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Could anyone recommend a company that is fair and doesn't show favoritism?

Posted By: DD on 2008-07-15
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thank you in advance

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Amphion - I highly recommend this professional, fair company
Best of luck!
It doesn't show India's
pursuit of excellence, it only shows how bad some companies want to save a buck.
The IP addy doesn't show up here. Some
boards show IP addy, but this one doesn't so no way to track.  If you provide any identifying info then they might figure out who is posting. 
Doesn't seem fair to me s/m
I have read a lot of the negativity posted regarding Transcend on this board since the end of March when I was told that my company was merging with Transcend, and I have to say that I have not experienced any of what I have seen posted.

I work full time, and I work 3rd shift. I also work both weekend days. And I have never run out of work except for maybe one day or so a week and there are plenty of chances to get the lines made up.

I work the same accounts I did before the merger, but also voluntarily took on a couple of Transcend accounts because I had a desire to learn the platform they were on and a desire to learn the VR systems, since that is most definitely experience I view as needed, since that is the direction the industry is moving in, whether I like it or not.

I know for a fact that the accounts I am trained on have more than enough work.

I have never been told no when I have asked for additional accounts, and am an average to high producer based on my lph.

I have always been able to get an answer to a question when I had one, and have many channels available for contacting people if an issue arises. I have also had a conversation with the prez about my concerns regarding my own merger, and within a short time from the conference call.

I don't know about the offshoring policies, but I do know that I have not had a loss of work as a result. The bottom line is that that is just a fact of life in this field, and it is not likely to change any time soon. As long as they think that that is the direction to go in, that is what we will have to deal with. But if we are too busy B****ing and moaning, we aren't going to change it any time soon.

I am not crazy about work going overseas while many of us struggle to earn a living, but there is nothing I can do to change things. Should I refuse to work for a company who has an otherwise good reputation just because of what others say? I don't think that is reasonable at all.

So maybe you will label me as a company hack, too, and I don't really care. I am just like the rest of you, busting my butt in the trenches trying to support my family, and working a full and a part time job to do it, but it can be done. I do these things by my own choice.

I could survive on the one income, and not have to worry about finances, but I like having a little extra to be able to do things with and for my children.

I think maybe the reason I have never had to worry about running out of work is because I have made certain that my supervisors know that I will do whatever they put in front of me without complaining, and don't mind taking on multiple accounts to be able to meet my financial and career goals. Call me a suckup if you want, but I do what I feel I need to.

For those of you who have any questions at all, or want a different point of view on this company, please feel free to contact my privately by clicking the reply by email link. I am always available.

I hope that maybe I have put a different light on things. Say what you will, but if you don't have personal working knowledge of how a company works, I don't think it is fair to discourage others from what could end up being a really good fit for them.
The backlog page doesn't always show all the OT - sm
Beg to differ - my STM just send her daily update saying you could work extra on about 6 different accounts. I saw another STM this morning saying the same thing in her update. So sorry if I offended you.

One person's experience is not everyone else's. If you are limited to only radiology, no wonder you are out of work.
Enterprise doesn't show lines

Which is a different issue entirely, IMO.  Ever since they put the counter on Enterprise, there has been the 0 from midnight to 1 am glitch.  My lines during that time ARE counted on the timeclock summary page, but they will never show on the on-screen counter.  Why?  Who knows.  Never once can they uprgrade Enterprise without a bunch of glitches, and will usually only fix them if there is a huge outcry from the MTs.  The programmers are a bunch of airheads, which has always made me nervous and unconfident our IT department (along with the dubious help I may or may not get from the help desk).  I often wonder if they have any criteria at all for hiring IT personnel, or just take anybody off the street...

Has nothing to do with favoritism - sheesh (sm)
I can only reiterate what the posters below me said.  You pick the schedule, so you are expected to stick to it.  Do I take short breaks?  Of course I do.  Do I ever have an appt that I can't make after work hours?  Yes.  I let them know as far in advance as I can.  That's all they ask.  If something comes up of an emergent nature, all you have to do is let them know.  That's all they ask - I don't think that is unreasonable.  They are running a business, and a very good one, I might add.  They want to keep it that way.  Flexibility is one thing, irresponsibility is another.
TRS I would not recommend a company
simply on the basis of having talked to a recruiter or testing with them without having worked there myself. I myself, did work for them and my experience was a less than pleasant one. Some of their equipment is outdated, dial in systems with so many different numbers that you have a hard time getting on because others have been given the same number, lots of confusion, very little communication and a great deal of turnover. Notice, they always have an ad out and always have openings. The good companies are hard to get on with. The horrible companies like this one are easy. They sing a very sweet tune so beware!
Can someone recommend a company that
of recent experience?  I was looking at Transtech but apparently they hire only the best MT's (like Axolotl) and with a lot of current experience.  I have 3 years of recent experience after raising my family but 11 years of experience back in the 1990s.  Please recommend another company that I could apply to besides Transtech that is not so strict with hiring requirements.  No way would I feel comfortable being released from QA after 1 day - I'm not that good and also being allowed to type unlimited reports when they have no idea what I'm putting out.  That definitely would not be a good fit for me.  I need a company that will work with me and understand that my experience is not all recent.  TIA 
recommend company
If you get an answer, please pass it on!!!
sorry..cut myself off. No favoritism with seniority, still on first account here.
Great company. Would highly recommend!!
Pays on time.  Great owners.  Very helpful.  Nice software.  Flexible schedules.
Can anyone recommend a company who allows you to type on just 1-2 docs M-F? SM

Pays every other week or twice a month, on time.  At least paying 8 cpl and with an MT-friendly platform.

