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Does any company allow M-F schedules anymore?

Posted By: Amanda on 2009-04-09
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That's all it ever is to ANY company anymore.
Not that company anymore, but yes they do offshore sm
They currently offshore to a company that starts with a D in India. They don't lie about it though, it says right on their website that facilities have the choice and it is the facilities not wanting to pay as much that drove the offshore movement. All of the QA is done domestically though - used to QA it and they did okay, but they still always have plenty of clients not allowing offshore so their is still job security with them. I'm on my own now, but I don't think anything has changed lately since I left last year.
What jerks! I don't even care about this company anymore...sm
I did but I don't now. They don't care about us. We should form together and start a new company and take their accounts! LOL!
You could almost put any company's name in there anymore. We are all treated like mindless idiot
i have asked for other transcritpionists email addresses to see if we could put our heads together like for example learning speech and helping each other. No deal, was just ignored. Lied to constantly just because we can't see the work. It is an insult. Wish I had never gotten into this profession. I was even excited when we could work at home thinking it was going to be more lucrative financially, and it should be but when transcription companies spend millions of dollars buying each other something is wrong, wrong, wrong.
I am beginning to think that you need a backup company most of the time anymore
because it seems most places just over hire and run you out of work.  I guess you are to be at their beck and call when there is work or no work.  Gets a little old and I am looking at working 2 places to cover this problem.  Gets old and tiresome being on call for someone to snap their fingers. Of course, you realize they have covered their buttinski.
You do have to say what hours you will work. That's called J O B

We're finally making strides to become PROFESSIONALS who have deadlines and hours and expectations and stuff! Can you just imagine?

Seriously, you have to pick the hours you will work. Then you have to work them. You don't have to pick 8-4. You can pick 8, 10, 11, 7, 2.

Of course, they can tell you they need other coverage, I suppose.
Yes, they are strict on the agreed upon schedule the transcriptionists obligate themselves to...they HAVE to be. TT is in business to provide their clients with quality reports in a time frame THEY have agreed upon. The reports cannot be delivered on time if the transcriptionists are cavalier in their work habits. I love working for TT. I can tell you another thing. Probably the only reason that Transcriptionist was written up was because she was consistently not working at her agreed upon time. TT have been wonderful to me. And yes, they HAVE been flexible, but I am on when I am supposed to be and provide a quality product for them.
I'm not sure what section of Focus you all work with.  With all the discussion about schedules, etc., I'm wondering what I've been missing.  I've been an employee for well over a year and have never been required to have a set schedule of any kind.  I work whenever I want, as long as I put in a minimum of 20 hours per week.
ICs and schedules
The whole idea of being an IC is to NOT have to stick to a schedule. There are companies out there. I have to do a minimum of 5000 lines per pay period (which is 1st to 15th of the month and 16th to end of month) but on no schedule, just whenever I work as long as come date of invoice I have a minimum of 5000 lines. I know there are other companies out there that do the same. That is the way it should be for an IC.
Set schedules.
No flexibility.
No set schedules because....
They don't pay overtime .
Flexible schedules
Amphion Medical Solutions: You can say you will work 5 hours a day, or 20 hours a week, but that is about as vague as they can tolerate. Contact HR@amphionmedical.com
No...they are really flexible with schedules..nm
What do you mean by downloading schedules?

The ones here who want to make their own schedules
should just spend their time doing something else besides working. You really sound immature wanting to call the shots on when you work. Hospital work is 24/7. If you don�t want to work on weekends or say you cannot work (UGH), stay home and take care of the kids. No princesses around here.
They do have some M-F schedules, but it depends on
what the needs of the client are and what time slots they have available when you apply.  The recruiter is the one that will offer you a position and she will tell you what time slots they have available.   You aren't supposed to change your schedule for 6 months.
I think there is 1 small rad but there is ER. Schedules....

You set your schedule but you are expected to be there when you say you are.  However, they are great to work around doctor's appointments or other things that may come up.  I have never had an issue not being able to get time off for anything. 

