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Don't have to bring them down -- they are doing a good job on their own. sm

Posted By: my 2 cents on 2009-01-16
In Reply to: But you still work there? - Jennifer Rodriguez

And thank you for the job advice.  I AM actively looking, and the minute I find something they can kiss where I can't.  I notice you ignore all of the things I have pointed out.  You seem like Marie Antoinette when told of the starving masses, If they have no bread, then let them eat cake.

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Don't have to bring them down -- they are doing a good job on their own. sm

And thank you for the job advice.  I AM actively looking, and the minute I find something they can kiss where I can't.  I notice you ignore all of the things I have pointed out.  You see like Marie Antoinette when told of the starving masses, If they have no bread, then let them eat cake.

good for you, considering that they want to bring us down to Indian clp!. (I am being sarcastic!)nm
*bring* down
I would definitely bring it to their
attention...I have had similar problems in the past, and I had to really stick to my guns and let the person know...Afterall, it goes through with our initials, employee ID or however your particular company does it...so ultimately, if the doc or whomever gets the report and thinks that it's wrong, your company is going to come back to you.  That's what I worry about...although, I'm pretty sure (at least I hope) when it's QA'd, the QA persons initials or ID goes on their as well.  Be we all makes mistakes, and even the QA person could be making a mistake and not really realizing it...so it may be helpful to them to get some feedback from us! 
Why do you bring it up then?
thought I would just bring this to the top!

I don't know who posted this, but I wholeheartedly AGREE!  Tell you one thing, if MY employer ever thinks of short-changing me for my work, they will be in trouble with my bank.

(I think the time has come for these companies to be named. I know there are more than one but seems to me that we owe it to each other to name the companies who do not pay on time or who get the pay wrong each and every pay day. We work for a living and we do it to get paid. Even if we just put the first initial of the company, that is fair warning for others who are looking to make a change to be aware that certain companies are dangerous as far as their paying practices.

Recently I was talking to an
MT who worked for one of these companies and said to me that she hated to quit because the pay was so good. That is just wrong. What pay is so good if you have to pay bank fees and overdraft charges because the money is not there. Something is wrong with that statement and wrong with that picture.

If there are any owners who are reading this that make the practice of paying late or wrong then read away. If you are doing this you don't know how to manage the company anyhow and it is my guess your days are numbered as a business but if you think we are going to sit down and take this treatment any longer without reporting to the proper authorities then you are sadly mistaken. You can throw posts in the faces of the posters all you want but when someone does not get paid for their work ON TIME, they have every right to demand that they be paid). 

That way they can bring our wages down
even further. I think some company suits must get on here and use this as their forum as an excuse as to why they rip us off. Come on people, this is what they think of us? Yeh I would say getting our own accounts or better yet just stop working for the asses that rip off. I say lets list every company on this board that cheats MTs and everyone stop working for them. Thats the only way things might change is to unite in our efforts.
But your own clients bring many of your own
Not trying to bring down a company..

but, it seems that since I posted there are many MTs out there that have been treated similarly and worse.  NOW, it seems that maybe my posts are not representative of one but of many.

If there are major issues like this, why doesn't she get on, respond respectfully, and show us how great MDI really CAN be and not IS, because right now it is hurting a lot families.

Show us how we TOGETHER can get back on track and make a living. 

1.  Is there a way to keep working for MDI without the threats of being put down to a lower wage when work is so slow? 

2.  Is there a way for MDI to be more understanding about committments?  For example when work is slow, don't come back and say I don't want to hear it because there was plenty of work on your back up accounts when there are tons of MTs already doing that work and it runs out in a flash....also understanding the learning curve we have to go through to refamiliarize ourselves with the account, therefore, still causing a major difficulty in living up to our committments.

3.  Is it possible for MDI to let us in on one what is going on with the accounts, i.e. if they are in process of being lost to another service or EMR?  Thereby, giving us a heads up so we know what to do to keep supporting ourselves or give us suggestions on moving to a new primary.

4.  It is possible for Carlotta to treat us like fellow professionals when she addresses us and not as inferiors?

I think these are questions that we could all use answers to and not in a private e-mail.  I think there is a healing that could happen for ALL to see.  Please, show us that MDI is not the reincarnation of MQ. 

