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Her husband's a big jerk too.

Posted By: Just an opinon from someone who's been there NM on 2009-02-23
In Reply to: I went through the same stuff - Documed sucks


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what a jerk
Sexton jerk
Yep, you're right!
What a jerk AND an idiot!!! LOL nm
OMG - more from the knee jerk gallery
Hello? What part of simplistic thinking don't ya get?

These sound like transparent, DEFENSIVE posts from mgt - not happy employee(s) are complaining about the pay schedule change. So go on the attack, right? Pathetic.

usually it's just an uproductive CYA knee jerk "do something" reaction (SM)
some supervisors like to lash the troops in turn when they get negative feedback ... others issue these blanket condemnations (suggesting their team is made up of lazy, unprofessional, dullards) to, in turn, show THEIR supervisor that they 'DID SOMETHING' ...

I wish they realized just how demoralizing these missives are ... and how often they reflect very bad new employee training and QA; lousy ongoing communication wrt to client feedback as well as changes in account specifics ... and let's not talk about obviously outdated, poorly written and/or incomplete and/or confusing and/or contradictory account specifics

oh, and then there's the cowardice of sending group memo to everyone rather than actually -- actually -- discussing the problem(s) with the offending MTs (who likely had no idea their work quality was unacceptable (or they would have fixed it).

I know supervisors are hideously overtaxed with far too many MT's and accounts to oversee ... but yes, I've worked under nothing but bad news supervisors and it sucks.
So you work for free? Typical male response, jerk.
Me and my husband
are both independents. We went to a health savings account. We pay approximately $350 a month with a deductible of $5000. This sounds like a lot - but it was cheaper in the long run, compared to higher monthly premiums. Right now we visit the doctor very infrequently, I am more worried about one of us landing in the hospital as we get older. THAT I want covered.
Then L's husband perhaps?
I thought she owned, maybe her husband but no problem, still love working there.
Yes I will. My husband may be going
up that way in a couple of weeks - I may have him peek in on that company and give me a first impression thought.
What does what her husband makes have anything
to do with anything?
My husband is in sales...sm
He is in sales, plus makes an hourly rate. He is considered full-time and the healthcare takes a chunk from his pay, but is well worth it for our family of four with two children under 12 years of age. I'm so glad he gets commission checks once a month. Before this though, I was the breadwinner working a full-time job plus 3-5 extras at home, he was taking care of the kids and working part-time. This arrangement we currently have works out great as I'm home all of the time, but sometimes I do get lonely. I love this message board!
wow, they sure must take a lot out of your husband's check! SM
because with self-employment taxes, etc., it's in the 30+% range!!!!  I don't think I have ever known an IC who didn't have to pay taxes.  What is your secret???
I have insurance through my husband.
I like being an IC too, but when you have your own accounts, it is tough to take time off.  Plus, you have to be really regimented about working.  It is very easy to get distracted.  When you have doctors counting on you, then you just do what needs to be done and the money rolls in.  I have a big problem at this point being told to work set hours and do a set amount of lines or minutes, so I tend to like IC work!  True IC work with a company online is hard to find though.  Most of these companies want you to COMMIT to certain hours or certain minutes of dictation or certain lines per day, which in my personal opinion is not truly IC work.  Just my 2 cents. 
My husband was sued for this
by a previous employer (not transcription) after he quit his job and took a job with a competing company with better bennys and $. It was a route/delivery type job.  He did sign a non-compete contract, but the judge denied their suite saying the company does not have a right to prevent a person for making a living. It was determined he was working an already established route and was not approaching the first company's clients, and therefore was not in violation. Of course every contract is different, but I can't imagine they can keep you from working.
How much is it for a wife and husband??? nm
Same here. My husband wanted to help me out
and encouraged me to try it, but I definitely could type faster.. Just could not stand being so slow...like with my crazy slow dial-up I'm stuck with, drives me NUTS!
My husband is a retired
truck driver.  The truck driving industry seems to have gone the way of the MT business.  I wish you well though.  Sometimes I'm glad I'm old and really don't have to work anymore if I don't want to.  Gonna go paint my gourds!!
Please tell me you are kidding about your husband! nm
Keep IC job since husband has benefits...nm
I had to leave because my husband
is active-duty Air Force and is leaving for training. We have a three-year-old daughter and cannot afford daycare.
And my husband works
union and we pay no premiums and total coverage. Yeh!
My husband is in sales. He also
It's not just MT.  He has to sell 30% more of the product and also his contribution towards health benefits went up $160.00 per month.  We are a family of four.  There is no forum for flooring retail that I know of, so we just grin and bear it.  There is really nothing we can do.  This economy is tough.  But what I decided to do instead of worrying about the economy is just take a bit more work and work just a bit harder.  I was just so elated that they did not lay him off.  I guess I tend to look at things a little different.  Yes, it is hard on him to convince people to buy when the economy is bad, but somehow, some way, since he's really great at what he does, he's been doing rather well regardless of the paycut and extra putting out.  We've managed.
Well what is in Oldsmar, just the husband and brother?