As far as QA, they expect you to type what is dictated unless of course it is a gross medical error and then you blank and send to QA.  You do not get dinged for sending work to QA.  You also do not get dinged for punctuation.  They do expect high quality.

That's because of the work schedules

Most of the MTs at MDI either work Sun-Thu or Tue-Sat.  Therefore, more MTs are working Tue, Wed, Thu. 

The problem is M-F schedules have
gone by the wayside for the most part. Seems like everyone is requiring at least 1 weekend day. I remember when I was at the Q (and this was years ago), we rotated weekends. This is unheard of now with most MTSOs.
No, but they have flexible schedules, so ask about
and if your schedules are flexible? nm
and if your schedules are flexible? nm
It looks like 2 different lists, 2 different schedules.

Schedule 3.13(a) hereto contains a complete and accurate list of all employees (including statutory employees) of the Company who for the year ending March 31, 2009 were paid annual aggregate compensation in excess of $35,000, showing the position, annual base salary and bonus potential for each such employee.

Purchaser shall continue the services of the employees of the Company following the Closing except for the individuals listed on Schedule 6.11 hereof who shall be terminated at or shortly following the Closing.

It appears that there are going to be some that are terminated at or following the closing.  Is that tomorrow or January 1, 2010?

Transcend Pay day schedules
The thing I am going to hate most is the Transcend pay day schedule, twice a month instead of every 2 weeks. Just when I get my creditors settled into dates I pay my bills, I will have to revert back to having to go to the payday loan for money. Twice a month is too long between paydays. I have also used BeyondText before and it is antique compared to Bayscribe.
How were the schedules set up? Shifts? Flexibility? Thanks! nm
Are they extremely strict with schedules? nm
Yes they offer flex schedules
You have a 12 hour window to get in your daily scheduled hours.
Thanks! One more question...are they flexible with regards to schedules?sm
 I mean do they have a strict Su-Th or Tu-Sa schedule?  Thanks again..
IC status - flexible schedules

Any companies that permit a flexible schedule for IC status.  Any info would be appreciated.

probity? how are they about working with schedules, etc.? nm
Do most of the hospitals have slow schedules
Slow schedules at hospitals
The hospital I worked for was slow around holiday time. Patients and doctors do not like to schedule in patient stays at holiday time. Usually picks up afterwards.
Question about work schedules?
The packet I received said they expect MTs to work 2 weekend days a month, but my recruiter made it sound like MTs are required to work 1 weekend day every weekend.

Does everyone work every weekend?
How flexible is Keystrokes as far as schedules...sm

I currently transcribe radiology for MQ full-time and after doing some research, I'm thinking about applying elsewhere full-time specifically Keystrokes because I hear they do a lot of radiology work.

How flexible is the work schedule there at Keystrokes.  Do you have to punch in and out like at MQ?  Really getting tired of punching in and out.

Recent info would be appreciated...looked at archives already.