Oh, please, can't you bring in those little cheer
That would so complete me.
Actually, I made more in the mid 80s than I do now, so bring it on, I say ...LOL. nm

Is there nothing you won't do to find a way to bring up TT
And start another flame war? The WMX rate was brought up in a thread yesterday, you know what they pay. And there's no reason to post what company you're currently with. I see righ thru what you're doing...Just trying to stir everything up again.

I'm reporting your post to the moderator.
Wanted to bring this to the top--UE
I was reading a post on another page where somebody mentioned being eligible to apply for benefits if your hours are cut, etc.  Does anybody know if it's possible to be eligible for UE if your hours aren't formally cut by your company but your work is low where you can't get your scheduled 40 hours in on a consistent basis?
Can't bring up the article - could you cut and paste - sm
it so that we could read it??
Why can they not bring on acute care MTs?
Cannot get them or do not want them?
Funny you should bring this up as it reminds
The work was done in Word but I received progress notes where I had to line it up.  The office would give me the last progress note, and then I had to add to that so it was just an ongoing chart note for each visit with the new date.  In other words, this doc drove me to drink.  So, I charged him $5.00 per page.  He called me into his office to talk about this, and he said to me:  I know I can afford to pay more than $3.00 for a pack of cigarettes, but I won't.  He wanted to know why I was charging him so much because I guess he thought his wealth was the reason.  Right then and there, I said I can certainly be replaced if you prefer not to pay what my services are worth.  AND I NEVER LOOKED BACK.  Just thought I'd share...      Come to find out, he still does not have a steady transcriptionist.  They are still LOOOOKING.  One girl lasted one day, one girl took one tape and never came back....  Need I say more?  If that is truly the case that the transcriptionists in another country cannot afford the fee, then Americans should be given the same option since our wages are not what they used to be.  Maybe it should be based on income especially since it is such an incentive....     YEAH RIGHT!!!    
Bring your own foot pedal...
SPi just told us former Cymed emps that, from now on, everyone has to provide their own foot pedal. (CyMed provided software and foot pedal; we've always had to use our own computers...but I'd rather do that and keep some modicum of my privacy instead of using a CO computer where big-boss-brother can watch my every move) :S

Then why don't you bring this to them??? A big problem in this industry is that sm
if someone has a problem, they vent on here rather than to the source. If you are unhappy there, why do you still work there? There are other companies to work for. If you think they are cheating you, let them know. Give them a chance to fix it before you assume that they know what you are working and how many hours.

Are you HIM or radiology? I am in radiology and have a set schedule. My friend is in HIM and is flex hours.
bring MT jobs home

With the economy tanked probably a great time to contact your local senator/representative and ask that all of the jobs which were shipped overseas be brought back home.  We can no longer afford to subsidize foreign countries when we were are broke here at home. 

Can't bring up anything on MD-IT. Does anyone work there or have information
regarding this company? I am thinking of applying.
Why not just bring up another topic to discuss sm
and let them bicker amongst themelves in the their own threads? Seems a whole lot easier just to start a totally new thread. No one is obligated to read their posts.
Sorry to hear GP....try to ignore NM and others who try to bring you down ;-)
Hospitals! and Clinics! I said are who will bring it back

individual practitioners.


I have to bring this Psych Eval topic to the top. sm

Personally, it is a waste of money and time to have psych evals for prospective MTs.   I have seen many postings by MTSOs on this board who are so unprofessional and sounded "crazy", that it made my eyes pop out!  

Any successful business person knows, good judgement is the key to success.   If can not rely on your good judgement, than you should not be in business.   Why would any MTSO waste the money and time for such a screening?  That is demoralizing to our transcriptionists.  They are not applying for a job at the pentagon! 

Now,  there are some people who have major "issues"; however, that should become apparent during the interview process if you interview properly. 

I do believe this company is way off base in doing this; however, if you the MT feel its okay and the company meets your needs and pays well, than go for it. 

I think what happens is the MTSO's company gets so busy and the MTSO gets so stressed out about meeting TAT, they hire anybody with working fingers.  There lies the problems.   If the MTs have the experience needed to do the job, they pass the transcription test with flying colors, and you are satisfied with the personal interview, they should be hired.  Maybe the MTSO needs to replace whoever it is they hired to screen the candidates and the MTSO needs to be in on the interview process.   That sounds like more of a solution to weed out the unstable individuals then a battery of psych evaluations for prospective MTs.   Good Grief!  Where is the common sense in this?


That is all I have on this subject.  I feel bad for those of you who need a job!   Good luck.

