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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

By any chance

Posted By: MTmtMT on 2009-05-11
In Reply to: As an IC I let the MTSO where I work - JC

Could/would you share the name of this company? Sounds IDEAL.


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sorry - chance - the end got cut off..nm

Not a chance. nm. been there, ya da da
By any chance...
Was this company called Proficient Transcription? If so, you need to look at the posts on the New MT board. She has been ripping off newbies for a while now.

Pay is consistently late--and comes with a boat load of excuses.  Not worth it.  I am still waiting for payments.

Were you an IC by any chance? sm
I'm in the mid $20 per hour range myself but have long experience on 2-3 of my accounts. Good benefits make up for any loss in line rate you may see.
by any chance
was the wife's name Faye?
Any chance of getting a new sup and
I was the one who was so excited about the company I called it Axolotl, a Bright light in a dim universe. Some people even applied because I was so excited. Then, I was so disappointed about my experience. I still mourn over leaving but living life that way is not acceptable, micromanaged by a person who is so controlling was not my idea of a great work experience. So wish we could all go back and do it over again with just a bit better experience!
I did get a chance to do that once sm
My son's dermatologist happened to be a doctor I was typing at the time.  He was in a large clinic system and when I saw him name come up I wasn't a big fan.  He talked way too fast and never spelled any doctors names at all.  We got to talking and I mentioned that I sometimes got his work and he asked if he was good.  I told him he was okay but if he could slow down and maybe spell the occasional referring physician's name that would be great.  I never get his work anymore so I don't really know if he ever improved or not but it sure was nice to tell him about it!
Do you by any chance
work on VR and if so, which system do you use?
did you mean by chance Indian
Is this company by chance DSG? nm
Fred,, are you in GA by any chance? nm
They will cut you off at the knees if given the chance sm
When you start they treat you like a queen. They then disappear and at any moment could e-mail to tell you its not working out. I left their on my own, but this happened to several others. They also tried not to pay one person for her wor just because she put in her notice.
In Texas by any chance?


Yes, I say give them a chance... SM
Because overall they ARE a good company. I cannot say that they are the very best, and will fit every single person, because they're not and will not. The QA dept really isn't too bad either, but they are very... sensitive I guess. You may never ever have a problem with any of them, and I know that most of them below the manager and a particular team lead are perfecly competent and nice. So don't even let that worry you. :) I wish you luck with your new position!

any chance all DRCers could get to know one another?
Really wish I knew who you all are who are on this board. It would be nice to be able to correspond a little less publicly about all this new info we got today. If anyone is interested, I would be the first to give my name and the account I work on. I'm willing to give Acusis a chance, but it just hurts so much that this has all been going on behind the scenes for months and months and months and I just kept blythely typing along, thinking everything was secure. My biggest worry is what happens after the 100 days? Words are just words and the fact that he says he has no desire to shuffle things while perhaps meant to assay our fears, truly just made me more nervous. My loyalty was always to DRC but I'm not so sure anymore that their loyalty was to their employees. I have to chew on that for a while.
Only have dial-up, no chance
of ever getting high-speed internet access where I live... my only other option is satellite, haven't wanted to shell out the bucks for that up to now, but may have to.   Can anyone tell me what companies still use dial-up or allow satellite connections?  I hate to apply at companies, etc only to find out that they won't allow dial-up or satellite.   Thanks so much for any suggestion about where to begin.
Oh, I would jump at that chance if available!!
Give em a chance
I have been with Transcend for over 2 years now and I love it.  They will assign more accounts for you as needed when you are out of work.  There are more options than just jumping ship.  They are a very good company to work for. 
Is there a chance of me getting 9 cpl at Medscribe?
I am with Medquist currently and after three days of no work coming over, I am ready to head 'em up and move 'em out...I know a lot of companies pay very low, even for MTs with lots of experience, and I would like to avoid those companies.  How well does Medscribe pay?  I have no idea, and they won't say.  By the way, I do mostly ER reports...Any negatives on the company?  Thanks!
Do u work for SS by any chance??? sm
Had a lovely email from mgmt with misspellings and incorrect grammar tonight -- so was just curious!
I would give her a chance...but
I would give her a chance to sing her song, but she does not sound like someone who would recognize a loyal employee whether she found one or not.  She demonstrates many of the symptoms of an employer/client who regards an MT as part of the equipment, and I consider myself an expert at attracting those types.
DD is immediate; there is a better chance of that going through than a check. sm
If a bank were to go belly-up, the direct deposits that are already sent are paid because they are paid the second they leave the bank. However, outstanding checks would be worthless.

