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Hey Fingers! I start next week. sm

Posted By: MT30+ on 2009-05-01
In Reply to: Hey MT30+ - How's that new job of yours? - Fingers

Had to decide to put in cable internet instead of what I had. It is installed Monday. I have everything I need, people have been wonderful and I haven't even started yet. Even got a nice gift for MT week and haven't typed a line yet!

I sure feel like a valued employee before I even start!

Thanks for asking! How you doing?

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$700 a week?!!! You trying to start something here???nm
I'm due to start next week and this has

all been a bit unsettling for me too.  I'm pretty dependable so I'm not terribly worried about a schedule, but I'm worried about line count.  I need to do 1200+ lines a day, and I don't think that is an unreasonable number, but I'm starting to worry about how much time I'm going to be given to reach it. 

I have to tell you I'm wavering a bit, wondering if I would be better off where I am. 


me too! I start this week. I had to sm
get cable internet because mine wasn't fast enough on the upload. Its in and I am waiting for my ID numbers from the hospital. They have treated me like a queen adn I haven't even started.

I too am excited about a job again!!!!!!!!!
I start mine next week. They have sm
already sent me a nice gift for MT week and I haven't even started yet!!!!!!!!
I know, but we will have it cleaned out to start the week and then it is (sm)
the last week of the payperiod and seems like people are always having to try to make up lines/hours that week.

Good luck to us all.
I was hired by them last week, start this afternoon...
Feel free to email me
Anyone here typing the new acct that was to start this week?
I start training with Webmedx next week...sm
Like you, I know there is no perfect company, but they do seem pretty darned close.
I start at Webmedx next week and was told...
that my account will be 30% ESL.  When filling out the questionnaire, you are given the opportunity to tell them the amount (percentage wise) of ESL you can handle.  I put down 30-40%. I'm impressed with the way the recruiter handled things and, hopefully, will feel the same way in a month or so.  He seemed to really want to work with me and address any concerns that I had.  Good starting line rate with a good incentive plan. 
Will start training next week... any input on what to expect?
Hey Fingers! That is what I was sm
thinking so far...it seems like it use to be 25 years ago and I haven't started.

I ready and willing to bust my hind-end for this company because they have been so very kind to me so far. When people treat you right, it makes you want to work. you are right, you don't find this kind of stuff anymore. Too many new companies out there that don't have a clue and just want to treat MTs like factory line workers. The companies that have been here awhile (not the Q), you know what I mean, know that if they want experience and quality, they gotta treat you right!

Congrats on your job too!
To Fingers
I am sooo happy you found an old-time MT company!!  Been doing this for 22 years and am very discouraged and depressed.  Didn't think there were any left like it used to be.  That was when transcription was fun!!  I would love to find a small company where I could just work the same 2 or 3 docs for a decent wage. Congratulations!
You have said it well. I could have written your post. (We likely worked for the same big nasty MTSO.) I found myself getting migraine headaches and I actually broke teeth from grinding so hard at night due to the stress. I decided I could either continue to take the BS or I could put myself on the market. At the time I was pushing 60 and like you, I was scared, but I did it. I am now with a company where I am treated with kindness and respect, you know, like HUMANS are supposed to treat each other? And I am never out of work. Yes, my new company is demanding but at the kind of dough they pay, they have the right to be. My age and experience seemed to be a plus for me. I truly thought I would never get a job I liked as much as UCal (where I worked before the big nasty MTSO--UCal went to India one day). But I did. So I got stuck in the big, nasty MTSO and was mistreated and I just one day got mad as h*** and decided I wasn't going to take it anymore, not the demeaning conference calls, the clock in, clock out, be told I was spending too much time on a break. Uh-uh. There ARE good jobs out there. It might take a little trial and error, but if you are really good at what you do, you will find the right one. Good luck to all who are looking. I have been there and I know how hard it is. But I also know you CAN do it! Don't accept anything less than respect.
What you say is true, and their silliness really does affect the outcome of their business. Methinks they are forgetting one of the cardinal rules of the marketplace: PAY PEANUTS, GET MONKEYS. If they get these 6 cpl newbies, they will get 6 cpl quality. the effects will be harmful and by then it will be too late. Accounts will be lost and their quality MTs will be long gone.
There is simply no work on my accounts. I am getting 300 lines a day (and I usually do 300 lines per hour). I agree about low work being more stressful than no work. My great fear is this: What if the work does not pick up after Labor Day? I really want to stay with MDI but this is getting to be a bit much (or perhaps I should rather say a bit too LITTLE.....)
Thanks. That is why I am waiting, but I have to be honest and say that I am investigating other opportunities outside of MTing. I think the whole industry is about to go belly-up. I do hope that you are right and that things will pick up. If I am not back to my full lines by the end of September, I will have to look at other opportunities and take the best one that presents itself. I have set that as my deadline. My income has dropped by 50% and we cannot survive on that. Thanks for your support and good luck to you, too! Good luck to all of us!
TransHealth has some that start the next month after you start work. nm
Tell that to my dying fingers.
To fast fingers ....

Your post on Unlimited LD was way at the bottom so I figured I would post a new thread ...

I am unsure on who else there is that has Unlimited LD services that are indeed unlimited.  With AT&T and MCI, they have a hidden clause that states it is NOT unlimited and that you have to get a biz line, yada yada yada, which costs hundreds of dollars. 