I have realized that many recruiters will say ANYthing to bring you on. Then you find out they are
so what does 500 VR bring 4cent/line $20. pooh!!
or maybe even less per line. I tried it with Transcend and quit, can't make a living and was totally worn out totally redoing the pages.
So I would expect to bring home around $1000 every two weeks
give or take
Oh, Transtech wouldn't be able to bring all those people into the office

IF they weren't paying us MT's one-half or more for doing ASR work.  It's P:USH, PUSH, PUSH to do ASR. 

Why do you think they want so much ASR -- money in their pockets -- definitely not in the MT's pockets.

Just what I was thinking. They'll bring in the newbies to replace
the higher paid MTs.   The writing is on the wall.  
The date is September last year. Why bring it up now that it is being dismissed? sm
Companies get sued by ex-employees for things that are not true all the time. Ask any lawyer, look at the # of dockets in a court every day. The percentage of suits that are true is less than 8%.

This is someone trying to stir up trouble.

Keystrokes does not have ICs.
Monthly, I bring in $3500-4000, about $1800 every 2 weeks.
I work about 5-6 hours a day, Monday through Friday.  Sometimes I work a little extra if I didn't get the line count I wanted that day due to dictators, etc.  Consistently, I bring in this much as an IC.   It hasn't always been this way, you need to get to know your accounts and then it will come.  I have the same accounts and dictators every day working for a national.
Agree with this. And bring in your own noise-cancelling phones so you don't have to hear her. nm
Bring up again - companies that allow small pool of doctors versus
Egads. You're the type who bring working conditions and
pay down for the rest of us because you're soooo willing to be treated badly & thank them for it.
Wow-40%! No wonder we're short on work. Let's bring those billions back to the U.S.!

The Medical Transcription Market

Market size

 $12 billion total market (includes hospitals, clinics, physicians offices)

 Approximately 40%, or $5 billion, is outsourced

 Transcend target market: 4,900 community-based hospitals in the U.S.

 Estimated target market size: $2.5 billion


 Several thousand companies � mostly with revenue in the $1 million range

� 2009 Transcend Services, Inc., all rights reserved

 Few with revenue greater than $20 million

Competitive Landscape

1. MedQuist (MEDQ) $277M transcription revenue, 11% share of target market

2. Spheris $167M revenue, 7% share of target market

3. Transcend $67M run rate at 4/1/09, 3% share of target market

4. Others Nuance (NUAN), CBay, Webmedx, Heartland�

SO right! People who get paid to bring people on-board -sm
to these companies (few, if any, are 100% honest, it seems), are going to be honest and tell you anything that isn't rosy and sugar-coated. Having a good prospective MT walk because the company isn't so great means less green dollars in their bank account every month. They're not going to tell us anything that DOESN'T make them more money.
The best co. ever! Good work, good people, good pay, good bennies.
Yes there is! Good pay and good bonuses and good benefits.

Personally, DSG is a good fit for me. Pay is good and on time, sound quality depends on the account
and I like the platform. There is not much weekend work, although sometimes is available.  I get along well with the management, no major complaints.  There is pay incentive once you get over a certain number of lines in a pay period.  I work as an IC, so can't help with benefits, insurance questions, etc.
I'm with them. Good work environment, easy accounts and I'm making really good money. nm

Fairly flexible but they do like a schedule. Insurance is good. Benefits are good in my opinion.

For the past week, work has been a little slower but I think that is common in every company..some days busy and other not.

Does anyone recommend a pretty good company that is good to work for, pay always on time and plenty
of work.  I know that is asking a lot, but just curious?
Strictly IC, good company, hard accounts, good platform.
Good pay, always on time, no direct deposit though.
Is Transcend a good company with a good platform to work on. They are advertising.
Webmedx hires some ICs. Good company. So sorry for your loss. Good luck!
TransTech for many reasons, good pay, stable company, good benefits
and flexible.
I have looked around the last 6 months and have found nothing better. Have turned down numerous jobs, and have finally decided to stay put. The better insurance plans were announced and even moreso than ever, I am staying put, and my paycheck is happy about that because it is getting better every day. Good luck to you.
TransTech is a good company. Debbie is the owner and a good one at that! nm
Good company, great people, good benefits.
Affordable insurance. Good luck!
Adminstrative Assistants and VanBelkum. Good companies, good pay!
Spheris supes/QA are good, insurance not good; they offshore
U.S. only, very steady work, some VR, good pay, good insurance, no PT, schedule. sm
That should cover it!