I do not give out that information. However one co I made $17
Posted By: QA specialist on 2005-12-12
In Reply to: tell me where you work - Please
was Medquist. My current company pays different rates to different QA and I would never post what I earn. They do not need QA people. Just do the best you can and try and negotiate a fair QA rate for yourself. It will come. Unfortunately, even at $17, that is only half of what I earned as an MT. I once had a QA position that paid me $20 as an employee. You just have to negotiate.
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You made me 'salivating.' Please give us the name or your
I dont give a rats ass about impressions made here.
My concern is for my friend and the suffering she is enduring. You obviously cannot put yourself in our/her place.
I interjected because I know law, and in answer to your question, YES, we have taken the appropriate steps required.
When I advertise, I give all that information as
well as all information related to the job.
I worked for one company once that had their pre-canned ads. I hated them because they told nothing. They did give their website, but it was way old.
I agree that all companies that advertise for MTs need to give their website
Can someone give me information on Precyse Solutions...sm
I would like any and all information regarding Precyse Solutions...I know they are Employee Status. But could you tell me about their pay, cost of health insurance, etc. Thanks.
PS - Archives give conflicting information.
Some posts say they provide no benefits. Some posts say they have a line count quota and other posts say there is no line quota. Some say they deduct for errors and other posts say they don't deduct. Some posts say they offshore and other posts say the don't offshore. Very confused. That's why I posted another inquiry into this company.
Can any give me some general information about Keystrokes? (sm)
I am considering applying to them as they sound like a great company to work for. What platform do they use? Is it internet based? C-phone? Something else? How easy and MT friendly is that platform? How is the work load? And finally, do they hire IC, PT, and/or FT? Thank you.
Have done that. Information is old. Anyone care to give input? nm
No, we did not give out information. No court order involved. sm
Obviously, TT was able to look at the information provided in the posts and determine who they FELT were making the posts.
No information has been given out by MTStars on this situation whatsoever.
Move on.
Can anyone give me information on Transcend Services Voice Recognition editors? sm
I was offered a job with them. Curious as to how good their benefits are, how easy the program is, and if the dictations are REALLY awful or just as any others. Any input on anything to do with the company and/or information on Voice Recognition editors would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
"warned" by someone who won't give facts or sign her name. Give me a break! nm
Nationals give at least a week to learn program. Give
Anyone know anything about Global Information Systems? Any information would be appreciated. nm
They used to give out $25 Amex cheques -- give them time. :-) nm
u made 300 a week? That's more than I made there.
But no work, no pay. Nice ppl, they really are, some of the nicest in the business. Just can't communicate to save their lives and the recruiters are lying dogs.
I'd say if you're looking for part-time work, as in less than 20 hrs a week's worth of work, then this place is for you. Use them as ur backup. Because guaranteed that's all they're using you for.
MedScribe Information Systems, Inc - Information please?
Anyone with information on this company?
I get what you are all saying about them not having to give give you work, but...
I guess I just figure that as an IC, I am basically my own business and it is my responsibility to make sure that the work is done when it should be. I just think that if the standard of the company is 24 hour TAT then that is what I am agreeing to do when they hire me. There are advantages for both of us to the IC senerio, they do not have to pay benefits, or take care of collecting and reporting the taxes, and I have to adhear to the 24 hour TAT (or what every thier standards are) but can do that during hours that are convenient to me. Of course it is better for the company if they know exactly when I am going to be sitting at my desk and typing that is why they have the option of hiring employees. Just my opinion and wanting things to be like they used to be.. I guess I have to get out of my time warp or look a little harder for a company who really knows what IC status means.
Give it time, sweetie, give it time.
They have definitely made some changes for the better - sm
There are a few people that are no longer there, that made working there very very very horrible, and they have a new insurance plan, and everything is going real smooth now!!
You made my day also! nm
I have seen that ad and it made me
sick to my stomach. That is why whenever someone finds out what I do for a living, I am extremely quick to point out the fact that you cannot make near that much. Well, I guess if you had your own accounts and lived in a very busy area, but not where I live.
I made 38+, some are up to 50K. BUT...you need to know...
You need to consider that recruiters work *for the company*, and they don't call the shots on what they sell. I eventually left the biz because I wasn't comfortable with what I was told to say to prospective MTs, knowing it wasn't reality. When you get in the door and things are different, remember also that the supervisor is probably not be in the know about what is sold on the front end, and the recruiter isn't to blame, either. It's senior management that should have their feet held to the fire.
So, don't shoot the messenger, please, because they aren't always in control of the script they're given. I speak from experience.
More $$ can be made as an RN BUT
the work is incredibly physically demanding, shift work is the norm, and holidays have to be covered. If you love nursing, become a nurse - but don't go into it for the $$.
I made nearly $60,000 ...
�in the 80s, when I worked for a hospital. Now that I work for a national company. my salary is $24,000 a year.
Don't know, but it made me...
think of on-point. Stay away, very far away....
Made in USA
It's pretty hard to find anything made in this country anymore. I just recently heard that Walmart imports their produce from Mexico and China!!! Wouldn't eat anything from that place. I don't need my veggies fertilized with people poop thank you very much.
