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are archived/old. Other related messages found in our database I was thinking about the huge industry news below This is just my conjecture based on the hospitals and clinics that I have worked for in the past. 1. The up-front expense for the highest quality VR would almost seem to be out of reach for the independent physician or even very small clinics, say for example in a small, rural town. I just can't see every single physician purchasing this high-end technology, especially new physicians trying to establish their own practices along with paying all their student loans, etc. 2. Working with several national MTSOs over the past 16 years, I have worked on close to 100 different hospitals and clinics around the country and quite a few of them were large teaching hospitals. I can see the technology developing to the point that it would be able to put out a fair-quality (maybe even occasionally good quality) back-end report. But, no matter how excellent the technology is, I cannot see it being able to correct the mistakes these dictators make that are not related to grammar or spelling. I can't see the computers picking up medication errors, dosage errors, incorrect dates, new operative equipment, being able to correctly flag right/left, or correct spelling of cc'd physicians' names. With all the times I've had residents, PAs, or NPs dictate sentences, erase them, start again, erase them, and then end up saying go back to where I said [fill in the blank] and put [such and such] instead, I can't see a machine being able to correctly interpret all that. For these reasons, I can't see the total elimination of manual transcription without a drastic rise in the cost of risk prevention, malpractice insurance, etc. It may be the wave of the future, but I don't see it completely eliminating the need for human transcriptionists. I do, however, see it creating a need for certified, licensed transcriptionists completing the work the computers won't be able to. But again, this is all JMO and my thoughts regarding it. Any other thoughts on this? Saw on the news that ID theft is big biz in India cause of the credit card industry sending their NM I think this could only be done with a huge client base, or a huge number of say only s No news is good news for me. I check my audited reports all the time If I need to talk with one of them, I call or IM them. But, no, I have learned that if I am doing a good job, they leave you alone to do your work. They are not in any way a company that micromanages as long as you do what you are supposed to. If you give them a reason to think you are not doing what you are supposed to be doing, they will keep an eye out on your work, etc. I thought no news is good news, too. Then got email about p No news is good news! If there's a problem, they'll __ I guess no news is good news! :-) Thanks anyway! If no news is good news why is a person . I agree - no news is good news - sm They are busy making sure you have work and want you to stay productive and busy. What is there to talk about? I personally like being left alone to do my work. As long as you get a check and the work keeps flowing, just do your thing! ![]() Is this news should have been labeled NEWS ALERT ... This is breathtaking information and everyone who works at TT or is considering has the right to know. It will be buried with a title like is this news? It seems as if you are responding to the first poster's complaint of no work. Sometimes.....NO news is Good news. sm Maybe you are doing just fine and everything is correct. Maybe they do no feel you need feedback because your quality is excellent!! Good thought for the day :-) !! good news and bad news ---- Good - plenty of work, just landed a new acct. Bad - Check posts from a few weeks back. Out of the blue, everyone got a huge pay cut. Way of industry I guess what is considered a good salary has gone down since the last time I changed jobs. Sounds like you are talking about the same company I just left, only I don't consider anything less than 10 cents a line to be good after as many years as I have been MTing (and that is a cut for me). I guess its back to soliciting doctors and not working for a company anymore from the looks of things. What is the top pay in the industry (sm) today? In other words, if you have many years experience, CMT status, high quality QA review, work your schedule, and do high quality work, what per line can you make? What is the top right now? I presently make 8 cents a line and have for many years. I am curious how much farther companies are paying - or not? I thought it might be fun to see what others are making/expecting to make? Thanks for the input! Only in this industry... I'm wondering how it is that a whole group of SR editors allowed JLG to breach their original contract? This just goes to show you that a company can change the rules any time they want. All they have to do is threaten to fire you if you don't agree to whatever changes they feel like making. I wonder if any of the SR editors were able to collect unemployment?? BTW, I was hired by JLG in 2007, but quit on the first day of training. Too many RED Flags made my vision suddenly crystal clear.
WELL SAID, THAT GOES FOR ANY INDUSTRY..SM It's only human nature to care about your work when it's appreciated and halfway decently compensated. When you have to scratch out a living, though, and feel exploited, well, who cares? It's not just this industry It's not just this industry that does things like this. I spent many years working the front desk in hotels - front desk and night audit. The executive office staff had paid holidays, etc. Heck, they had LUNCH BREAKS that the front desk rarely got. We did get paid time and a half if we worked a holiday, but depending on how cheap the management company was that ran the hotel, there were usually only 6 of those per year. I worked for 4.5 years for a small, family owned insurance agency. It was amazing to me what the owners/family did that cost the company $$, but god forbid I actually take a day off sick............. There's always a sort of a double standard between the line employees and people who are considered back office or management, etc. It's