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Diskriter and offshore

Posted By: anon on 2005-08-12
In Reply to: Agree. Although my experience with them SM - Former Diskriter

Yes Diskriter Offshores, and this is a fact, they have always offshored, first to India, which they still do, and then to Trinidad, when the Trinidad company called them and told them they no longer wanted their business, and then they sent everything to India, all of the good accounts.  In fact, they still do, and they have a REAL bad habit of not telling their clients that the work is done overseas, and when the clients finds out they are LIVID! and either demand they bring it back or they will cancel their contract.  The president of the company is all for offshoring, rather than keeping the work in-house because it is a higher profit margin for him.  Diskriter in fact hires QA people strictly for offshore work and has a separate program for their offshore work, and their QA manager is in charge of that as well as the domestic side.

TRUST ME, THEY DO OFFSHORE, and will ALWAYS offshore!  They do not have the MT staff to keep it all inhouse because they pay squat, and have a crummy incentive, and yes their new insurance is better than it used to be, but that's the only good thing. They had one really good account where the doctors were so fed up with them all they do now is their overflow, and the demos no longer auto populate and they have to fill in the demo screen, who wants to do that! Come on, let's get into the 21st century why don't we! 

The poster who made the statement about the overflow accounts, and re-records is EXACTLY correct they are all overflow, and they do have SmartSourcing, but very few openings on those accounts.  Diskriter had 2 recorders that did the re-records, and still do, and those also require pt census sheet lookups.  And Diskriter still plays favorites with their MTs and the ones that are happy I will venture to guess get the good work routed to them.  They are constantly routing work to certain MT's that they like, and assigning them whatever they want, and if these MT's do not admit, that's fine, but let's not just tell some of the truth, let's be honest here.  If someone has been with them for 4 years, that's probably one of probably 5-6 MT's, and they only have under 50 probably, which is not a lot of growth and they recently had a mass exodus because people cannot make any money.  I know of one MT who quit a really good job to go to work for them, well needless to say she lasted about 3 weeks, and went back to her old job!  The recruiter promised her the moon, while when she started apparently the moon stayed behind the clouds!  Because she was very disillusioned, and could not make her line count, and this MT was TOP NOTCH! 

So the cheer leaders need to stop waving their pom-poms about how great Diskriter is, it is an average company to work for, and if you want to make a living as a single person, I would say go to Transcend, Amphion, or Keystrokes, or Webmedex, at least you can get incentives, shift differentials, and other perks that help with the paycheck.  If you want a job where you make minimal money, and the work is very cumbersome, go to Diskriter, your paychecks will be on time, although you have to wait 4-5 weeks for the first one, and if you want to look up pt on census sheets all day and take a few minutes to get into reports and the IT staff is like Big Brother is watching, and can be quite nasty when you have a problem, then Diskriter is your company!  This is an honest assessment, of this company.  There is cherrypicking that is endorsed by management, because they allow the MT's, favorites to either eliminate certain dictators from the workpool, or only type certain worktypes that they prefer.  So let's call a spade a spade here!


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Diskriter DOES offshore..sm
Diskriter calls it "non domestic" and it is not done in the US of A.  Anyone who says  Diskriter does not offshore is either lying or misinformed.  I saw the signed contract and I know what they charge for non-domestic, and you would not believe it!!
offshore overseas.... not outsource .... correct term is offshore.
This seems to be pro-offshore board. Messages against offshore often just disappear.
offshore to India, it's OFFSHORE (off shore), not outsource to India.
The offshore...
but that's to cover third shift. They have no intention of replacing their whole staff with offshore workers. There are things I don't like about the company but I believe them when they say that. They've been offshoring for years and have plenty of work for those who want to work in the US.
Offshore, offshore, offshore.
Do you me offshore

Outsource is what hospital do when they send their dictation to a company such as Transcend or OSI.

Offshoring is when they send their dictation to overseas transcriptionists.  It is easy to confuse the two.

offshore definitely nm
They offshore, top pay is around 8.5 cpl.
There have been several complaints the last couple of weeks about lack of work.  Benefits are good.   Don't know about platform.   Check archives, lots about them lately. 

Diskriter and OSi also offshore. 

Rather than have new posters search through tons of archives for answers to this question, maybe a list should be made of all companies that do offshore and posted permanently on the board, with revisions made as new ones come up.  Just a suggestion...please no flames!


Yes, they offshore.
They have a facility in India. The fact that they offshore is all over this board. They have purchased several companies. I do not know if one of them is in New Jersey.
Did he tell you they offshore? nm
They offshore.
They both offshore
They use offshore. sm

I saw this on their website under hospital solutions:


We offer a choice of Domestic or Philippine based medical transcription services with U.S based Quality Assurance specialists, and 24-hour or STAT file turnaround.