This does not make any sense. If they changed banks and had a waiting period before being able to provide direct deposit, that would be understandable, although I do not know of any banks that do that for more than 30 days.

If there is a banking crisis and their bank is on the watch list, they would change banks. When you get your check, look at the bank. Look it up on the FDIC Bank Watch List. If it is there, maybe they are just panicking. If it is not, they are lying to you about something. Maybe they do not have the money to pay, maybe they have other issues. I do know, because my DH is still in banking, that many banks have tightened lending and have lowered corporate lines of credit for small companies. Most banks consider companies with less than $10 million in annual revenues to be small. Not sure where MDI-MD falls, but if they are under $10 million a year, they might have lost their line of credit through no fault of their own, and that could cause tight cash crunches.
Give them a chance

I agree with Hope.  There are those of us who have not had 20+ years experience. We have taken minimal paying positions in order to get experience and for once, we would like to be given the opportunity to make some money and just given a chance to show we can do the work. As most recent graduates will agree, it can be very fustrating when every resume sent out is replied with contact us after you have experience.

I would expect QA to bring to my attention my weaknesses and where I needed to put more effort.  Sometimes I read this forum and think how ungrateful some people are and maybe they are just burnt out with the industry and should find a new career. There are those who are new and hopeful we can eventually earn a reasonable income working at home doing something we like doing. Otherwise, we would never have taken the time out of our busy lives to return to school. Try being more positive and do not scare the new job seekers.

I have recently been hired by Focus and I know what is expected of me. Not many jobs pay top dollar for a person to sit at home in their pajamas. The least we can do is do the work without bitching.

Are you management by any chance?
Oh yes. I believe I'd jump at the chance.
I really have to say that. Although I have dedicated my life to this job, that fact is easily lost with the smallest infraction by people who scream at me in CAPS. I want to enjoy doing the work I do with such care.
I think our chance to unionize has come and gone,
the current perks big companies get for offshoring American jobs. No, offshoring can't be stopped (unfortunately), but instead of being rewarded, companies should have to PAY for it as a privilege, not a right. That way, companies who truly NEED offshore workers could do so, for a price. But it should be more cost-effective for MTSOs to use American MT labor, even with the pay we deserve, rather than what we're currently getting, than to use foreign labor. Right now, they're having their cake and eating it too, at America's expense.
by any chance - is this a company in Maine
Is Chuck Spitxer by any chance
the recruiter for this company?
Is this by any chance a company that starts with "M"??? nm
Any chance they're hiring? (nm)
Same type of experience here. Was this by chance,
7-8 months ago?
Christian MT board, by chance?

I had a link to a site of this nature from a very long time ago.  Since I'm looking around I decided to check it out, thinking it's an MTSO, or a listing of several who are faith-based, etc.  I signed up for the thing and got a reply asking me if I'm a Christian, if I have experience or not, that type of thing.  That's when I realized they must not be an MTSO, but signed up anyway, in hopes of looking for other sources for jobs.

While I approve of their no bashing policy, a couple of my closest friends are Jewish, so I have a great deal of respect for their religion (and of course the fact that Israel is a huge ally of the US). 

It didn't dawn on me until I read the post about no Jews here (for that site, not this one).  That's not cool.  My friends aren't militant, and would just roll their eyes over it.  Regardless, I have no idea why they'd do this. 

Is this the site discussed here?  Maybe there are more of them.  ??

I would go to the boss before the HIM manager gets a chance to
and make sure you tell them that the work will be done in India.  Spread the word to everyone you know, patients included, that their private health information will be in a place like India.  You have to do what you have to do.  If I had had a clue when our jobs were outsourced, I would have raised a big ruckus.  I mean what would they have done, fire me? 
Is it Chronicle Transcripts by chance?
That is chance, not change, excuse...
Give Transcend a chance
First of all, hello to all of you from MDI-MD.

I certainly know where you are all coming from. In January of 2005, Sue and I decided to sell MDI-FL to Transcend. We worried and prayed over it. We had over 500 employees and hoped that they all would understand and stay on with us, as I felt they were the best MTs in the world. I spoke to each and every one of our MTs and explained the situation, telling them that as far as I knew nothing would change; that Transcend was a great company who cared about their customers and MTs, as well as quality, which I never wanted to jeopardize. After getting to know Larry Gerdes, the CEO of Transcend, we knew that this was going to be a great fit.