So my suggestion is if you dont feel comfortable with going through Vonage, then maybe check with your cable/dsl companies that offer VOIP ( voice over IP) that gives you LD services .... OH wait, Go to best buy, they have VOIP adapters through diff companies! I totally forgot about that


fingers; question for you


May I email you privately about e-MTS?  I work for MQ, too. Thanks.


request to fingers
Hi fingers. If you dont mind, I am out of work since April and trying to find somewhere paying okay. I left Medquist and they called me asking to come back. I am desparate at this point and am thinking about it. How do I contact e-MTS. HEEEELLLLLP. Here is my email address: baker699@adelphia.net
Will keep my fingers crossed
Thank you for your response.  It makes me optimistic to know that you are getting contacted...will keep my fingers crossed that I'll start hearing from some of them soon.  Hopefully they are all just really busy and working through all the resumes they get.  Good luck with your job hunt!
I'm with you Cranky/Fingers
Too many MTs only worry about themselves and running up their line count, they don't stop to think that this type of behavior leads to the company losing the account, because the client is seeing this and come time for contract renewal and out the company goes. Then who loses? All the good MTs on the account and the company.
What I suggest is that you get those fingers
working to make money before that rate changes. Don't waste time on here. This does not pay you a thing, just gets your blood pressure up.
FINGERS - response
To clarify once again. ANYBODY- anybody who works like the sentence below, IS ENTITLED TO A RAISE period.

There is some wrong attitude inside -- if one feels a raise is not deserved then society as a whole and/or some other person instilled this and it is wrong wrong wrong. Women are in general put down, men do it and even women do it to other women (I suspect to curry favor with men)

I could work 16 hours a day 7 days a week and then some, but I am told that does not entitle me to a pay increase

let's see..10 fingers...10 toes...one nose..sm
and maybe even my backside..I was speaking for myself as well as the others who have thought your posts single-sighted, single minded, and rather on the sour grape side. I also did not see any name calling, though, so you were wrong about that part.
VR... no coffee for me... bleeding fingers

I have been reading a lot of the posts to get the gist of VR and the line rate and the different programs.  I just started a new job about 2-3 weeks ago and as of today I am finally getting up my speed on the VR... takes a while to learn those short cuts!.  However, the pay is very low and I am evaluating whether I will stay or not.  I am readlly between a rock and a hard place and SO need to supplement my income from my SS widow benefits. 

The company that hired me has 2 programs, one of them being EScript that you are all talking about that the words are just flying by while you drink coffee.  I'm lucky if I can get up to get a cup!!  I am using Enterprise Express Editor for mostly speech and very little text (which pays better by the way).  Has anybody heard of this VR that I just mentioned?  I would love to just put my feet up and relax a bit while the words are flying by. 


You should not point fingers at what you don't know. I have worked for Lee and KS for 4 years an
if anything, she treats us BETTER than any other company, which is why the changes. They are not 2-week changes. They are not unprofessional. They are changes that happen in every company in every industry unless they are stagnant. Growth brings change. There is no damage control to be done. Just stating facts and sharing information so that MTs looking for a position have the correct information. Good company, good pay, good benefits, good account, stability. They aren't going anywhere, their accounts are happy and the MTs on staff are happy except for those that cannot be happy anywhere.
Fingers not working. I meant between companies. sm
On rereading my post, I should have said often times the negative posts and great posts. Not all.

There are some bad companies out there. There are some great companies out there. It is hard to sort through the trolls and cheerleaders.
Thanks heard back and crossing my fingers
meant *work for* sorry..tired fingers..nm:)
Wow...congratulatins, Fingers! Sounds wonderful :0
You can explain to 'this one' until your fingers cramp
She's apparently ESL and will NEVER understand the point you are making. I don't even think she's an MT, just someone here killing time and sorely lacking in comprehension.

Save yourself the frustration. I think the rest of us understand exactly what you're trying to convey.

Sorry, that should be thinks�fingers too fast today
They will pry my expander out of my cold dead fingers.
And THEN they'll find out what Cranky REALLY means......
oops - meant Keystrokes. Fat fingers today. nm

fingers not working properly. Please ignore the typos. Need my coffee.
Fingers are crossed (but it's hard to type!). Good luck! nm
not gott.... GOTTA (I hate my laptop keyboard..fingers are too fat)

Full time with Transtech is both. 40 hours per week and 5500 lines per week.
Nope .. email on 1/18 promised "within the next week." Here we are, 1 week later and no info.
The minimum is 5500 per week, NOT 6600 per week. I think you made a typo. :)
Oops, no expander problem, just spastic fingers, meant to say care. nm

Workin, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that one of the suggestions will work for you too. nm
i clear over 800 a week, 40/week; 30+ year experience. (nm)
I get my paycheck every week - that is enough for me! Happy MT week everybody! nm
I got laid off for MT Week. Happy MT Week to me!
Good last week - Slow this week.
I hope this is not an indication of things to come.  I am getting 1,200 lines a day but it is taking me all day to do it.  We seem to be out of work from 9-12 every day this week.  Hope things pick up after Labor Day.
closet - broom closet. (broken fingers) NM
16 hours a week or 8 a week and get
401 K.
Why would anyone work 8 hours a week. The poster above said 16 or 24 hours a week.