just the way the world works. It doesn't bug me. I don't have anyone looking over my shoulder making sure that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing or interrupting me every 5 minutes to ask me to do something else that is an emergency because of their bad planning. I don't have to stop what I'm doing every 5 minutes to answer yet another phone call from a client. I never have to worry that at the end of the day I have 57 things started, but NONE of them are done. I don't have to work till 9 pm at night (having been there since 7 am) in a salaried position because the workday is so frenetic that's the only way to actually get something completed. I don't have to lay in bed at night wondering what is on my desk that I didn't get done that is going to get me and the company sued. I can have my TV on or not as the mood strikes. I can work in a T shirt and pajama pants, or I can get dressed like a real person again as the mood strikes. I don't have to pretend to be sociable to coworkers who make my life a living he!!. I don't have to deal with hotel guests who are unhappy because of incompetent management and complete lack of communication with the front desk staff. I can sit and have my coffee and play with my cats and then just go into the next room and go to work. On my lunch break I can take a walk around the block to clear my head and wave at my neighbors. Life is pretty good, as far as I'm concerned. It could be and (for me, at least) has been a lot worse. For those of us who have been in other industry. Things are the same all over. Nobody gets recognized for the work they do until it's time for the retirement party. I suspect that since I work at home, I probably won't even get a retirement party. I don't expect anything from my employer other than a paycheck. That is my reward. This Christmas, I am very happy I have a job. There are many people out there who don't have a job and would take mine in a second. It is 2 below outside, and I am grateful I have a roof over my head. Again, there are lots of folks who don't have that. I have food on the table and I could buy gifts for my kids. In my mind, I really don't have anything to complain about. Besides, is a $25 gift card really going to make a big difference in your life? I wouldn't think so. All W2s, regardless what industry, company, etc., have to mail them by 1/31. This is the law, not just for MTs but everyone. The industry would never have gotten as far as they have - when it comes to screwing their employees if MT had been a male-dominated field. And what put it over the top was when the internet made it possible for MTs to work at home. Once we were isolated from each other, and the outside world, they just started a feeding-frenzy of rewarding themselves by siphoning off whatever profit and benefits was in it for us. Today, we pretty much work only for the so-called benefit of working at home. For me, the novelty of working at home wore off years ago, as I began to tire of the constant poverty level. Why women as a whole won't join together and stand up for themselves is beyond me, but that's how it's always been, and it's why sweatshops around the globe continue to thrive. You don't know much about how the industry works, do ya?! ROFL Change your schedule monthly? Oh, so the company should have to readjust and possibly hire more for one month just because you want to work different schedule next month and it leaves them without coverage for their clients (which, by the way, PAYS YOUR CHECKS). You don't want annoying emails all day but you want communication on your accounts? LOL Which is it?! Tons of work? Gonna take tons of line counts to get it done with tons of commitment on a set schedule to make sure its covered. ??!?!? An account liason with a real person on the other end...blah, blah, blah. Can't read? Don't wanna read? Soooo, you think the company should take on more overhead to pay someone to sit at the end of the phone and personally tell you what you can and can't do?! LMAO If all MTs did their work there shouldn't be any on weekends. Hmmmm....LOL I guess those who dictate on weekends are outta luck, huh?! ROFL Make sure they tell clients, "Uhmm, we hope we'll cover you on the weekends but because the MTs may or may not want to cover weekends we might not be able to." Yeah, that will keep clients (again who pay the company so they can PAY YOUR CHECK). OMG this is all so rich. Just not enough time to continue on here...but you get my drift. Get over yourself. This is a business just like any other. Don't like it? Get out. Dream on with the "fantasy" job. Or, wait, wait -- BETTER YET --- Open an MT business yourself and let's all watch you put all these wonderful things in place and see how much business you really get, how many GREAT MTs you get, and how much profit YOU turn!!! LMAO!! The industry needs more new graduates like you ! nm nm I think the industry standard is using independent contractors and you get neither vacation or sick pay. Another example of how this industry has changed - that's why many are leaving this profession. After 10 years, that is how you're treated. It's a shame - and very degrading. I think this is probably the industry standard . U R so right! The MT industry gets away with so much unethical If all MTs were to rise up one day, suddenly become VISIBLE, and make their voices heard, maybe the industry would be put on notice to clean up their act. It's not just our industry that's affected...sm Try calling your ISP, cell phone carrier, cable or satellite company, etc for company service and more than likely you'll receive someone who isn't in the US. Want to buy furniture? Good luck finding it American made. What about your clothes you're wearing? More than likely not made in America. After all, that's how places like Wal-Mart is able to provide the low prices we want. When I was in high school back in the late 70s a pair of Levi's would cost you around $20. They are still around $20 - and it's almost 30 years later - yet the cost of producing them has gone up so something has to give to keep them cheap. What about your car? It's hard to find the words American Made Car and Top Quality in the same sentence unless you have $40,000 or more