in my interview, they told me set schedules.
When I interviewed with them a few weeks ago, there was no flexibility. If you did 2000 lines in 4 hours, then you still had to work your entire 8 hour shift.
My Take and Experience on Shifts and Schedules
I have done my share of nights/weekends, even when I was not asked.  I did it for the extra $$.  I believe that company/employee should try to follow a shift agreed upon at hire.  Of course, you have to be flexible.  I would NEVER refuse to work over-time and help out when needed, unless of course I had to for life/death reasons.  I do have to say in my own experience, this is starting to be abused by the employers ever since all the increased offshoring started.  Last year I lost account after account with big MTSO.  I had 5 account managers in less than 2 years.  We were told to clock out when we ran out of work, which was most of the time, but we were still expected to make the minimum line count by working nights/weekends (sometimes that was not even possible).  I had to be available to work from 6:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. - clocking in, clocking out, in, out, in, out.  It just got riduculous, being available 15-16 hours a day and only getting 1000 lines or so.  After FOUR MONTHS of this, I finally said I needed a new account, a new shift, regular work, or a new job.  The next account lasted about a year.  Then came the offshoring.  Same thing happened.  As the account of 135 doctors went to the Philippines, the work as less and less, moving from account to account, clocking in, out, in, out.  Ridiculous!  We of course were told to use paid time off if there was no work.  Am I not entitled to a vacation with that PTO just like everyone else?  Asking someone to constantly clock out when there is no work is like asking a store clerk to clock out if there are no customers in the store.  Asking them to be available during their shift and constantly otherwise can get abusive.   I finally had to say again - give me regular hours/shift and steady work or lay me off.  I could not put in the 12+ hours a day, making very little, and using up my PTO.  I was laid off.  Thank goodness.  Unemployment was more than I was making for the last couple of months.  While I do agree that everyone should be flexible and contribute when needed, the abuse by these companies is getting to be more and more and probably will not change.  Glad I got out of that situation.  Love working my shift and having the rest of the evening/weekend to enjoy life.  If you are being constantly abused and can not do this, it's time to issue an ultimatum--and be ready if it does not go your way.  Personally, I could not live like that any longer. 
Independent Contractors and Schedules
I am an independent contractor and agreed to a certain amount of lines per pay period and gave an approximate schedule but am I not correct that by law if I get my lines, they can't tell me when and when not to work.  I have only one time not gotten my lines and only because there was no work and that was about 9 months ago.

I can't stand the vile threats of being canned for not working a certain schedule when they hire independent contractors.  What recourse do I have if something like that happened?  Labor board, law suit, etc?
What companies offer FLEXIBLE schedules for
full time employees?  I am willing to work the hours required for full time status, but I am in college too and I have to have the flexibility - my schedule changes every semester.  Can anybody point me to ANY good companies who let you work whenever you want as long as you get your hours in?  And I am not interested in IC - only working as an employee.  Thanks!
WEBMEDX - how strict are they with their schedules and clocking in and out? TIA nm

12-hour window schedules are offered
by Spheris.
Thanks for the info - are there set schedules, account pools and is there

a weekend requirement?  You have been very helpful.  Thank you!

Some accts allow flex schedules; ask recruiter. sm
PC provided; you pay 250 deposit, taken out of several pay checks. Refunded when you leave. Overall, I'm a happy camper, have been on board for about 8 years (back when they were Rodeer, then merged with Webmedx). Good benefits (medical, dental, life insurance, PTO and holidays). I like my manager and my accounts. I think it is a great place to work.
what i'm looking for are names of companies that don't enforce schedules

I'm not asking whether they exist or not, just if anybody knows of any and what their names are.  At one time I did work with somebody who said that they had worked for a company and when they didn't feel like working, they just didn't, and the company didn't care either. 

Keystrokes set schedules or a 12-hour window
Just wondering about the flexibility. 
Exactly...too much flipping back and forth through screens, schedules, faxes....
and for what? A 10-line note about somebodies out of control diabetes or hypertension. It takes longer to fill in the DI screen than to type the note. I stayed for about 9 months because of the easy dictators, but found it was dulling my acute care skills so I left. I asked to change accounts, the answer was, no. I am MUCH happier where I am now.
We are told to flex our schedules to get lines/hours in. (sm)

No one is trying to steal work from other shifts, we are just trying to do our jobs.  Obviously it is not our preference to work outside our hours but we all do what we have to do to make this work for right now.

Hopefully new accounts are in place now and things will level out. 

Have a better day.

Are there any companies with accounts requiring just 24-hour turnarounds/no set schedules?nm
Not too much anymore
Generally they don't want you working for another company in the same geographical area, but don't say too much about having other jobs. They know it's hard to make a decent living with one. I work for one national as an MT and for a smaller company as an Editor and either cares, they just care if you slack on one to work for the other.
That was last mo. Before that I used to do okay, but that isn't possible at MQ anymore. nm


Yup, most definitely. Can hardly get 200 lph anymore.
Rae are you out there anymore?