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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Can an MT make a decent living earning 7 cents per line

Posted By: playing devil's advocate on 2007-10-28
In Reply to:

Just thought I would add my 2 cents worth.  It would be great to be paid 10-11-12-13 cents per line (as an employee not IC), but that is not a reality in this job market.  Yes, MTs will take jobs that pay 7 cents per line, but that MTSO is not necessarily underpaying or demeaning the MTs that work for them. 


Bottom line is that you have to do your homework because, yes, there are people who can make a living on 7 cents a line and will take those jobs.   It really depends on your skills and how dedicated you are to making your maximum possible lines per hour.  The MTSO that is offering only 7 cents a line but has easy dictators can actually pay you more per check if you type more lines per hour than an MTSO that is offering 10 cents a line but has horrible quality, ESL dictators, nasty QA, etc and you can barely type 100 lines an hour because of it. 


MY TIP:  When you interview, ask what the approximate minimum and maximum lines per hour that the other MTs that are doing EXACTLY the same accounts that you are going to be doing are achieving per hour/day/pay period.  If the recruiter/MTSO will not tell you that information, you probably don�t want to work there anyway so just terminate the interview before wasting any more of your time.  The slowest MTs are probably new and the ones achieving 200-250-300 lines per hour have been there a long time and know the account(s) forwards and backwards.  If you plan to make that MTSO a long-term employer, you will have a pretty good idea of what you can potentially achieve if you stay there long enough.  Don�t let them tell you the �average� of all the MTs that work for the company or what their perfect employee Suzie Q types.   We all know every account is different, so Suzie Q who just started last week and is already doing 150 lines per hour may have easier accounts than the one you are going to be working on, so that is not very representative of what your account(s) is really going to be like.  Ask specifically about the accounts you will be assigned to and don�t let them distract you.  Again, if they don�t want to tell you, terminate the interview. 


According to the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook, in 2004 !!!, the MEDIAN hourly earnings for a Medical Transcriptionist (probably  mostly hospital and office based) in May of 2004, was $13.64 an hour. 


Just for reference, it seems like most MTSOs have a 6000 lines per week minimum production standard which is about 150 line per hour (40 hour week) on average for full-time MTs.   


        If you are being paid 7 cents per line, you are making a minimum of (150 x 0.07) = $10.50 per hour.


        If you are being paid 8 cents per line, you are making a minimum of (150 x 0.08) = $12.00 per hour. 


        If you are being paid 9 cents per line, you are making a minimum of (150 x 0.09) = $13.50 per hour. 


        If you are being paid 10 cents per line, you are making a minimum of (150 x 0.10) = $15.00 per hour. 


If you are one of the highly trained experienced MT and type 200 lines per hour on average, you are even better off. 


        If you are being paid 7 cents per line, you are making a minimum of (200 x 0.07) = $14.00 per hour.


        If you are being paid 8 cents per line, you are making a minimum of (200 x 0.08) = $16.00 per hour. 


        If you are being paid 9 cents per line, you are making a minimum of (200 x 0.09) = $18.00 per hour. 


        If you are being paid 10 cents per line, you are making a minimum of (200 x 0.10) = $20.00 per hour. 



The median hourly earnings in 2004 was $13.64 per hour.  That was almost 4 years ago.  With a minimal 2% per year cost of living/inflation increase, by 2008 the median hourly earning should be about $14.76 per hour.       


2004 --------- $13.64

2005 x 2% = $13.91

2006 x 2% = $14.19

2007 x 2% = $14.47

2008 x 2% = $14.76


So, in my humble opinion, if you are an experienced MT with 5 or more years of experience, when you call that MTSO offering 7 cents per line the accounts you will be assigned to should be easy enough so that you can make an average of 210 lines per hour within a relatively short period of time.  If they say their experienced MTs are only doing 175 to 200 lines per hour on average, that MTSO is drastically underpaying their experienced MTs and it is time for you to move on.  If they say their MTs are averaging 250 to 300 lines per hour, then that MTSO may be worth looking into further, even if their starting wage is lower than what you originally thought you should be getting paid. 


