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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists


Posted By: hopeful on 2007-10-25
In Reply to: Axolotl and Spheris supposedly start insurance early, too. nm - Don't know if 30 or 60 days. NM

Yes, they do start really quickly. If you start on the last day of the month, the insurance will go into effect the very next day. So, if you start at the beginning of the month, the insurance will start the next month. Very affordable too.

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Love that lizard.
When did you apply? Was it this year - just curious before I answer their advertisement.

Does anyone know anything about this company... How they pay???  Anything in general would be helpful... Thanks
I cannot believe that they are still in business. I know that they have an office in Tampa. Not sure how they are doing. Keep doing your research/investigation on this company.

Anyone have any info on co.?  Considering applying for Editor position.  Do they supply equipment? good benefits?  Any info would be appreciated.
Anyone know about Axolotl QA?
Any info on this company, any feed back please. 
When I worked for them a year ago, their typing platform was slooooooooooooow. I am a very fast typist, and I very seldom could reach my line count with them. I had to wait 3 minutes or more (depending on the length of the report)for a report to send to the hospital, and could not start a new report until that one was sent. Spent a lot of time playing Solitaire on my computer. If you are fast, you will be extremely frustrated.

Anyone ever hear of this company?  I am considering and any information appreciated


Any info please?  It seems like recently with in the last month or so I read posts by an MT that just started with them and thought things were going great, as far as the system, staff, work, etc.  Anyone please any info?  Thank you. 
Health insurance begins 30 days after you start working.
I have two friends that recently went with this company in the past month and they really like it. They have been offering OT every day so there is plenty of work

Any Axolotl employees out there??  Are you happy? 

I am considering accepting an offer from them.  It seems they have a lot to offer.   I am currently with Medware and very, very unhappy with them lately. 

Any advice appreciated.

The management staff is very friendly.  Horrible accounts with the world's worst ESLs.  The percentage of ESLs was so high, I highly suspect cherry-picking.  Made less than minimum wage trying to decipher this garbage, with nearly 15 years of experience.  Editors who don't know the difference between affect and effect, yet deign to pick apart your work and leave snide comments.  Is that enough info? 
I also would like to know about Axolotl, please.....sm
I had an interview and would like to know more about this company, before I make a decision. I see there really are no recent posts regarding this company.  Any recent information would be ever so helpful with my decision.  Is the platform slow, how are the incentives, benefits, communication between employees and management, etc.?  Thank you.
I've never worked for them, but have a friend that is starting with them this next week. When I get info from her, I will post it here on the board. I know they pay a referral bonus if you refer someone and then they are hired. That's always a plus. She did say that the pay was above average and more than she is making now which is .11 cpl on an onc account.


The company is fully aware of what it means.  If you go to the website, you will see. 

When I hired on, they actually sent me a salamander on a keyring!!  Their name is different because they, as a company, are different than any other!! 

I have transcribed now for 14 years and trust me, I have never had a better employer. 

Their benefits are awesome, their pay is more than competitive and I cannot think of one thing negative about them. 

It's Axolotl - nm

MT25, I've also heard good things about this company.  Could you tell me what Lotus Notes are?  I am thinking about applying with them.  How would you rate the majority of accounts?  Hard to make lines with difficult dictators?  Do you transcribe for several docs or just a select few?  Thanks!



Axolotl expects quality and reliable MTs.  Due to the fact, they do not overstaff, it is IMPERATIVE, everyone be there for their scheduled shifts.  They provide OUTSTANDING and affordable benefits, as well as more than competitive pay. 

If you meet the above standards as an MT, then you should apply.  If you don't meet these standards, then you need to find a company who doesn't expect you to produce quality documents and to show up for your shift. 

I have been an MT for 13 years.  Axolotl is better than any company I have ever researched or any employer I have worked for.

If you are looking for former employees who did not meet the above standards, I am sure you can find them.


Does anybody have any information about this company.  I was checking out their website, and it didn't seem too bad.  Is there anybody working for them who can tell us a little about the company such as their line count requirement, is it comparable to MQ, and what they think of this company, etc.  Any information would be helpful.  Thanks in advance.