to spend. Most of us can't afford that so we go to cheaper vehicles - that are in part or wholey made out of the US. Kia is building a plant here in Georgia that will open next year - and it cost our state millions to get this deal to provide jobs for Americans. They've already more people asking about jobs with them then they'll have openings for - and they haven't even started hiring yet. Now look at food. Where does your produce come from? Increasingly from Mexico because of pricing. Now let's take our situation of healthcare and our jobs as transcriptionists. Hospitals demand lower transcription pricing and get it because of competition. Long gone are the MTSOs getting 20 cpl for a gross line. MTSOs now do good if they get 9-10 cpl for a 65 character line - without headers/footers. The hospitals don't care about the individual Transcriptionist because we don't provide direct patient care that they can bill for - even though if we don't transcribe correctly they can't bill - but they don't view it that way. On the other hand if you're an oncologist or radiologist and want a new play purty you'll probably get it because it'll make them money. America has always been a free society with free trade, and as long as that continues our jobs will continue to increasingly leave the borders. Will government care? Not really because the lobbyists line pockets with cash and gifts to keep getting what they want. Here in Georgia the head of an area in the state was recently publicized as being unusual because she refuses to accept even a cup of coffee from anyone wanting to do business with the state. That's the way it should be - instead of the exception to the rule. God - this industry is populated almost entirely ! Industry standards are a 3:1 ratio 4:1 ratio is slow and I'm not trying to diss you, just giving you facts. Industry standard also uses 1 minute of dictation = 10 lines of transcription, which I've found is more like 8 most often, but that doesn't change the industry standards. Some interesting links: http://ezinearticles.com/?Medical-Transcription-Standard&id=1079391 http://www.astm.org/BOOKSTORE/COMPS/127.htm http://www.fortherecordmag.com/archives/ftr_05122008p18.shtml Those links don't give you the specifics you asked for here, but those links will show you where the REAL ADVOCACY for MT is --- IOW you'll notice that ADHI/AAMT is NOT cited Re-entering the industry sm Hi. I'm re-entering the industry after 2-years to work with my husband's company, not MT related at all. I had finally gotten a great account with a great company five years into the biz and lost it after 6 months due to the account going in-house. I threw in the towel for 2 years. I have noticed that things have changed a good bit since then, in the fact that these companies don't really need you to actually do the transcription part unless they are seriously interested in you. That has been my experience anyway. I remember one time I was trying to find a great company, and I spent a LOT of time transcribing sample reports. Thanks for the input. My biggest problem is that I'm customing my cover letter for each application, and I'm making stupid mistakes like referencing this site when I saw the job at another site. Geesh. I even sent out a cover letter the other day and forgot to spell check because my cat was at the door driving me crazy wanting in. I typed, I am very conscientious of my work quality and mispelled conscientious. I'm sure they got a hoot out of that one! Then I signed my email on another one as my kids mother, the signature block I use for the school. GEESH! TGIF!!! :) Thanks for chatting! I've had WAY too much coffee! Its a lie, they were both in MT industry long time before they met x I mean nothing by it but everyone knows this is a constantly changing industry! nm . It's the cost of doing business in any industry. They know this, or should. nm x Something greatly lacking in this industry is It's like nothing I have ever seen in my life, and I have had a lot of exposure to many corporate, medical, legal, restaurant jobs in all parts of the United States. This job gets you less respect than a chambermaid job. I did that in college. Yes, this MT industry is the pits. What a shame! It used to be so good. The original poster had it as if the industry has a blackball list. Speaking as a recruiter, I can tell you that we do not. There are people who might not be good for one company that might fit well into another so this kind of thing as I see it does not exist and if it does, I know my company does not participate nor does anyone I know who recruits. If it exists, it only exists privately then, certainly not an industry thing. An Industry Double Standard?? All of the posts about some potential blacklist started me thinking this week. First, let me say I don't think one exists, and I do think there is an informal network where someone any of us may have worked with might work at a company or whatever and information is shared. But here's my question. While I don't believe in a blacklist concept, we DO seem to have that with employers here. So my question is, what's the difference? Why is it okay for MTs to say DO NOT work here... and it's not okay for an employer to say DO NOT hire this person... And I'm asking aside from the legal reasons of what can and cannot be given in a formal reference check. I'm talking about the informal network that we have in our industry. The reality is, like it or not, all MTs are not created equal just like all employers are not created equal. And there is no one size fits all company or MT in our industry. So what makes this different? Why is okay for MTs to blackball a company and not the other way around? I'm not asking for argument, purely curious about your thoughts on this. Thanks. I you just say you were at HEartland, anyone in industry will know what happened and why you :+ And industry would pay the lowest wage possible if people are willing to take it! People have to be pretty desperate or just not too bright to even agree to do this kind of work for low pay. Then why don't you bring this to them??? A big problem in this industry is that sm if someone has a problem, they vent on here rather than to the source. If you are unhappy there, why