I think if WE ALL start doing this, the MTSOs will start to figure out that we are not going to work for companies that underpay our skills and experience.  If enough experienced MTs hang up on these companies, eventually they will figure out that the recruiters/supervisors need to be more honest with us regarding their pay structure and the difficulty of their accounts. 


Some food for thought !! 


More information from the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook: 

Medical transcriptionists had median hourly earnings of $13.64 in May 2004. The middle 50 percent earned between $11.50 and $16.32. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $9.67, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $19.11. Median hourly earnings in the industries employing the largest numbers of medical transcriptionists in May 2004 were:

General medical and surgical hospitals


Offices of physicians


Business support services




If you want more information, check out the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics web page for Medical Transcriptionist. 






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You are being hypothetical while we are trying to find a co. where we can make a decent living,,,,nm
I have an easy account and make a decent living.

And while you are at it, TT Management,

BITE ME!!!  You were fools to file this lawsuit.  $294.50 to lose all credibility in the MT World.  Sad, truly sad...

And many thought you were one of the good guys.

I make 4 cents a line, work part and make
over $500 a week on part.
Oh, they make money off us. Line rate is 17 cents a gross line.nm
How can anybody make a decent line count there
I couldn't
if your platform is decent at OSI and you make line count....
I currently make 3.0 cents per line
and I average about 2400 - 3000 lines per day.
I make 9 cents per line. I am not

on an account with VR.   Regarding the platform, there are several.  Do you have one in particular?

How can you possibly make any $$ for 2 cents per line???


Am I missing something??

I get 10-12 cents a line from clients so I can only pay 6-71/2 to make any profit.
There are some clinics/hospital that will pay more but they also want you to do a lot more secretary stuff which the management staff does and you do not see.  I know some of the huge nationals are raking in the profit and not spreading it around to well deserved transcriptionists but us smaller nationals or local companies are not getting those huge accounts that pay 16-20? cents a line.  There is overhead too to pay like your utility bills, dictation equipment and upkeep, long distance phone bills, advertising, paper, printers, ink, faxes, health insurance, etc and then the income for the management team, proofers, and computer techs.  I am not trying to take up for the huge companies that rake it in but if you haven't had your own business in the field then you really can't speak about what goes on after you turn in your work because you have no idea.  Making comments to ad that can't offer more like me does not help anyone.  I find plenty of experience transcriptionists happy with the pay, workload, and TAT.  I wish I could offer more but when you are only making 3-4 cents of profit and still have your overhead that is not greedy.  Your checks are nearly the same as the transcriptionists. If you don't like the pay find your own account - you do the leg work and don't respond to if it does not interests you as it does to a lot of people.
I don't do chart notes and I make more than 7 cents a line
they don't think you can handle a more intricate account and you should try working on your MT skills.

Giggle at that, hon.
Decent living..

In short....the answer about Is it possible to make a decent living with them, without having to work 40 or 50 hours per week?.... NO 

Thanks. Can you make any decent pay with them and are the accounts decent. What is your feeling
that. Thank you.
Very decent bennies. If you do ESL, you can get 10 cents
a line with bennies.  Check them out. 
I also work for 8 cents a line. I left a job typing OPs for 10-11 cents sm
to take a clinic job. I made an average of $17-18 an hour with OPs, now make $16-17 an hour, but the work is easier on me. I do not call that poor pay. I type 200+ lines an hour. True, it isn't the $26-27 an hour I was making 10 years ago at a hospital, but that's gone for good. I have excellent skills, make better than 99% on QA at any company I have worked for, and some of those have been very demanding.