Our MTs were all a little afraid, but fortunately they believed what I told them and about 90% stayed with us and I am thrilled to say are still with us. (Thanks Deb, Sheila and Carmen for your very kind words).

I know what you are going through. Try not to be too hard on MDI-MD. I do not know anyone there, but I have heard they are an extremely nice group of people who think the world of all of their MTs and also are great to their customers. I know when we sold MDI-FL all of our MTs remained on the exact same accounts that they had been on, so I don't see why we would do anything differently now.

Yes, Transcend does send a very small percentage of our work to India - I believe 15%. This will never replace our hard-working US force of MTs.

I would just wish you all would not be so harsh on MDI-MD. In the past, I have seen many of you write such nice things about them. They didn't merge with Transcend to hurt you. After working for us for a while, you might even like it. We are very well known for our flexibility, flex-time, etc. You will see that Sue (who is now President and COO) and Larry (our CEO) both have an open door policy, the ROMs are great and the Team Leaders are also.

I hope I was of some help to you. If you would like to send me an e-mail, you may at Liz.McGrogan@trcr.com. Good luck to each and every one of you. I do hope you decide to give Transcend a chance!

Thanks again,
Liz McGrogan
Former Co-Owner of MDI-FL
Consultant, Transcend Services, Inc.

Yes, it is hard, but on the off chance the machine
was made offshore, purchasing the machine involved one purchase. I can make clothes into infinity with it so I have in essence stopped my need to buy clothes from Mexico or who knows where.
I gave mine a chance, but the changes that
poverty level substantially, so I'm not planning to stay. STILL, so far I've had no luck finding anything yet that isn't just more of the same, so I'm continuing to work for them, but just squeaking by with my bills.
No one has even given the new platform a chance yet. Sure it doesn't
sound good and maybe you won't be more productive, but what if you are and you jump ship without giving it a chance?  I don't work for WMX currently, hated the company every day I worked there, left about a year ago.  My concern with all the people complaining about no work and I know for a fact that WMX overhires, is if there is going to be enough work to be productive enough to increase your lines.   Right now the job market stinks and there aren't that many jobs in this business available.  I would at least give it a try before jumping the ship.  
Goodluck - consistent work? not a chance. nm
You didn't by chance transcribe TomKat's
I call 5 years a chance. Give me the
old MDI where I was not a number, I was a human. I am now a disposable piece of equipment, a robot that they flip the switch to on or off as they want. I do not have all those FABULOUS days, and wonderful weekends that I hear about. I used to call the office but after 5 years I do not think anyone there even remembers my name. This is big business at its worst. Money gets to some people and makes them feel they are better than us peons who make them that money. I deal with people that I have never heard of before and some that are not that nice.

My price of gas tripled and my pay checks have been cut in half.
Yes, no work situations which have been occurring lately have given us the chance
to TAKE DAYS OFF WITHOUT PAY !  Surprise times, they are, too.  Not anything MT's can plan for !
Not a chance in the world. Why would I let the company get beat up again sm
when it has been quiet for the past few weeks?
I had a bad experience 4 years ago but gave them another chance after sm
a friend of mine was there for a while and was having a great experience. The problems were years ago and behind them. I was also there during the bounced checks, and I got a copy of the bank letter. They never lied to me though. Going back was the best thing I did, and they contacted me the same day with an offer. That was about 19 months ago and I am very happy. Direct deposit was a good move for them (or any company).
The company sounds wonderful, by chance....
do you need a really dedicated Radiology MT???? 
Any chance you could switch accounts or teams to
your TM would set you up with another TM/region that has ASR and needs help, you might try it for a while then switch if they have enough work to support it. 
Are you by chance hired for the new acct which begins sm
next week? Aren't you working on the staging platform now (and being paid hourly) until that work goes live?
Glad to know I'm not the only one. I never even was offered a chance to test. sm

I have over 30 years of experience, and usually almost always get a response when I send out my resume, but not from them.  Odd ....


Further away you get from primary source, more chance for errors
But can you explain what you mean by true QA editing? Isn't all editing of VR true editing? Or are you QA'ing what has already been edited? Sorry - clear as mud I know. Hope you get what I mean.