I just took my Gateway laptop back to Best Buy for the 2nd time since I bought it 3 months ago. Hard drive went out within the first month. Now it won't even turn on. The guy who took it for service said it was the cheap made in China parts. Cheap isn't the issue with me, quality is. But I don't particularly consider that $1200+ laptop CHEAP.
And that is so bad??!! I have never made
such easy $$ as here at KS on Meditech. It rocks!!!
I made a little more than that....sm
at my previous employer, but not much more, probably about $2200 a month. I am not sure what I will be making where I am now because of all the variables....efficiency of platform, difficulty level of docs, etc. However, I do live simply. I do not currently have dish tv (cannot get cable where I live). I mostly eat at home and eating out is rare. I shop the specials at the grocery store and only buy meat on sale and then I don't buy things like shrimp, salmon fillets, etc. I don't spend a lot on clothes. I drive an older model (2001) car when I drive which is not all that often. I don't take vacations anywhere but rather spend the time here at home catching up on things that have been neglected the other 50 weeks out of the year. I also have a very close relationship with my Lord and Savior and feel that helps me cope with life in general and living on a small salary in particular. I'm not saying that everything is roses or that there is nothing that I lack or want for, but because I live simply, I find that I can live better on less. I realize also that I live in an area of the country where the cost of living is relatively low by national standards and I feel very blessed in that respect. My heart does go out to those who are trapped in areas where living is more expensive. Not being able to buy a box of mac and cheese to feed your kids (as another MT mentioned on here) must be an awful feeling.
omg u made my day!
For Real ! thanks for that :)
It sounds like the downsides are nothing to be worried about, I can deal with that.
Thanks again!
They made it up!
I believe the person that posted the message about the earthquake in Oregon was just trying to show that you can make up and post anything; it does not necessarily mean it's true.
Made in the USA.
We could save a ton of money by coming together, keeping a low overhead, incorporating, organizing state offices, could keep the rate low by not having to compensate CEOs. It would have to start out slow and grow by word of mouth.
Made in the USA
American made products resource:
I made a BIG mistake. SM
I was working for this great company who only required 2000 lines a day and had a very flexible schedule. I couldnt handle the 2000 lines a day in addition to my other position and had to quit. Then a little later, asked if I could have another chance. She gave me this chance and then, again, it was too hard for me to keep up with all the work.
Now I am on a different schedule with school starting again as well as other circumstances and this would just be the perfect scenerio for me. The 2000 lines a week.
I have been searching for other companies that might have this type of position available and have failed to locate one. Do you think it would be completely wrong of me to ask, yet again, for another chance? Or would I be coming off too nutty. :-)
Just asking for opinions. Go ahead and tell the truth. If you think I am a nutcase, go ahead and let me know. LOL. Just want pure honesty here.
Also if anyone else has ever been in the same position as I, I'd love to hear about it. At least I would know I am not the only one.
yes, I did. raises have never made me
They just made me an IC. They are liars also. nm
You just made my day!! Thanks, I needed that!
Thank you. I think those are just made up words.
They are made up of a web of lies....
They lie to get you to work for them, and then they consistently lie to you about raises, incentives, etc. If I were you, I would keep looking elsewhere.....there are many companies that are hiring.......If you go with OSI, you won't stay long.
I made over 40K as an MT with 100% QA scores. SM
It is possible - but RARELY as a new MT. The money starts increasing when your fund of knowledge increases and/or you're using your Expander effectively.
For what it's worth - I also read very quickly, so I proofread as I transcribed without slowing down.
NOBODY, other than the person who made the
You people really need to get a life or get back to work, one or the other...or both. Gheez!
A list should be made...here is one
Eskribe is owned by a Indian and all typing done in India.
Call the IRS. IF you made over $600.00 a W-2
or 1099 had to be mailed by 1/31/2006. The IRS would love to intervene on your behalf to get it if needed.
Okay, this made me laugh.
I worked on Vianeta years ago, and I have never been able to figure out why people who WORK on it can't SPELL it. It's a 7-letter word, how hard can it be?
You almost made it through the post..
Okay, you almost made it through the post and you were being positive and encouraging until you got to the part about there are a lot of people who think they can transcribe and cannot...
Just because someone had a bad experience with your company does not mean they are a substandard transcriptionist. Their pay is low for the industry and the incentive plan makes no sense. I left because I don't believe in what is happening in Trinidad. I was always able to transcribe enough lines and always had a 99%+ QA score.
and in my case, they have made NO
contributions to my MetLife account this year. Hope this is only my problem, just wanted to make others aware it was happening to me.
After I made a lot of noise they sent ...sm
me check for what was withheld, but never answered my question about why contribution had not been made. It is not a paperwork problem on my end. I'm glad to hear others have not been cheated like this.
Made much more transcribing, but it was too SM
hard on me physically, so I had to opt for the hourly QA route.
I saw something that made me think they were somehow related to MQ.
It was a list of companies, and Medquist was listed, and then another listing with Milner/MedQuist. I'm not sure what it means, but it sure scared me away.
You are too much...I made almost 60k five years ago
working in a similar recruiting/QA position for a small company. It varies widely. And it is a whole lot nicer position than MTing..well just about anything is IMO. Stop being so envious.
That really made me feel better
Not! Who says executives are smart? It seems like they are paying more to have things done twice versus paying once to have things done the proper way.
It made me even more wary
A lot of talk about them, very little about us, and a lot of not sure about issues regarding us for now.