I'm afraid the people that are expecting to make $20-30 an hour in MT are going to be disappointed. A few can still make that amount, but for the average good transcriptionist, the pay is much more likely to run $15-20. Benefits are pretty much gone. However, I feel that what I'm making is considerably above what I could make in another field, unless I decide to teach, which I will not do. Still, I make more than I would at Walmart or Burger King, or even a secretarial job. It's my choice. Good luck to you.
The mentoring program does not pay 8-1/2 cents per line. Believe it is like 6 cents.
How do they make a living if they don't get paid for their
services.  I don't know that they get a percentage of the line rate, doesn't make sense that it would be like that, but I'm sure they get a flat fee.   The MT doesn't pay, the company does.  I didn't ask them about getting paid because that was none of my business.   Maybe they don't get paid unless the MT accepts a position.   A lot of companies offer referral bonuses, could be the same thing with TM.  
We have to make a freakin' living
Terrible....can't make a living on that.
and when you can't make a living anymore--sm
due to schloping American jobs to third world countries..it will be too late for ANY solution.
Can you make a living at home?

I have been an on-site MT for 15 years and have clinic-only experience in several specialties.  I am considering a change to working from home.  I am wondering if it is possible to work from home and still make good money.  Do you folks feel that you do just as well as you would working on-site? 

Does anyone really make a good living doing VR??? sm
I currently work for one of the larger MT companies that is mostly VR, platform isn't bad, but just not able to get my line count up.  I was curious if it just me or if there were MTs out there who were doing good on VR and glad they have made the switch.  Thanks. 
Do they still pay you 5 cents a line and 2 cents if you send anything to QA?
I have a problem with 7 cents and 8 cents a line because
...when I started 15 years ago, my very first MT job started me out at 8 cents a gross line, then went to 9 cents a gross line after only a year. I was SOOO happy and proud of myself for choosing a profession that paid so well - I imagined myself making a lot of $$ once I had 10 or 15 years experience behind me...

Well that never happened; in fact, it all went backwards, pay wise. The company I worked for back then sold out to a national, and of course the pay was cut, and 9 cents a gross line was never to be had again, at least not that I could find. I am considered living in poverty now. I started out great but have ended up very badly.

I think my own personal problem is that it's hard for me to let go the fact that I made good money just starting out and how everything I had ever learned about jobs, careers and pay was that the more experience and education you have in a particular field, the more your pay goes up as each year passes. Well my pay has been consistently taking a nosedive for at least a decade now. I actually have to work MORE to make at least as much as I did years ago, and it's killing me health-wise as far as my wrists, my legs, my neck, my back....

It also kills me that I'm going to have to accept 7 or 8 cents a 65-character line when I made so much more than that 15 years ago.

I suppose to someone who's just starting out, 7 or 8 cents would seem pretty good, though. Maybe that's why I haven't been able to land any jobs with my resume. They may not want me with my years of experience, probably want a newbie who will be more grateful about such low pay. I dunno.

I could just kick myself for wasting money on MT school those years ago when I could've spent it on a career that would actually LAST and where I'd be making great money after being in the same field for 15 years. There's just no reward to this business. None at all, IMO.

I would NOT recommend this field to anyone just getting started. To me, it's a dead field.

I'd have more freedom working at McDonalds (for a number of reasons), and, believe me, I've been considering taking a local job around my home for minimum wage. At least I'd have a consistent paycheck and would know exactly what I'm getting every 2 weeks, then build from there as far as another job or two.

Well anyway that's all. I really need a job. I'm going down, going under, and it's a shame because I do very good work and have all this experience but no one seems to want me, even the low-paying companies. Oh well.
Oh, but its OK that the MTs barely make living wages?
Shall we feel sorry for the poor MTSOs now?  Please...buying meat past the expiration - most of this winter I had to hit the FOOD BANKS, and while working full time.
Sounds like you can make a good living, just can't
There's quite a difference.

Yes, but can we make a living with 3c/l doing the editing??? That's what I'm afraid of. nm
I guarantee you, you are not the norm. Why lead someone that needs to make a living into a

situation that is getting worse all the time with lost accounts and over hiring and not knowing yet what the pay scale will be.

i am not in this for competition, just to make a living and feed my family you
insensitive b*****
Move on, girl - gotta make a living
Looking for more opinions on Voice SYstems in Georgia. Anyone know about ability to make a living
here etc. Have already been told disorganized but would like more info.
You can make a decent salary but
you have to have good platform and not a lot of people training. I did 750 the first hour today, times that by 4 and see what it came up to.
Some make a decent check
so you cannot lump all together.
MTSO gift to their at-home MT's who make their living for them and all the office staffs' livi

Why is it so hard to share their profits with the at-home MT's? ? ?   Give me MONEY for Christmas because so much has been taken throughout the year -- I won't it back -- or at least some of it !  I will buy my own gift or pay my light bill or buy my children/grandchildren a gift with it.