Thanks guys!

Know WedMedx,: Recommend. Good company. SM
Hi, Looking. Yes, you have to log in and out--good structure for people who'd love to earn more money if only they could keep their hands clicking. Very nice incentive scale for those who do. Good medical. Rest of benefit package slim, made up for by good earnings IMO.

Platform getting genuinely good now and continually improving; the old slowness people complains about seems to be gone.

Lots of ESL but simply not a problem for pros once familiar with dictators. Assigned accounts so you can get fast. Need more than one as they can empty out during those hours when a lot of people want to work.

Genuinely nice company to work for. Excellent support in a variety of areas. Very helpful education programs and groups to help develop skill levels, both medical knowledge and production. Study groups and monetary assistance getting certification, and more.

BTW, if you sign on, you now get to be called a Medical Content Specialist. Not sure what that means yet, but I'm newly impressed with myself anyway.

Bottom line: Good place for good workers.
Thanks for posting that...Just goes to show that Keystrokes is a great company and will work with yo
I hope it works out for you and you start feeling better soon...
Transolutions..a fair and good company..sm
I no longer work for this company as I did not like the platform (MedType)...however, if you want an honest and fair company and can deal with the platform, these people are great. I just got a birthday card from them 3 weeks after quitting. That is going far beyond the expected in my opinion. The people on their staff are wonderful to work with and if I could handle DOS-based platforms, I might consider going back to them...just not my cup of tea.
When the company line count is fair - it is easy nm
Does anyone recommend a pretty good company that is good to work for, pay always on time and plenty
of work.  I know that is asking a lot, but just curious?
Well that doesn't say much about the company
You've been there 4 months and have 5 accounts already?????  That tells people that they run out of work consistently otherwise you would be working on 1 account and have a backup, maybe 2.  I've been there years and didn't even get my secondary account for almost 6 months because the work was so heavy on my primary account.  Things have changed.  The turnaround is so great they have to continually overhire.  The only thing I have to say is think about why you were hired at 10 cpl.  You're training the VR that is going to be cutting that 10 cpl to 5.5 cpl. If you're happy earning 5.5 cpl doing FULL editing that's great.  Maybe you weren't there when the CEO was saying that the people who do really well on editing are not high producers in typing and vice versa.  Those who have a hard time doubling their lines in editing are the ones producing 350-400 lines an hour in typing. There's no way they can make 700 lines per hour doing FULL editing.  So if you're doing great in editing, you're not that great in typing...you're average.  If you're a high producer in typing, let's see how happy you'll be when making 5.5 cpl for producing the same amount of work.
This company doesn't try either
They have not responded to their employees directly ... instead they put their comments anonymously on this board.
Best pay, doesn't always mean the best company. sm
You could make $0.18 cpl doing ESLs all day long and run out of work. That being said, how much would you make really if you can't do ESLs or there is no work available.

Everyone is looking for something different in a company. My suggestion is to write down what it is you are looking for, line rate, steady work flow, schedule, pay periods, etc and seek it out.

Good luck to you.
A company that doesn't ...sm
test? CMT, 16 years experience including transcriptionist, QA, supervisor/trainer. Tired of all the companies that use mttest before they will even talk to you which takes up my time - only to find they don't pay very well! Are there any companies that wave the testing if you have the experience and great references?
Just because one company does it doesn't
mean they all do.  I worked for KS and I know that the work fluctuated and there were days without work.  It still reflects very poorly on you to say such a thing.  I don't know whether it is true or not, but without knowing every detail from both sides you aren't qualified to suggest that something she has done has caused her a lack of work.  
another company doesn't pay

CC Transcription, out of Florida.  First, when it is time to pay, she says O sorry, it will be 4 weeks before first check.  (I quit right then but another girl did not) So, okay it 4 weeks and time to pay and she says, So sorry, my computer crashed and all the information to do direct deposits is in there, I will have to mail you a check.  Well okay, so mail the darned thing.  WOW!  It came a week later and guess WHAT?????   IT BOUNCED LIKE A A BASKETBALL OFF THE 95TH FLOOR!  But, here's the best one.....now her appendix ruptured and she has been in the hospital!  I must be nuts because I and positive she was not in the hospital when she wrote those checks.  Is there some new thing about checks not being good for 2 weeks to wait and see if your going to get sick first?  Is that a bank insurance thing I can take out?  hhhmmm

She advertises here on mtstars and also on mtjobs, so BEWARE of this lady, it is also Joyce Transcription!  She didn't get me NEAR as bad as the other gal, and we are the only to who communicate, so how many more are out there????