do you still work there? There are other companies to work for. If you think they are cheating you, let them know. Give them a chance to fix it before you assume that they know what you are working and how many hours. Are you HIM or radiology? I am in radiology and have a set schedule. My friend is in HIM and is flex hours. is it true that the only way to get a raise in this industry is to get a new job? x There is no industry standard for pay dates. ![]() I know someone who almost left the industry because of SoftScript sm She said she still gets the willies thinking about them. Really bad. Sounded like MedScribe Jacksonville to me... I had a similar reaction... almost left the industry and still shudder to think of them. Exactly. Even comparing our industry to carpentry. industry workers have a plan - a set plan and structure for their trades. You progress up the figurative ladder, gaining more skills and expertise, and you get paid accordingly - money, benefits, where to sit on the scaffolding, etc. LOL. Would a man who was a slacker complain and ridicule his peers when they wished they made more money for their skills? Its so beyond ridiculous that its almost funny, right??? Oh, please, dear employer, I don't want anywhere near what i deserve to be paid. I like making peanuts, because I can play games with my kiddies in my jammies and type a few lines now and again...so, no, please don't pay me more to do so. Heck, making more $$, our happy mom poster could even buy little Jimmy MORE games. Would that maybe strike a cord or flip the light switch on??? Honestly.... I can just see the master carpenters having debates about same. The industry standard is leaning more......... sm toward the use of numerals rather than spelled out words as numerals tend to stand out more. The use of Roman numerals is also being phased out, except for things like cancer stages. I don't think Webmedx is cheating anyone out of lines by requiring the use of numerals. As I said below, not every company is a good fit for ever MT. Why not just let this all go and find a company with which you can be happy? People like you spoil the industry. It's an employee's responsibility to report unethical behavior. Only a pitiful excuse for an MT (or human being for that matter) would look the other way and on top of that actually insult the ones who actually have the balls to say something about it. Just because you are too cowardly to stand up against dishonesty, doesn't mean you have to trash thoes who are not. You misread. The entire MT industry is a out of hundreds of thousands. Most people that get hired for job get put to work as soon as possible. The MT industry 'hires' people, then twiddles around with them for weeks. The MT is always the very last one in the pecking order, even though they are the ones who actually do the work that the MTSO gets paid for. It's like an entire industry run by a bunch of With a little luck, and some back-at-ya kharma thrown in for good measure, maybe one day some of the MTSO CEOs will be Bernie's new 'neighbors'. The industry HASN'T advanced. sm That's what the 'gripes' and 'complaints' are about. Technology in this field has advanced, but normally with advancement of technology comes advancement with compensation for continuing education. That's not happening in this field. THAT's what the complaints are about. I, for one, welcome advancement in technology. I'd still be working on a Selectric typewriter with carbon paper if I didn't. What I don't welcome is the fact that while technology is advancing, the working conditions are declining. While we are continually learning and sharpening our skills, researching new terms, equipment, drugs, procedures we are LOSING pay. This is one of very few industries where the workers are continually required to learn more and do more, but the compensation is going backwards instead of advancing. When technology advanced for the physicians and for the nurses, did they take cuts in pay? No, they actually advanced with their fields and their compensation increased based on the justification that they had invested time and money to learn the new technology. They became 'specialized.' When technology advanced for the medical centers and hospitals, did they lower their prices because their staff could do their jobs in a few less steps? No, they raised prices based on the premise of increased price of equipment and costs for doing business. What about us?? We have increases as well! What honestly justifies a cut in pay when the cost of everything else is skyrocketing? Can you tell me that?? This MT board is really the only way we have to communicate about our field. The 'griping' and 'complaining' is a symptom, and there wouldn't be a symptom if there wasn't an illness. So obviously there must be something wrong with the way this field of medical transcription is moving. This networking board allows us to discuss it openly where we can't with our employers or management. It almost seems as if some people won't be happy until they can take that away from us too. It seems like price fixing in t this industry. They all pay the same unlivable wages. Anybody know a lawyer? Ask about a price-fixing lawsuit. Not ashamed to be part of this industry, but definitely embarrassed to think of medical industry people checking out this forum and finding what it has sunk to. That so many people are in trouble these days is heart-rending. The problem is when it comes out as anger expressed in irrational, libelous, and abusive attacks on others, including employers. And especially in these remarkable days of the Information Age, there is simply no excuse for the astonishing degree of ignorance and lack of respect for truth displayed by many of us, who all come here via the World Wide Web. Nothing is easier than self deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true. One would think if 5K was so huge ... One would not let it accumulate to that. Only gamble with what you can afford to lose, and letting it get that far was a gamble. Though, sorry, you only wanted to hear how horrible the MTSO is (which it is horrible) and everything through rose-colored glasses about your friend. ![]()
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