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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Faster, easier, and more reliable than Autocorrect.

Posted By: yes on 2006-01-10
In Reply to: How do you put this in AutoCorrect? Wouldn't shorthand work the same way? - computer illiterate


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I have mine in autocorrect as yo. Autocorrect with
expand the abbreviation after a hyphen...so if I type 41-yo it auto expands to 41-year-old
Very reliable..sm
This company is very reliable.  Owner will always make sure you have enough work.  I have been with them for almost one year now and things are great.
a resume would still be more reliable
Anyone using VPN with a reliable wireless
Looking for reliable independent MTSOs
I am looking for independent MTSOs. Anyone really content with their company, I would sure like to know. I have many, many years of experience. Not interested in nationals. Been there, done that.
I think they are a reliable company but some of their accounts are almost 100% ESL and very
difficult.  Check which accounts they are looking to hire for and let me know.
No way. I work there and have asked a very reliable source who would know. nm


Try Webmedx. They run low on work, too, sometimes, but overall a more reliable place. NM.
Good luck.

It is a good place to be. Safe. Reliable. Honest.
Once an MT's abilities are proven, MDI is extremely loyal. In return the MT is loyal. The way a mutually beneficial business relationship should be.
Holy Brown Stuff. Is that reliable info? (nm)
more cpl? or same but faster?
Not really faster....
I have worked on ChartMatrix with the M-modal software and you have to insert these special headings to do this...you press Ctrl + N and then type the heading or pick it from a list and then hit shift to get out of the heading and then start typing again. You also have to do this for each subheading (like for the PE) and to create numbered lists. Much slower than using my Expander and typing a few Keystrokes to get my heading and have it formatted per my account specs instantly. Numbered lists might be considered faster by some, but I already use an AHK script that automatically numbers lists for me. I just don't see where it will be any faster to justify the cut in our line rate.
That is low. I transcribe faster than that.
They'd pay even faster if threatened with
you calling their clients. I doubt very seriously the client wants to be called to court as a witness of work done under your name.
And have you noticed how much faster sm
you need to set the voiceplayer in VR to get the same amount of lines that you got before that upgrade? Unbelievable. Mine is now 50% as opposed to 30%. I barely have time to pee now.
I just use my autocorrect. nm
Precyse does, too, if speed is 37K or faster. nm
I can transcribe faster than edit
I don't know which VR you are using but the ones I know of and have used require tedious work. I can transcribe faster than I can edit and it puts less stress on me. Maybe it is my experience of 30 years that is the reason and maybe others don't have that much experience but I have seen the end result of those with less experience and it is still a mess when they finish editing because they don't know any difference. Or perhaps you have a vested interest in making VR look good. Not accusing just pondering.
Okay - we are running low on work now, if we get faster like they think (sm)

will occur with this new improvement, what the heck.  We will just run out of work faster seems to me. 

I know they anticipate more work coming in, but.... so far that hasn't benefited us much.  We have lost about as much as has come in.

I fear even less work at a reduced rate.

One thing I question, doesn't everybody do ISR now?  Sounded like some of the posts insinuated they were going to be forced to START doing it.