Does anyone know if Axolotl is hiring?  Everything I'm hearing about them sound really good.  My only concern is that someone posted they only have about 75 employees (kinda small), and if they hire more MTs, the workflow may be low...hmmm.


Axolotl MT

I wanted to thank you for all the information.  I am seriously considering applying.  So far, this one appeals the most to me.  I am still trying to decide if I want to make the move; this is something I take very seriously.  It has just been so difficult to make the money at MQ with all the changes; it almost seems intentional on their part to make it more difficult for the MTs so that they don't have to pay out these quarterly bonuses.  I could see having 3 or 4 accounts....that would be ideal, but 13 unfamiliar accounts with specifics to learn for each.....this, I find to be outrageous!!!  With all of this going on, they are driving their MTs (even the veteran MTs) right out the door!  BIG MISTAKE.

Does anyone know if Axolotl is strictly IC work?
Actually, I think they only hire employees.

Did you send your resume in and they called you...is that what your saying??


I have never worked for Transcend but I have worked for Axolotl now for 2 years.  They are a great company with a good line rate, great benefits and a very user-friendly platform.  In my opinion, you cannot go wrong working for Axolotl!!!

Can someone tell me if they are or are not currently hiring??

It's just what I'm looking for.  Heard a lot of great things about it.  Nice people, etc. Lots of positives!!!!  Sounds like a place to call home.


What does it mean to be a Tier 3?
Axolotl is only $110 per day for

Health, dental and vision.

Axolotl - Do they have ASR?

As far as your work schedule and hours, you are expected to work the schedule and hours you agree to work when you are hired.  If something comes up, they are really good about working with you.  I work a 35-hour week.  I don't know if that has changed or not as I have been there 2+ years.  The line minimum is the same and is 1200 per day for 35 or 40 hours.

I feel we have the best QA/editing team!!  You are never degraded or talked nasty to and there is always someone available 24/7. 

When you first start, 100% of your work will be going to QA.  Then, there is a 3% review of your work monthly.  The system automatically/randomly pulls the reports. 

Axolotl is known for their quality.  If a percentage of the MTs work is not checked, then there is no way of knowing what kind of document the MTs are producing. 

I know several knew people that have been hired, a few I have referred myself.  They love it at Axolotl and cannot believe how great of a company Axolotl really is. 

Axolotl....do they
pay for headings, demos, and spaces?
Axolotl-- Does anyone know what
the line count per pay period is for Axolotl?
Definitely Axolotl
Axolotl has great benefits, a great platform and a wonderful QA department. 
Axolotl and IT

No, you cannot use Instant Text with their platform.  They said it messes things up when it uploads to the client??

Shorthand is supplied.


Axolotl has a great platform, lots of work and also a great QA department.  You definitely will receive feedback as quality is the #1 priority.  They have great benefits at very affordable prices.

Axolotl anyone?
Does anyone here work for this company?  Looked in the archives but all comments were 2004 or before and not good, maybe when they were just starting?  Sent in resume yesterday but no answer.  Those who work for them, tell me what you know...Thanks!
Definitely Axolotl!!!

Axolotl for me :)

Axolotl Does
They are GREAT, too!!
No, I meant the company is owned by an off shore company. That's what I read in the AAMT journal.
Okay. Will do. Thanks.
Is this the same Axolotl?
so maybe things have changed.

For One Vendor, Offshoring Is Key.(health care outsourcing analysis)(Brief Article)

From: Health Data Management Date: February 1, 2005

When it comes to using offshore labor to meet provider organizations' needs, outsourcing vendors have different philosophies. To some vendors, the choice is market-driven: offering offshore labor means their customers have more choices and price ranges from which to pick.

To others, using offshore labor represents risks they would rather not take.

Axolotl Corp. is an example of the former view. The Mountain View, Calif.-based company provides Web-based products and transcription services for physicians and hospitals. Axolotl contracts with several transcription companies that have small operations in the U.S., but do the majority of their work in India, says Ray Scott, CEO.

Does Axolotl
have psych accounts?
They pay for headers!!  Plus, I do not have to look up any demographics.  If something is wrong with the report, I either bad job or send to QA!
I was wondering about that myself. I have 30+ years experience and submitted a resume - never heard from them.