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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Ditto. No work here on multiple accounts. nm

Posted By: Jackie on 2009-09-14
In Reply to: OT with Transcend?? I'm begging for work! - TiredMT2


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Nice people but low work, and yes I have multiple accounts!! nm
DSG - Rude people, ran out of work, shuffled around on multiple accounts!
Multiple Accounts
Unfortunately, I think it is becoming more and more common. The company I am at did not start out this way, but I have really seen this change in the last 6 months. They have promised ridiculous turn-around times in order to compete, I assume, with offshoring and to accomplish this it seems to me they are overhiring to cover their bases.
Multiple accounts
I have 4 accounts (all high ESL) and do not mind it at all. The way I look at it, the more flexible you are, the more work you have. :)
Do you have just one main accounts or multiple. Thanks.
I would try a place where you can have multiple accounts.
Have clinic be your main but see if you can get an acute care as a backup to prove you can still do it. That was how I got into hospital work. I still try to do a mixture of both to keep it fresh in my mind.
Continued from above -- and yes I have multiple accounts...nm
The key is working multiple accounts. Three months is hardly long enough to get a handle sm
on the job.  Maybe better to keep a parttime job until you are up to speed on the new job.  I haven't run out of work in almost a year (and that was only for a few minutes), but I do multiple accounts.  Great company, great people.  Nice bennies.
Ditto to Queenie. My accounts have Overtime as well. Don't spread lies. sm
You need to ask for more work or another account. I have NEVER run out of work, but, I also have 15 accounts in my profile. Don't complain about running out of work when you can ask for more and get more.
I also work for Warminster. Thinking of trying to transfer out. It is now the NE and yes multiple
accounts all the time. Warminster has always done this and I hear the same for the NE so may be time to look at other MQ offices.
There have been multiple postings by someone saying "RUN" who admits they used to work here. s
I'm done. You won't see me here for a long time.

Thanks for the scolding. I try to look on the bright side of life, but apparently by doing so I'm being presumptuous.

Well it sounds like no work happens a lot at DSG. How are the accounts as far as decent accounts
and their QA. 
Ditto- work for the same company.

Looking for a better place to work at the moment.  Fed up with their crap.

ditto, I work at Webmedx too. SM
They really value their people if you do your schedule as promised and are not a slacker like some.
Ditto...It's a great place to work (nm)

Ditto! First 2 weeks with company- no work!
Looks like I will be going to work in-house with an hourly wage. I love being home, but I can't afford to sit around and barley make a couple bucks a day. This is ridiculous! What's happening right now? Why are we all out of work. I have asked for more accounts, but low volumes across the board...
Ditto. Please don't buy a computer for work from this company. I left (sm)
this company because of lack of work.
I ditto these 2 posts. Plus, on a personal/work level (sm)
All of that aside, when it comes down to doing the real work, many old and new MTs at MQ experience multiple accounts with multiple client profiles to read which cuts down on productivity. Even if you get 15 cents a line it doesn't matter if you have to waste time reading CPs and never becoming familiar with one account. JMO also.
Ditto that ditto..ESLs drove me out too...nm
Ditto, ditto, ditto. My experience exactly.
I have never typed so fast and made so little in my life except for at Amphion. Good for supplemental income but not if you really need some money.
I have 4 accounts, doing all work types, and I usually have enough work but this is the slow time of
year so we are scrambling a little for lines.  Easy platform, paychecks DD, always on time. 
Encompass- How are the accounts and work flow? Do you have a lot of work?
I need to keep busy. I cant sit here every day hoping for work so I'm looking elsewhere.
Lots of work here too. I cannot figure out which accounts have no work.
I'm on the Escription platform
I have multiple platforms
I have Emdat, ExText, and Bayscribe on my computer.  No problems here.  I think it just depends on your computer's processing speed and RAM
Multiple jobs
Same thing going on with supervisors - working on salaries, answering minimal or no email, unavailable, IMs set to busy or out. Yeh right sure their busy, busy trying to job juggle, and making otherwise available jobs unavailable. Here's my answer - Supervisor has minimum of 80 people to supervise and QA. Bet that'll keepem plenty busy with one job.
Multiple Requests
There were several paragraphs in the agreement that I agree with--don't talk bad about them to anyone, don't try to steal their clients, yada yada yada--and I agree with all that.  I just don't think it's right to ask me to find a new profession for the next 12 months.  Apparently it's legal, but that doesn't make it right.
LD really isn't an isssue and they have multiple
platforms, not just Meditech, but from what I understand KS itself doesn't have a platform, but you work directly in the hospital systems. 
multiple jobs

I am an independent contractor and currently work for five different practices.  I never feel overwhelmed as none of them are full time.  I also have 24 to 48 hour turnaround time because most are not urgent.  You just have to find docs who are flexible.

