with them and, if not, then my guess is this is how she thinks she can make a living since, apparently, no other companies will have her?

One thing we all noted before, and it is rather apparent on her new site too, is that for someone who has been an MT for 3+ years and is supposedly as good as she claims herself to be, she sure makes a whole lot of errors.
You don't happen to know. Ask Debbie if you don't believe me! n/m
I am really not sure, but I would contact Debbie and just ask.
her point is to thank Debbie.
Did you ever see Debbie Downer on SNL?
Debbie is no longer the owner.
The previous COO from Heartland is now the President and COO! Watch out! Major outsource lover...
No, higher. I think like 6 or 6.5 cpl. I would call Debbie and ask her.
E-mail your supervisor or Debbie and ask them!! nm
Debbie - please re-send the email
Debbie told me when she hired me
that she is more interested in the total line count than the hours. Pam I Yam and the other poster is correct - just put your regular shift instead of all the signing in and out stuff. The time card needs to show 40 hours but how many people take bathroom breaks and actually eat during the day? It's not a big deal!!!!! Put your regular shift in.
Debbie - there IS a slight glitch on the 2nd page - sm
where after you complete it, and click on CONTINUE, you get a message in red at the top left-hand corner stating answering that question is required. (Even though it HAS been answered). I figured out to just hit exit survey at the top, but was not sure if my answers were recorded or not. Anyway, that might need to be fixed, because it might cause people to give up and not finish or send the survey.

Thanks for publishing it - GREAT idea!
Debbie Hood is the HR person -- give her a call. nm

If you want to know the real scoop, always better to just ask.  Someone might pay me $20 a report (okay, in my dreams) and someone else something else.   I understand when people come here and want to know things a recruiter or HR person cannot or will not tell you, such as quality and quantity of dictation and dictators, reliability of being paid on time and such.  But if you want to know specifics of how much per report/line, what kind of bennies, direct deposit or no, etc ... why not just write an email or pick up the phone and ASK?


This is not meant to be rude or anything.  I just am curious.  When I signed on with a company, I saw posts saying 10 cpl was the ceiling and a bunch of other user-specific information that had nothing to do with what I was offered.  I made 11-1/2 cpl AND they paid my long distance.  A lot has to do with bargaining skills and what you have to offer.



I hope Debbie "outs" the entire greedy -nm
Might I suggest that you adjust your hours a little and talk to Debbie. (sm)
see if that helps get you through the crunch.  I guarantee it won't last long.
Call the office and ask to speak w/ Debbie Hood
Any current info on Debbie Hicks/Psychtrans?

Couldn't find anything in the archives that hadn't been deleted.  Any info on this person/company? Good/bad or otherwise? TIA

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Any discussions regarding this situation should be handled via email. Contact/Reply OP (original poster) using the "Reply by Email" link below".

MTStars Team

No one will post account names here. Call Debbie or your supervisor. nm

Did find a Wright Watson Sten-Tel in Austin if their site isn't old. Find 'em with Google. nm
Trying to find info on Encompass on this board, can't find any recent. sm
Anyone have any current info. Any employees out there? Give me the low-down if you can! Thanks a million.
TransTech is a good company. Debbie is the owner and a good one at that! nm
Hard to say...
In my experience, one minute of dictation is roughly equivalent to 10 lines of transcription, so, approximately 180 minutes of dictation, and figuring an average length of a report at around 3 minutes, that's probably around 60 reports.
Hard to say
what the situation is.  It is fairly common to have times here and there where there is no work in this business due to many different things.  The company may have over hired and don't have enough work.  Do you work on clinic or acute care.  If clinic and you work on only one account, is it possible a doctor is out of town?  There could be many different reasons, although I think it is somewhat strange that they can predict that there will be no work at all for you for several days (this might make me a little suspicious).  Might not hurt to try to find another part-time position to fill in the gaps.         
it is hard
to say that our profession is not going to exist. I see a high demand for experienced MTs. If you look on the occupational outlook handbook, it even says that there is going to be greater than average demand for MTs. I copied and pasted below what it says.

Contracting out transcription work overseas and advancements in speech recognition technology are not expected to significantly reduce the need for well-trained medical transcriptionists. Outsourcing transcription work abroad�to countries such as India, Pakistan, Philippines, and the Caribbean�has grown more popular as transmitting confidential health information over the Internet has become more secure; however, the demand for overseas transcription services is expected only to supplement the demand for well-trained domestic medical transcriptionists. In addition, reports transcribed by overseas medical transcription services usually require editing for accuracy by domestic medical transcriptionists before they meet domestic quality standards. Speech-recognition technology allows physicians and other health professionals to dictate medical reports to a computer that immediately creates an electronic document. In spite of the advances in this technology, the software has been slow to grasp and analyze the human voice and the English language, and the medical vernacular with all its diversity. As a result, there will continue to be a need for skilled medical transcriptionists to identify and appropriately edit the inevitable errors created by speech recognition systems, and to create a final document.

JLG hard?
If you thought the JLG phone test was hard, you are in for a rude awakening in the MT field. They are standard questions you would know if you have any experience.
Trying hard
I'm trying to like Amphion, but the platform is awful.  If I could ever get the chance to type, I could really get a good line count, but the filling in the DI screen and constant looking up physicians is killing me.  I kept track over one hour, and I had to look up 14 doctors' names and numbers and cc them.  And this is going into a separate window and then coming back to the chart, not using just a keystroke to look them up.  I love the dictators.  They're very clear, and the supervisors are adequate, not overly helpful, but pretty nice.  Right now, I'm struggling to make $10 an hour.
Yes, hard at first but
you get used to it. I dropped 2 cents a line, but the company part of the taxes worked out equally. At least I don't have to pay in the quarterly taxes anymore! Not as much freedom but if you are with a good company it helps.
Not that hard
I do the acute care on 2 accounts. What I find with Keystrokes is the accounts I do are not 50/50 ESL. I don't mind ESLs but something is fishy with other companies I have worked for when I get over 50% ESL. I am not making a good living. I can't do it with 90% ESLs and I have 17 years experience.

I am now making a GOOD living and enjoy going to work every day. I have ESLs but they are the average ESLs, not every other dictation and the accent so thick I despair.

I have some hard dictators but I am making a good living and I haven't for over 5 years. I am also not the fastest typist but I am picky, and I am still making a good living. I work on Ex-Text and the Control I is not blocked. That being the case I can check constantly if I want. I am averagin between 1500 and 1700 lines if I turn the TV off, concentrate and work. Like I said, I am not the fastest typist, but I can live with those lines.