In general, the top echelon is getting so greedy at most MTSO's!   They would have nothing w/o the MT's constantly tapping those keyboards . . . and I mean it gets more and more difficult for us MT's as with each passing year to make a decent living . . . I dare say a living of any sort.  Only those MT's who have husbands to support them are happy with whatever few cents they are offered, because it is only play money for them anyway.  Hubby pays all the bills.   I guarantee you that if a poll were taken of the Happy MT's with their at-home job, it would either be hubby making living for them OR mommy not having to pay a babysitter to work outside the home.  Those in HR/management, with a little research, can easily see how our paychecks are dwindling month by month due to lower wages because ASR/VR is taking away the decent dictators and leaving only the horrible dictators (who take lots of time to transcribe a quality report), lack of cost-of-living raises, rising electricity bills at home that the MT has to pay, high-speed internet/phone bills higher and higher and loaded with taxes, rent/mortages/taxes/insurance continuously rising. 

The office staff don't have to think about those at-home costs, as theirs are paid by the MTSO during their working hours/shift, nor do they have to worry about the lack of raises, etc, because in-house employees get raises automatically with tenure or with a 6-month or annual review or at the discretion of management at any time.

Personally, my line count continues to decrease; I don't know what the reason is because in the past many years, I could transcribe 200-400 lines per hour, and I do good to transcribe 100 or 150 an hour with the horrible dictators sifted out by the VR machine Dictaphone ExText.  

Please don't yell at me -- because I am thankful for a paycheck -- but why is the burden put on my fingers to WORK HARDER AND HARDER to earn that paycheck.  Don't say try ASR/VR because it will double your income, because I have tried that and know better and have proven that theory to be wrong -- at least on Dictatphone ExSpeech you can't !

The other thief of a good line count/wage for the U.S. MT's is the majority of our work going offshore because it can get done CHEAPER !  Who is all that extra money saved by offshoring our work going to ??  Not the at-home MT.  That is exactly why I request MONEY for my Christmas gift from my employer, rather than some promo gift that is handed out to any and everyone.

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL US MT's in the good 'ole USA !  ! !

Slipping Backward - Line Rates and Cost of Living

This is for those of us who have been in the business awhile. 

 I stumbled across an online calculator that lets you input a dollar amount and a year in the past, and see what it would be today with cost of living increases.  (Link below).

You can use this with line rates and do it two ways - either as cents, which gives you a whole number result, or as dollars, which gives you the decimal portion as well.  In other words, if you made 8 CPL, you can either enter it as $0.08, or you can enter it as $8 and then move the decimal point over to the left two places in the result.  The multiplier is the same either way, so the dollar method with the extra decimal points is more precise.  Just remember to move the decimal point over.

I was making 10 cpl in 1990, so I gave it a spin and ran some different line rates through it using 1990 as the base year:

8 CPL = 12.96 in 2009

9 CPL = 14.6 in 2009

10 CPL = 16.2 in 2009

11 CPL = 17.8 in 2009

12 CPL = 19.4 in 2009

Is there any doubt that if the line rate had even kept up with the cost of living, people would not be feeling the way they do about this industry? 

Then I did something else and tried different input amounts to see what amount in 1990 would have equalled 9 CPL today - a typical line rate.   I had to back off to 5.56.  Someone earning 9 CPL today is making the equivalent of less than 6 CPL in 1990.

It's kinda fascinating playing with this thing (the way watching a train wreck is fascinating, I mean).  Here's a link you can paste into your browser, or you can follow the link at the bottom of the post.