Good luck!


Multiple platforms
There are a few platforms depending on the account. However, of the accounts I've worked on, they all tap into your version of Word, so whatever Expander works there will work with TRX.
Yes, multiple times.
No response. 
There are multiple platforms
The platform depends on the account. Every account has a different platform.
one company or multiple?
I have one account that pays great and I am able to sustain high productivity.  I have a part-time position with another company that pays less and productivity is slower due to the large size of the account.  My dilemma is whether to keep all my eggs in one basket and just go for the easy money every month or struggle through the part-time hours with the other company just to keep diversified.  Anyone been in a similar situation?  Any input would be appreciated.  Thanks!
one company or multiple?

Are you asking if you should keep the PT job as backup?  If you are, I would say yes.  For years I've never had just one MT job, always a FT and at least 1 part time and this came in so handy with a recent unexpected department wide closure.  In this line of work, if you can't do without the pay, I would always have something going on the side just in case.  Unfortunately we just never know when a job is going to end or leave the country.  Good luck!~

Maybe it's the accounts your on. I work for MDI-FL and I'm swamped with work..
Sorry.. I had gone through a few days a while back of slower work, but lately especially since over the holidays, it has been crazy.. too much work..
I left for no work. There is work on some accounts, but NO
work on other accounts.  
Softscript - multiple choice only, I believe.
Uh...your multiple posts in this thread SM

only show what a bitter person you are when you don't get your way.  Also, what is up with the SD I have seen in 2 posts now?  Is that your way of spelling said?

From multiple previous posts there is no
set line rate, several variables involved, but most say it is very hard to get lines and pay is low. 
Multiple systems, several platforms, they
furnish software for all.
Multiple posts the last 2 weeks, just look below. nm
multiple personalites of ex-boss?
There's no use being mean or arguing on this board about whether or not you can get unemployment. Call the unemployment office in your area and report back what you find out.

A friend recently received a letter from her MTSO stating your services are no longer needed. There was no discussion, no arguing. She was not eligible for unemployment in our state.
Right... I'm sure you would never pretend to be multiple posters.

Because unfortunately I think you ARE multiple personalities!  Really, Confucious say:  Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to post childish nonsense and remove all doubt!

The rest of the quote was that we have to do multiple...sm
specialties. It is entirely reasonable to think a multispecialty MT of 30 years would have a broader base of knowledge than a doctor fresh out of medical school.

An LPN and an RN cannot do surgery, either, yet for some reason you put them above a medical transcriptionist. As for a doctor, unless you are actually performing a surgery, your skill lies in your interpretation of signs, symptoms, lab tests, etc.

A medical Transcriptionist has to use this same thought process every day. How many times to look at the past medical history to figure out a medication or look at a lab value to differentiate a diagnosis?

I am afraid you sell MTs very short.
Do you work on VR accounts? NM
We have a lot of work, accounts out of TAT.
If anyone tells you different, it's just not true.
Yes. I was placed on 2 more accounts but still work is low.
What are they like to work for as far as accounts etc. nm
No work for them now on any of my accounts.
Its slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
I don't work for TT, but 7 accounts? Isn't that a bit
I have THREE accounts and no work.
There is a ton of work, some accounts have

more than others.   I've been on OT pretty much every day the past 3 weeks.  They've had several new accounts come on-line lately and I think they've had time to get the kinks worked out and see if they need to hire more and they do and are hiring. 

They are very aware of the slow platform and are working on it, but working on it and giving us a time frame is 2 different things.  I'm making about 2/3 of what I was at a previous company, as far as lines.

I absolutely hate the clocking in/out.

Benefits are good, but most of them you will never use - short/long-term disability, life insurance. 

I think they have a good incentive program, but with the slow platform doubtful I'll get enough lines for anything over first tier if that.   I do get shift differential because I work over 2 shifts.

I think they are a good company, there is good IT support and some STMs are great.  I haven't had any issues with QA at all. 

If they get the platform issues I'd be 99% satisfied.