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Posted By: KyMT on 2008-12-23
In Reply to: 9 cents for clinic notes - GeorgieGirl

I do clinic notes too. Just curious how long you've been with your current company and how much experience you have? I'm getting ready to post mine. Thanks!

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Georgie, how soon are you looking
I need a job that I can start immediately. I am an IC for a company that hasn't had work for me since the first week in December and need a job ASAP.
girl-on-girl crime

Being remote, it makes it easy for someone to mess with your life if you get them angry, especially if they can manipulate line counts and the type of work you get. 

Perhaps that is why most of us don't speak up more, although that is precisely why we should. 

Who's going to be the overseer for this industry, to make sure that all is conducted fairly and within the law?  I don't think anybody outside the industry cares that much.  There are much bigger things to worry about right now, I guess. 



Hear/Here Georgie
Not to worry. I had one the other day, just typed what he said giver 50 mg. Even proofed it myself and did not catch it. lol
Still waiting for your response Georgie Poo
Let's hear it girlfriend. What gives? Maybe MTReviews.org doesn't even have any clients. Kinda hard to hire MTs when there are no clients. Or, do you expect us to send a resume as well as find you the client? Hmmmmmmmmm.

Some of us on this site have been around the block more than a few times.
Sorry, but I completely agree with Georgie.
And to you, pot/kettle. You tell her not to be rude & then proceed to call her a NASTY MISERABLE person... Oh the irony.
What's wrong with Georgie's posts? Seems EmmaMT was
I work Sun-Thurs and Georgie needs social skills

I changed from Tues-Sat 1st shift to Sun-Thurs 3rd shift because I start Sunday evening and I am done with my shift on Fridays at 7:00 a.m.  I have all day Saturday and Sunday to spend with my family.

Georgie, you are just a NASTY person.  There is no reason to be so rude and condescending to others.  I think you need to take some classes on social skills or get some counseling because you seem to be a pretty MISERABLE person.

You go girl!

you go girl!!
Well help a girl out!
Where did you get it? How?
Go on girl!
I am an old PRD girl myself and (sm)
the ESP Expander that is written into the ExTex program reminds me of that; however, I also use my shorthand.
You Go Girl!!!!!
I'm with YOU, girl! - nm
sorry not that girl
i work on mdnetwork which is a great plaform but def do not get to cherry pick.  who cares though, all the docs are great so it doesnt really matter to me one way or another. 
You go girl!! (sm)
Too many want all the perks of a work-at-home job and the perks of a 9-5 run office situation.

I suppose they also want their dentist and doctor to work around their schedule also.

Not a recruiter, just tired of hearing the griping and inflexibility so many seem to have anymore, not everyone, just some.
You go girl!!
You go girl! nm
You Go Girl!
Yes please continue. Thank you so much. It helps me to focus on what my goal is and if something is not aligned with that, discard it. You never know who is posting on the other end and it may be their desire to have you stop, all the more reason to continue.
Right on, girl!

You said what I think every day -- afraid to check how many hours I really work, setting up each and every job in a software platform that makes me take my hands off the keyboard every 2 seconds.  It is a waste of my time, but I doubt I could ever return to the world where you dress up every day, get in a car, fix my hair, get my nails done, etc.  I have many regrets about doing this work, but those stated above are not amont them.  My regrets are yours - no raises, no appreciation, and knowing that the big guys travel back and forth for meetings (what a joke in this day and age of online meetings).  If only they split all that money up for us poor

YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!
you go, girl! I'm very happy with MQ...and have been for
 no one likes to hear that, though!  So I have to work a little harder to make a little more money, so what? I'm a big girl, I can handle it!
You just said everything that I was thinking also...you go girl!!!
You silly girl!
To Texas Girl...

Actually, my BOB - 10+ accounts for which I have 3 primary accounts out of - has standardized client profiles, no need look at client profile for each account or try to remember different rules. All now have the same formatting rules and ADT info requirements and very few dictator-specific differences. I realize that not all service areas have done this yet and not all areas of MQ are managed the same and I probably would not be as happy if I were in one of those, but I stuck it out and they made the changes promised in my area and I am now so much more productive. The accounts are better than I had before MQ as far as number of ESL and other difficult dictators, the ASR reports on average are good and I can more than make up for the 30% cut in pay on them - only get on average 5 or 6 a day though.

I guess it depends on where you end up when hired at MQ how good or bad things are. I have moved around a lot over many years in this business and probably will stay here until retirement if I am able - depending on what happens with CBay and all. I have found the right fit for me with MQ with adequate pay, the schedule I want, plenty of work, reliable paycheck and PTO - a big plus after a stint being IC, and nobody hanging over my shoulder watching my every move. The only time I ever hear from anybody is in answer to a question I have asked and the daily TAT logs from my PS. That is the way I like it, leave me alone to do my thing. I have no reason to leave.

I am glad you found the right place for you, having only one account that is always busy is the best situation to be in. You are lucky because that is not so easy to find anymore. 


you go, girl, i know exactly what you are talking about
Woohoo...you say it girl!!!
I get so sick of people not taking pride in their work and if everyone did there would not be so much complaining about it...
Hey girl! Email me.......sm
Your old TMTS friend, LOL!
I was a Girl Scout
I'm always prepared :) LOL!

I don't keep all the eggs in 1 basket because I have been around this track a few thousand times. It's also why I make sure I can use all the new modes of transcription to my advantage. I think that's key to the future of MT. Keep your skills up, and not just your typing skills. Learn. Network. Have the quality to back all that up. You'll have work.