Would think whatever is FT production for that company. PT doesn't
That doesn't mean I have to work for a company
who chooses to send things out of country. I feel no need to suck it up and take it.
MBS a company that doesn't care about their MTs
This company doesn't care about their MTs and the owner or the president is very proud to post her picture in her company's website. Check the link and beware of this very deceptive company. I don't want to waste my time running after them, just want to caution all the MTs out there who are trying to earn a living, they might commit a mistake dealing with this company.
If a company doesn't pay, is there anything one can do to collect?
Trouble again
This company's name doesn't start with a "K", but......
sorry you had the same experience with another company. It stinks when you are told you have failed a test but aren't given any further details.
It doesn't matter. IF the company wants
people on site to train, that is their right to insist. There is a MTSO that has been mentioend on here, don't remember the name, that requires new employees to come to them for training.
I'm looking for a company that doesn't require a schedule......
I know - does that even exist anymore? I currently work when I want, just comitting to certain number of lines in a pay period. Are there any companies that allow us to do that anymore? I'm thinking it's time for a change.
Isn't Cymed a company that also doesn't pay for spaces? nm
Work for a company that doesn't offshore

My company doesn't evade tax laws. They don't have
state tax.    I didn't have a question and my DH and I have a very solid marriage and aren't going to split.  You  sound bitter. 
I used to work for a company that offshores -doesn't mean I do now (sm)

Do I sense some some sour grapes here? 

My company doesn't pay for ANY holdays if you don't work
My company doesn't even have a list of what they expect

What drives me nuts is a company that doesn't even have a list of what they expect and with 8 different QA people going over the report, it's just the luck of the draw.  I have had two  of the same operative reports by the same dictator who uses basically the same language.  Easy to type, right.  Change a word here or there and send it.  Had two different QA people.  One report was 100%, the other 89%.  One changed all the punctuation, the other didn't change a thing.  One didn't like where I set up paragraphs.  One gave errors because what I thought was um QA took as a and gave me an error for omitting �a� from the sentence when the dictator never dictates a complete sentence in the first place.  We are told to type verbatim.  So what is the difference between �Patient received bolus of� and �Patient received �a� bolus of�  Of course management sides with QA so no way to complain.  If they were consistent, there would be less people dreading QA and it would truly be a teaching tool, not a power play by QA to show us lowly MTs that they are better than we are and justify their own jobs. 


Clever way to give-up a company name that doesn't

Have 4 accounts and no work. SR doesn't pay enough. Like the company, but..
Is there any company that doesn't have high ESL now days? nm
That doesn't mean it's not a problem account for the company (sm)
It's sometimes in the company's best interests to let an account go if they're too demanding or whatever. Hardly reason to start a panic like they're losing accounts.
This good Christian company doesn't pay their MTs. nm
What company offers this? Doesn't sound famililar. nm
Jeannal, here is some advice - it doesn't matter which company
you go with if they have good insurance. If you are basically looking for great insurance, then go with the company that has the best insurance for you. Bottom line. It doesn't matter what kind of work you get, what kind of jobs you get, as long as you make the minimum line count and you are only concerned about insurance, then go with that company that offers the best. It might not be Diskriter, it might not be Spheris, it might not be Medquist - or on the other hand, it might be all three. It's up to you - if insurance is a big issue and work is not, then go with the company that offers good insurance only. The rest will fall into place
Work for a company that doesn't offshore. Support US MTs.
In case this company doesn't see this post, email them and tell them
It doesn't matter one whip which company she works/ed for...sm
It's all about experience and a POSITIVE ATTITUDE, which seems sorely lacking - evidenced by the ongoing bashes on this subject.

On top of that, one company is NOT a good fit for all - therefore, you may have to try and try again before you can find the right fit.

She is totally correct about years of experience. You don't start out riding a bike on the first day, and the same is totally true about MT-ing or any other career. So, buckle down, start learning and use every tool that is at hand for futuristic possibilities of better money.

But if you choose to go to work for TT, please refrain from returning here and complaining that you're not making the same kind of money. The dollar-making ability differs from MT to MT. Some of us have and some of us don't.
If you're that upset about it, do what I did and work for a company that doesn't outsource
I know a company that takes work off edit and doesn't pass
Focus doesn't offshore to India, they are an Indian company
that offshores to the U.S.  They have an office front in MA, I think.  
Archives doesn't mean it is old info necessarily. If you'll go to the main company page, typ
JLG in the search box, make sure the MTStars circle is checked and click on search you'll find lots of current information.  This is considered archived information but there are posts are recently as last week there.