They offshore too.
It's offshore
I never thought the academic and research would go offshore too, but I was wrong.
With a pay cut like that...they might as well offshore.
Offshore sm
Medware, Focus Infomatics and OSI send work offshore.  Don't know about the other one.
and it's no wonder MT is going offshore with
makes an MT work under these conditions!
They offshore. Very low pay.
I think you mean that they offshore.
They offshore. They don't pay very well.
They've changed the way they pay recently, which I think is a bit strange, but seems an attempt to make it seem like you are making more than you are. 
No but they do offshore
They finally admitted it after denying it for years. I am looking for another job for a lot of reasons. One reason is the extra work without pay, and they do offshore on one of my accounts so I have to hop around to find work to do. I am tired of it. The other poster is correct-- they do not seem to care about the MTs.
Yes they do offshore
Yes, they offshore
They offshore, pay low.
I think two people who work there speak English.
Well they do offshore of course
They go give mentees a chance and spend the rest of their time figuring out ways to screw the rest of the MT's out of lines and money.
It's definitely the big O that is sent offshore
because I had to QA them.
Yes, they now offshore sm
They have what they call Precyse International now in India I believe.

It was a pretty great place to work, but as soon as they started to offshore, things changed quite quickly. They sent the good work away to Precyse International, at least on the accounts I worked on anyway. That is why I left.
They do offshore!
Yep, they do, I work for them and I do know this for a fact.
How do you know they offshore?
Their recruiter told me they don't.  Specifically, I asked if that was how they got their name and was told Yes.  But WHY are they ALWAYS advertising?  
yes they offshore, otherwise not bad
they pay on time, pay rate is 6.5/9, insurance isn't great, but my supervisor and QA are good, they have incentives and overall are decent.
They offshore..nm
AND they don't offshore!!
They offshore, but don't really want you to know that. They

also slipped that the best dictators are offshored while the garbage is left for US MTs to do.   The recruiter told me that I was lucky that an account that almost never has any openings because all the MTs love it and don't leave had an opening.   After she mentioned the name I knew she was full of BS because I had worked on the account when I worked at YOG and I knew how difficult the account was.   When I talked to the team leader she told me what a difficult account it was and that they couldn't keep MTs on it because it was so difficult.  

The recruiter and the team leader IM'd the entire time I was talking to them, which I felt was very distracting and unprofessional. 

I turned down the position so can't give you any specifics, but they sure did leave a bad taste in my mouth and I would never recommend them. 

Wonder where there QA is located.   Oh, yeah, we got to fix those errors for peanuts per line.
I don't know if they currently offshore, but

they have in the past.   They lost so many accounts due to the poor quality of the offshore work.   Positions are IC only and no direct deposit.  I don't know how much work there is with Rad account, but there isn't much work otherwise. 

I wouldn't recommend QT until they can prove themselves again.  You can go back through the archives and read past posts about all the issues the last few months.   There are still lots of hard feelings and lots of good MTs still struggling trying to find positions with decent companies.   

Does MDI-MD offshore? SM
My primary will have work and managers starting getting huffy about TAT and then all of a sudden there is no work.  Very dissappointed that I'm on an account that is consistently running out of work.  Right now, I have nothing!
They (as far as we know) do not offshore, but
They have outsourced to a service -- no secret.
Please remember one very basic thing - business people are the same the world around - they are in it to make money. Sooner or later, Indian and other foreign companies are going to demand the same pay as American based companies (why should they continue to accept less money for the same work but with less profit). I truly believe that sooner or later (hopefully sooner) this will naturally cause a turnaround in routing of this work. Hopefully, for American companies, there will be SOME of us left who can actually do the work.
Offshore knows when they get same $ as US MTs
management may not tell you but believe me - there is more of it going on than the MTs know. If there are editors working there then more than likely the work is going to India or the Philippines.
No, they are not offshore!!

None of Axolotl's work is offshored.  We have more than enough work, too.

What kind of an organization would work towards taking away jobs from those who have been members for years??? I agree their guidlines SUK.
They have been sent offshore - seriously. I

even had one company slip during an interview and tell me that the good stuff was sent offshore.   It seems that the majority of the ESLs are the same nationality of the country that the work is being sent to and it would make more sense to send them those dictators. 

Re Offshore (FI, etc.)

Interesting point about learning they offshore and that would be all you'd need to know.  I certainly share those feelings but what, then, can I/we say about MQ?  Two of my closest friends (previous supervisors) say they'd never work for a co. who outsources outside the US.  When I started for the Q less than a year ago I honestly didn't know this.

Based on that, how many are actually doing it, etc.?  It'd be nice to hear more comments about this.

The only think I know is they offshore. sm
I saw an ad for Operations Manager and in the job description - responsible for our large offshore vendors...etc.

So what if they offshore...
Personally, I don't care if a company offshores. I am not going to further limit my employment opportunities by crossing off every company that offshores. There is not a thing we can do about it. The more we refuse to work, the more work will go offshore. That’s just fact. Currently, I work for a company that does offshore and the work sent offshore is no worse or better than the work done right here at home. Of course, Im sure someone here will argue otherwise, but that has been my experience.
MDI-MD does not offshore
OSi does offshore....sm

I made an inquiry to someone there and was told out right that they do offshore. I too have noticed the work volume has hit rock bottom, all except for a select few accounts.  I was shocked about them suddenly getting rid of the team lead positions!!! That made me wonder for sure.........what is going on there?