Can you use AutoCorrect in VR mode?
Not autocorrect. I know those work. How did you
They've never worked for me in BT and I was told autotext can't be converted in BT. 
It comes with Shorthand or use autocorrect.
I like the system
AutoCorrect should be the least of your problems
You will spend most of your time doing data entry which you won't be paid for. Amphion uses Dictaphone EXtext which has it own Expander program called ESP. AutoCorrect is not compatible with it. However the bigger problem is you will have to add all the patient data if you have an account that doesn't interface with the facility and most of the time newbies are stuck with this account. You will do a lot of busy work and won't be paid for it. Wish you a lot of luck though but Amphion didn't work for me.
They claim "it is so much faster than Spheris".
Takes away my incentive to type faster
Want to work fulltime for benefits, so that requires 8 hour shift, where as previously it was just based on line count in the past, so if one had the ability to type fast and accurate you could get your line count in, in maybe say 6 hours or so and then be done with your shift for the day, thus having a greater incentive to work more efficiently. Now have to sit there 8 hours to make sure I get benefits. I find I tend to type slower, why push myself, etc. (mental thing). I log in first thing, etc. so I don't miss any minutes, etc. I find that I spend at least 30 minutes per day downloading, checking/responding to work e-mails, etc, (not to mention having any type of problems with the computer or logging in like I did this morning, took almost half an hour just to get up and running) and feel that this should also be included in work time as it would be if I was in an office transcribing, etc. Basically, when my foot hits the door to my office, I consider myself at work. Even with logging in first thing, I'm still missing minutes here and there, which add up over the weeks time period. I understand how this program can help the company out with work flow issues etc, but feel that the real purpose in the end is to just monitor the MT, which is why it will eventually be tied to payroll automatically. If you don't get those hours in, even with more than adequate line count, well then we are back to part-time with no benefits, thus saving the company $$$ in the long run. What's your opinion?
I personally think Autocorrect is as good as anything.
I don't even bother with Shorthand
AutoCorrect is not compatible with Extext ESP
re: AutoCorrect/Instant Text
I, too, have used AutoCorrect exclusively for the last 2 years and have been able to do very well on my line counts; however, after some recent research into Instant Text I ordered it (and actually just received today).  While I have not had time to use it yet, I really like the fact that it has WAY more capability than AutoCorrect.  I can't wait to experiment with it and believe it will prove to be a worthy investment when I learn all of its possible functions.
Autocorrect entries into Emdat?
How can I get my MS Word autocorrect entries into Emdat Inscriber without having to enter them all over again?  Thanks
Do you have an Autocorrect feature? You could delete what's
Those are easier to do.
It makes them look good in front of a supervisor who is unaware!
I think they are easier to get, too, sm
but I only worked at MQ for a short while over a year ago. I agree that the atmosphere is better by far, too.
Supposedly, editing would be faster than straight typing
and the VR would be ONLY for those doing editing. Not everyone will be doing editing (at Transcend).
Forgive the typos above, I was thinking faster than I was typing...
That's what happens when you drink too much coffee.LOL
I have no real headaches. Sometimes they want a faster turnaround time...
or they want things a certain way, but no biggie..I'd be willing to deal with that for up to 5 cpl than what MTSOs want to pay.
I do over 10K a pay period. The point is this only hurts the faster people.
And that's not you. I came here from MQ and these folks are moving in that same direction. You have a lovely Easter too.
How do you put this in AutoCorrect? Wouldn't shorthand work the same way?
I use AutoCorrect/AutoText and find it works just as well as anything else I ever used. My 2 c.
chartscript and importing autocorrect entries

Can someone tell me how (if even possible) to import my autocorrect entries from MS WORD to the chartscript expander?  I am using ShortHand in there now and it is driving me CRAZY as 90% of the time it partially expands the words..  Guess I could import the entries from shorthand if that is easier� 

Word Autocorrect to Emdat InScribe
You can use a tool that Emdat has written to convert your Word Autocorrect to InScribe. It can be downloaded from http://www.emdat.com/software, under Support. Also, feel free to call the helpdesk with such questions as well at 630-743-0500.
We know they get easier after a while; the woman would just like
NP easier to understand....
but they do go on and on and on forever....just can't keep it brief.
That's easier said than done these days. sm
Even the American products are built overseas or have some ties to offshoring.
easier way to calculate
an easier way to calculate is that it is said that typically it takes 3X as long to transcribe so if itis 45 mins, multiply by 3 and divide by 60 to figure out the amount in hours  so 45 X 3 = 135, divided by 60 = 2.25  two and a quarter hours.
but it wouldn't be easier for someone who has
would probably be easier to post the ones who don't
It was easier when they were babies sm
in the pre-toddler stage.  Now that they are preschool/school age, I find it impossible to keep focused on work and them too.  I had to resort to working in the evenings when my husband was home so I could not be distracted. Good Luck!
Nothing easier than self deceit?

I was BEGGED by my supervisor to hang in there and flex.  Told that things would get better.  A bunch of lies.  Lies make me angry.  Especially lies involving my wallet.

Sorry we aren't all half vulcan and see the world with cold professional logic right along with you.  Surprise, some of us get emotional about our paychecks, especially during a recession.  But if you're that embarrassed, don't read about it, and hang out with the other vulcans.

If I kicked you in the shin, would remain the picture of diginity and grace, or would you scream because it hurt?  You are only a paragon of dignity because you personally has hurt you - yet.

I love working on Meditech. I find it faster than other programs. It really does sm
depend on the account, the version, your connection, etc. There is not a lot of donated time in my opinion. I type upwards of 3000 lines per day (65 character count, not gross) and only work 8 hours. The spellcheck is medical on the account I am on. I use my Expanders for everything. Most of us on the account I am on do over 1500 lines a day, so maybe different accounts are set up different at the actual hospital. I have never lost a report in the middle, although I read that a lot here. I have been working on it for over 3 years.
Spheris, SoftScript, and Precyse (if speed 37K or faster) use dial up
UST used to have software that didn't allow expanders of any kind, inc. AutoCorrect. Ask if you