I might add that I make a decent hourly rate doing
QA, but I really earned excellent money doing MT. I cannot complain about my hourly QA rate at all. I earn more than many I know working hourly.
Believe me, one can make decent money at TransTech.
There is plenty of work and I don't think the incentive plan is low at all. A good MLS should have no problem hitting the first tier and the QA incentive should be automatic. The starting line rate is also one of the best I had run across. I'm not trying to convince anyone to come to TT, its not a good fit for everyone, just wanted to share my experience. If one is getting a negative vibe about a company, I don't blame them for not wanting to give them a try.
Are you able to make decent money? I don't mind editing either...
can you make decent money straight typing for .08 cpl?
with Expanders for low ESL docs?
Any of the former or current employees, can you make decent money there?
I can get a somewhat decent line count, but could
do better if my account weren't in Meditech. That slows me down so much. Work was a little slow coming in early this morning but has been steady since then. I expect it will be slow over the weekend, too.
Making a decent line count

I agree it is possible to make a decent living at Transcend.  I seem to get a ratio of 70% VR and 30% straight typing. I'm not sure how this is determined, but that is how it always turns out at the end of each pay.  Yes the key to making money on the VR is using the hot keys.  If you are motivated, goal oriented and have a good work ethic you will be fine at Transcend.  They are great with letting you flex your hours and also offer to give 1 on 1 training for VR if you ask for it.

Where can I make 10 cents plus sm
I know what you are saying.  Where can a fabulous MT make 10 plus cents a line?  No editing required.
Your 2 cents is more than Shapin QA make. nm
I agree - hard to get decent line count with ExText...sm
Good to know other people are having the same issue as I thought I was just getting slower in my old age!  Seems like I can do almost twice as much with DocQScribe and escription.
rates 6.5 to 7 cents .NEVER make more at Jack-in-Box
I emailed first (as is my thing prior to spending time testing) They did email back after I asked for the lowest to highest rate offered for the position.

email response below
Hi there,

We pay $0.065 to 0.007 starting depending upon experience. Some
companies pay various amounts per line, but it also is important to see
what their line consists of. We pay based on a 65 character line count.


Synernet Transcription
(207) 771-3470
run as fast as you can. decent line counts are had by double dippng supervisors.
10 cents per line
so does AccuSTAT, Wisconsin for ER work!!!
This would be cents per line.
If it were more like 65-70 cpl, it would be characters per line.
CPL = cents per line

Then of course you need to know how they define a line.  "Standard" is 65 characters is a line, but that might be with spaces or without spaces being counted.  Also, not all companies a define a line this way, and it could be gross line (anything on a line, even one character is considered a line), or it could be a character line (with or without spaces).

But...CPL means cents per line.

MA 3 cents per line

Yes, yes.  I worked for them for one whole day.  The only reason I applied was because I was born in Mass (but now live in AZ) and it was an editing job, which I wanted to try doing, since I trained MTs for so long and edited their reports, etc.  Anyway, the supervisor, Bobbi, was an absolute tyrant nightmare.  Training was done over the phone, and she was so nasty and bitter, she made you feel like you had never done a thing in the medical field ever before.  For example, I was not following what she was talking about as far as her formatting statements, and she was going on like, what are you talking about???!!!    I had to take a Valium and Rolaids, and then she told me to go ahead and transcribe some reports.......I have been doing transcription over 20-years, and wanted to just edit.  Well, she said she was going out for the evening, but there should be no problem with the system and sending the reports on after I transcribed them.  Well, there sure was.  I contacted the lady that was her assistant, and SHE ragged on me for contacting her.  I said, 'sorry, I can't send the reports.  Something is wrong with the system, so I am just going to email them to you, so you know they have been done at least.   The next morning I woke up and emailed Bobbi that I am not right for this job.  Nobody is.  That has been years ago, and amazingly she cannot hold on to anybody for that Editor job.  It was so bad, I cannot remember the name of the company - Maybe something like Infomatics, or something.  She was an absolute horror.  Don't work for her.  You will not be happy........ 