The website and checks say the Palm Harbor address. 

Insurance is no cost at all to my husband
and me thru teamsters, $20.00 copay when going to the doctor, PTO. That is the good part- now the bad- if he should die before me, no insurance for me. Well, since I am 10 years older, will possibly have Medicare before him, who knows??
Oh please, that's a crock. I have savings and husband, but I still
Still not affordable but better than my husband's so we have no choice. sm
His company is $1410 for a family of 4 and none of us have any illnesses or surgeries. Highway robbery.

We pay $710 a month at Keystrokes. Still high but half.
I already have insurance through my husband's job, so I didn't need it.
Sounds like my husband's ideas
He is always the optimist, I am the opposite. I consider him na�ve because he seems to believe most told him. I can understand what you are talking about. I have thought just in the past few years (now since I am in my older years) that if worse came to worst, at least I would have my retirement fund (the work doing now is after being outsourced from this place I will now draw funds from) and then social security kicks in for me next year. I want to continue working plus drawing full benefits from social security and the retirement- that is my goal and I hope to make it.
Well, my husband has worked for the same company for sm
over 25 years and still only makes $11.75/hr. Try living below your means on that! It takes all of his income plus mine as an MT to even make ends meet. As for Dave Ramsey, he has some good points, but saving any kind of money on our income is practically impossible. And, as for giving up extras, like new cars, etc., we dont have any of those things either. We cant even go out to dinner once a month. Things have gotten very bad. No raises, but higher bills.

Okay, I'm done complaining now. Off the soap box!
yes, after my husband had 5 heart attacks, you would be too
Sometimes life happens. My husband had 5 heart attacks, requiring cardiac surgery. If you were working several accounts and had to answer 800 emails and hire while your husband was in the hospital, maybe you could understand.
Husband ditto here. Kicking out...
yet, he does not believe me when I say I am trying my best to get the work. Ug.
Hi, Yup, that would be Cheryl, co-owner, she and her husband Ian, who is an MD....sm
are originally from South Africa, have UK educations and degrees, have been in the US for 20 years now, the company has been up and running for almost that time, they have a lovely family here, and they are 100% American citizens, as our their children.  She is very busy as she is involved in so much of the running of the company, but a very honest, lovely lady to talk to, and Dr. Ian is kind an helpful and very encouraging, great bosses.
My husband is a carpenter and has his own tools. sm
There are a lot of professions, employees, who have to have their own tools including plumbers, mechanics, cement finishers and hairdressers. I am sure there are more, but those I can think of off the top of my head right now.
Happened to my husband who is in management
I haven't had to take a pay cut, but my husband did. At his company all management staff took a 15% pay cut. Mind you, it was management only, didn't affect rank and file employees. This is happening all over in this economy. The problem with cutting MT pay is that we make so little to begin with, the pain of a pay cut is much worse. I agree that pretty soon it won't be worth it to work in this field.
Yes, my husband is self-employed so we have individual plans but...
the preminums keep going up and up. I realize they also do when you work for a company, but since they get a group rate, the hit isnt as hard as when you are self-employed. Once you have a medical condition and your self-employed, the rates are horrible. I am going to check into some of our plans here locally just to see. My husband and kids are on their own individiual plans and they do have a copay but all we could afford was the cheapest plan which does not cover a lot and like I said every year we get hit with higher preminums just to end up with less coverage. It is very discouraging.
That is not just MT. My husband is a union bricklayer and if there is no work, they can take off wi
They will only lay them off if it will be more than a week. When I worked at a hospital doing MT, we had to use PTO when it was slow, usually in January!
I like the insurance they have now. It is cheaper than the one that my husband's company has. s
They have been trying to get new insurance for over a year but do not have the participation requirement filled, as they have let everyone know. However, I spoke to a manager who told me that the one that they have been working on since December looks good, just taking longer than expected as they keep asking questions.