Southern Girl
I have a friend up in San Francisco and she bought this nasty little starter home in a dangerous neighbrhood (gangs, drugs, but it was the only place she could afford to buy) for $350,000K. They are afraid to go out of their house at night. I once saw a two-bedroom condo listed in the SF paper for 2.2 million.
thats what ya call girl power!!!
Thanks, green eyed girl!!! If I end up getting a new job,
I hope I can count on you for help when all of my resources are exhausted. How long have you worked for the company you currently work for?
Give a girl a break...

Why aren't people allowed to speak here without always getting chewed up and spit out and told what a dumb u&^^%$$#@@*** they are?  Ask some questions. Offer a similar experience.  Hey person with head cut off, how might we support you, or did you just need to vent?  I just had a few days of that, put me into a tailspin.  I'm unfortunately not in a place to be able to ride with it. Lovely, nice company, however.  It was temporary and my mind was put to ease.  I just WISH I had the liberty to ride it; unfortunately, I just can't right now.  So, problem solved for me, but I hear you loud and clear.  I rather get tired of being married to this thing 20 hours/day.  I'd scale tall buildings for these nice people, but mortgages are mortgages..hang in there.  It really doesn't mean your're an ungrateful jerk if you fret over no income.  Why do forums make people so cranky?  I think I'm going to do a study on the sociology of the virtual community.  It's interesting.

are you kidding? no more games. GO-GIRL! n.m
You GO girl! Have unforgetable holidays.
Please don't get me wrong. Love every decade. I like the water. I dislike sinking ships and, regrettably, this is certainly one of many. Pathetic...I feel your loss.
Technology. Imagine 2026...........

Hey girl, greetings from the northwest coast of Fla. sm
did you take that ASR test yet? I know Spheris has a few new accounts coming on board too but I don't think you'd want to go back to that. Cornerstone was not my cup of tea but loved TWS. If something isn't broke, don't fix it.
Question for Happy Girl
How do you find the schedule? What holidays do you work? Are you allowed any flexibility, even as far as working a 12 hour window or not?

Thank you for answering.
oops sorry, kyradmt, I called ya a girl

Georgia girl must work for medscribe!!
Because you make no sense and you aren't being helpful. The company gives bad accounts so it's hard to make quota and then calls and berates the typists. How is that the typists' fault? duhhhh DUHHH... the typist is leaving and just passing on the info
You go, Girl! Hope you're feeling better! nm
Smmmmokin'!!! Good luck to you, girl! nm
Great detective work, girl! nm
Dang It girl! I'm not liking my fourth one
I wonder where a person in the field of only MT'g for 10, 15, 20 plus years could get hired for any other kind of work anywhere?
you are putting on your "big girl" panties?
that is way too much information.

You are condescending and post like a plant.

This really isn't a flame, it's more of a comment about the tone of your post.

No matter what the situation is at MDI, and how you feel about it, your tone is rude.
You ask why I stay... answer for Happy Girl . SM
Happy Girl, I stay because I found a company who is not up my arse and who understands the true meaning of an IC which is that we make our own hours and we say sorry, we don't work on holidays or weekends and they are fine with that because if the truth be told here, the IRS would really love to know about companies who boss IC's around so much because they are really just getting away with not paying the MT's social security and share of taxes. That's right!!!!

I am off on EVERY holiday and I work my own hours...ahhhhh have fun happy girl!

Wow, you surely are a lucky girl! Please tell me the VR system,..sm
platform and company.

In 'real life' there are ESLs that are not allowed to do VR, because the VR system cannot make them out and are left on straight transcription.
Dawn, I agree with you girl! All my good docs...
have also been kidnapped by the cherrypicker gang!
Move on, girl - gotta make a living
You make us laff here, girl! Love your point of view! :) nm
Small town Missouri girl very happy at Transcend

I�ve been sitting here in my little corner of Missouri wondering if I could diplomatically address any of your concerns.  At first I was compelled to simply set the record straight and now I�m just compelled to show my support not only for my country�but also my company!  That�s right�bold statement, huh?!  No, I�m not a SUIT, (and BTW neither is Stephanie Campbell) but a humble MLS who was promoted to a TL (Team Leader) and now again to a QAS within MY company.  You see, Transcend loves their MLS and treats them with the respect and the recognition they deserve.  If you want to excel in this industry, Transcend is the only company you should be looking at.  Oh, and by the way, I had the opportunity to travel to Atlanta and meet some of the SUITS of the company and they�re just like me�patriotic, family-loving, hard-working everyday human beings.  AND they care about my opinion; what works for my region and why other things don�t!


I worked for a large hospital facility in Nebraska before coming to Transcend and loved it dearly, but honestly technology-wise I didn�t realize how far behind they were.  Since being with Transcend I�ve had the opportunity to see firsthand how they continually upgrade, enhance and automate processes for their MLS; always trying to make things easier and time efficient for their employees.  Who wouldn�t want to be on the leading edge of technology in our industry?


As for sending work overseas�. Transcend does in fact outsource on occasion a very small percentage of it�s volume, but only when there are gaps in turnaround time coverage and ONLY when the customer approves it.  If there are American MLS willing and able to take some of that work from overseas workers, we are more than happy to provide it to them.  That�s why we need your help to keep this company going strong as an AMERICAN company.  Every single day I�m thankful for my job with Transcend and have grown to love the tight-knit family I work with.  Each day we talk and keep each other inspired!  We cover for each other in time of crisis and give each other a pep talk when we need it.  I can confidently say that my life has changed for the better since I came on board.  I really do love it.  Transcend is where it�s at if you want to work at home.


Me in my little corner of Missouri will get off my soap box and let you ponder this:  Perhaps if a small town girl from Missouri can make a CAREER with Transcend maybe you can too?!  The possibilities with Transcend are out there, attainable�.you just have to reach for it!

Thank you, we all get sick of 1 bored girl after another posting negatively to a post. Give it a br