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Educate thyself - did you ever hear of new accts?

Posted By: Back atcha on 2007-05-18
In Reply to: Job postings - passing through

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Guess we all can't be put on good accts. Gotta be there at the right time. Both of my accts.
Educate yourself
If you haven't already on exactly WHERE, HOW those records are to be stored. Please refer to HIPAA rules. While the likelihood of you being caught, it's a $25,000 fine PER RECORD I believe.

Our computers are checked quarterly by our Security Officer to guarantee no PHI is on our computer.

Educate yourself
EMR- as you stated, is an electronic medical record.

This is compiled from data from multiple sources, not the least of which is a scanned TRANSCRIBED document. Your outrage is misplaced. Someone still needs to CREATE the record.
Let me educate you a lilttle bit.....
I also work as an IC for a former hospital I was employed by (11/cpl). I get the same treatment as I did as an employee--what you pull up is what you type. But because the in-house MTs are paid hourly, they will have to work and, occasionally, the ICs will be told to log off for a few hours.

With the hospital I am with now, I would slack at $22/h and screw the incentive. But not so. My hospital makes us work for quality TAT. They are paying us by the hour at that much pay so um, yeah, we better work.

Therefore, there is no need for ill wishes on me about hoping I will have a new perspective about being paid by the line. I am an employee at one hospital and an IC for a former hospital I worked with, and I am happy with both (IC at 11/cpl and employee at 22/h plus incentives). Not all the hospitals are the same as stated by below posters.
Vent all you want, but educate yourself about

unions because someone is feeding you information from the 1920's.

No one HAS to join a union or bargaining agency.  You can work for slave wages, for free if you like; you are free to choose in the USA.

Not sure you can educate some on this board
The same group that KNOWS our media is full of propaganda ALSO tends to suck up the majority of what they report.

One reason Americans were so EASILY manipulated after 911
Attention MTSOs. Educate yourselves regarding IC status...sm
An IC is a INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR, has a contract, does the job on his/her own time schedule, pays all her/his own taxes including SELF-employment taxes, and is SELF employed.  If you require you so-called ICs to adhere to a schedule of any sort, they are not ICs.  Also, whatever you are paying them, when taxes etc. are deducted, their bottom line equals approximately 20% of that line rate even with their deductions for a home office.  The additional taxes and penalties if the IRS investigates will make you sorry you broke the law!
Anyone that applied with Kathy Kirby hear anything yet? I am wondering how long it takes to hear a
response back
Free enterprise. You are free to re-educate and retrain, as well!!!!
What's the complaint?!

I said MAY NOT hear, didn't say you wouldn't hear. There is
a difference, and many people have said they knew they didn't do well on the tests, but still feel like they should have heard from companies and haven't. 
Hear, hear! (Or is it 'here, here?') LOL

MQ accts not on DQS
When our office was closed we were all transferred to Foxboro because none of our accts at that time were on the new platform, they were on MTS. Some of those accts since have gone up on the new platform and some are still on MTS--either way we still have NO WORK
No more accts on WP5.1...all are now
on the FN platform, which is Word based.
yes to all the above - at least on the accts I was on.
Not the OP, but do they have net accts now, or still
On 5 accts at DSG and still run out - nm
Been like this for months now. 
On 5 accts at DSG and still run out - sm
Been like this for months now. 
Thanks! I'm glad to hear that, I didn't think anyone used it anymore! I'm glad to hear so
I'll definitely check them out!
Are all DRC accts on Cphones?? nm
They don't outsource VA accts because they can't (sm)
Contracts with the fedgov won't allow it. Funny how the gov't won't allow VA files to be sent overseas, but they don't bother putting a stop to the rest of ours going huh?
Webmedx does on certain accts, you have to ask. nm
I'm new to them but have only 2 accts and plenty of
Proscipt new accts
Nope..just takes some getting used to. I take all the work I can get.
So is this all QA or just those on the dropped accts?
Just wondering!
re wav or internet accts
mine have been lower on work but not running out. I was told by my liasion that if there is no work you are not expected to keep your committment. I would suggest any of these things be directly discussed with your liasion so that there are no misunderstandings. Most any MT work will fluctuate some. I sure wouldn't turn away from MDI based on these concerns.
No Work Either and I am on one of the new accts
I have 4 accts and still run out. I am requesting another. nm.
MDI Lanier Accts
I, too, will be starting on a Lanier acct in January. Please keep us informed as to how you like it, as I am also curious, anxious to know what to expect. I worked on Lanier over 10 years ago, but can't remember what I liked or didn't like about it. Thanks for any info you are willing to provide once you get started and good luck to you!
Yes, they definitely are - new accts coming on sm
and there was a referral bonus notice put out a few weeks ago.
Who's going to manage their accts sm
while they're gone?  I already have enough trouble having to press this and press that to get through their phone menu when I have a simple question.  I'm glad they felt they need to give their STMs a trip, that must be where our Christmas gift went.
Dont know about accts because only
work on 1, my own doing. I do both VR and straight, 8 for straight, 4 for VR. Most days the work is fine. Slump every once in awhile.
I have no good accts, all ESL. nm
Maybe so, but anyone new won't be put on it. I had too many horrible ESLs on my accts. nm
If you like to be switched on accts all the time.
Do they keep changing your accts & platforms or do you have just 1 or 2
Any info on DonNik rad accts?
Curious specificaly in regards to the platform they use and if pay is acceptable/comparable to most other companies.  Tks!
you have to go through w/any company if you work VA accts..nm
Me, too. Those of you that got great accts. be glad. nm
At least 5 new accts coming on this month sm
according to my manager.
Spme accts use E-scription
...got played. They also had accts using MedRite, so maybe
If there are backup accts then everyone should be trained on them
If there is no work and no backup account then there is a huge problem. Please clarify the above. Have you asked for a backup? As for working at Sears, Im sure if business was slow you would have to stick around but they would pay you for your time.
Execuscribe in NY has C-phone accts. Don't know about the
Ummm, well of course I'm not speaking for all accts..
However, I do happen to know that the majority of the accounts have ADT feed, which provides all the DI info right there...nice try though!
Some accts. might still be on the DOS software here. And mandatory OT
New accts. Can I beat myself with a stick now? A-G-G-H
I have 3 accts and spend 85% of my time on 1 of those; sm
I almost never run out of work. Good for you that you found some place else that is a better fit for you. However, some of us are happy and do well there.
So today I see OT posted for at least 10 accts sm
on the Enterprise side. Are you still out of work today???
i have steady work, on wav accts
with occasional lull's. i could work on secondaries, but usually do something around the house that begs my attention. All i can suggest is being able to be somewhat flexible with your hours, and/or talking to liaison about backup accts. as a last resort, a second company part-time i suppose. but in my opinion, MDI-MD is worth sticking with.
Yes, I have 3 accts now, started the end of the spring.
They are willing to cross-train you if you are willing and good in order to keep you busy. You start with 1 account and after you are let off QA and type on that for a while you can get a secondary, etc. This has been my best job in years.
Webmedx - some accts ran out a few times from Wed. on (sm)

Then we were told we could make up lines Friday evening or Saturday a.m.  All well and good, but now the 2 accounts I am on have 0, count them 0, jobs in them.  I work 8 hours tomorrow!!!! Last day of pay period and I am concerned  I will be at the computer all day scratching out the lines/hours I need. 

Really like this company, but with Christmas and winter gas bills coming up, I am wondering if I should think about another PT gig on the side.  I know all companies are keeping closer TAT than in the past, I understand that.  Just worried.