My husband works for one of the largest corporations in the U.S. (not MT). sm
They are paid on the 1st and 15th and his will not post until Monday. They were told that it depends on the clearing house in their region, that their bank sends it any day, even if a Sunday, but if that middleman, so to speak, is closed, it will not go until the next day. Same with holidays.
We have insurance through my husband's company and this year

our premium was only raised $3.00 and our benefits were improved. 

If you have pre-existing conditions you don't have lots of options, but there are lots of other options available otherwise. 


Welll....I do have a millionaire husband who IS my nanny..
Heck..he doesnt have a real job.. He can cook, clean and watch the kids LOL
oh wow...good luck to your husband in finding a new job...
My husband is union and they have been asked about taking a pay cut,
before you talk about having 2 salaries in the family, I along with others have been to where there was only 1 person working and taking care of children, the bills and everything else. I did it for years before remarrying and this is what really works: I had more than 1 job at all times. I never suffered from lack of work or money. I was determined. Can you see the difference? Not everyone that is married has the other 1 working and helping out. Used to be married to a househusband in years past so don�t guess what works in every household.
Where'd you get your info? Husband made 63,000+ as a truck driver. nm


The coverage for myself, husband and 2 daughters through his company is $762 a month. sm
My sister pays $480 for herself and her teenage daughter at a national MTSO (not Keystrokes).

I think it is going up everywhere. Maybe the Clintons were right.
With all due respect, with your husband making $100,000 a year, you may not need a response. sm

Your kids aren't carrying the weight of a household on their shoulders.  A lot of MTs are in a position where they are the sole breadwinner, single moms.   Nationals run out of work, offshore.  Hospitals offshore or go to nationals.  Things happen fast.  Makes people desperate and edgy.  Please have some compassion.  I am not in this situation myself, but I empathize.  With all the automation these days, truly how difficult is it for a recruiter/company to pop out an email saying the candidate did not qualify, etc.? 

I was told the new one will be less than $200/month. My husband's insurance is horrible and $800
I have insurance through them. It is Unicare. It is less than what my husband's company charges
It is high though, $487 per month for myself, my husband and 2 kids. DH's job wanted $940 per month.
My husband is a Christian minister - I write -Christmas-
I find no offense at all with Xmas. If you do your research you will find this is true.
My husband got a raise to cover his increase, the lucky bum. nm
Let me REMIND you, big head, u have a husband to PAY for the car; some of us are single or widows
GET REAL, U BIGHEAD.  What if you didn't have a second income from your husband?   You wouldn't be bragging so much about your hybrid!   You are probably mgmt, anyway.  They are the only ones whose paychecks do not change unless go up due to raises given to themselves from the MT's money.
My husband is an electric motor repairman-employee
He has to provide his own tools,micrometers,toolbox,
etc. His boss used to supply everthing needed until the help started stealing the tools. Now he makes them supply their own. No more theft.