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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Average, certainly not lowest. NM

Posted By: TransTechMT on 2008-02-27
In Reply to: From my checking around TTS has lowest pay - NM


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lowest pay ever!
I too have manyyears experience as a transcriptionist.  As the hospital where I worked was outsourced I am looking elsewhere - just got offered 6.5 to 7 cents a line!  This is very very sad for us hardworking knowledgeable transcriptionists - should have gone into coding!
I think the lowest is $1.10 per report so for a CT abd/pel you would get sm
$2.20 - 2.50.

Specials are anything interventional including a PICC line placement (5 lines and a normal!) to an IR but the operative reports are by the line or hour as they are so long.

For radiology, I have found KS to be the best.
It is mostly because they see what the lowest is they can get away with or hire someone at....
They can't really say cpl between 6 and 11, now can they? And some MTs will take 6! That is what is killing us.
From my checking around TTS has lowest pay
And industry would pay the lowest wage possible
if people are willing to take it! People have to be pretty desperate or just not too bright to even agree to do this kind of work for low pay.
They were lowest cpl in my recent job search

Also, I saw an ad for them for $12.50/hour. It seems they are leading the charge to push down MT salaries.  

In addition, they do not pay based on experience.  My 25+ years in acute care teaching hospitals in EVERY specialty counted for nothing.

BTW, when I changed jobs, I spent exactly FIVE reports on full QA and then was turned loose, immediately meeting their daily requirements. So I think Spheris is a better fit for those with very little experience and needing heavy QA. They must pay MTs so little because they have big overhead with QA.

Canada has MT union lowest pay $23 hr

Wow 7 cents and then also the exchange rate, I forget what my MT email friend said it was.  Gad you are making zip per hour.  Glad you are happy with it.  Not me. My friend has some of her own accounts and charges $20 and hour.

Oh well, guess you are happy.  She is unhappy with %20 an hour.

Why not email ask lowest to highest rate sm
say prior to testing and interview as it will save both sides time. Also, ask, if there is a deposit on their supplied computer. Spheres was $500 returned in SIX MONTHS another was $300. I will not even consider this crap of 7,8,9 etc even down to 4 and 5. Don't waste my time, I worked hard to learn and stay current. When these rates are turned down, they will come up 10/line minimum.

Transolutions do not pay for spaces.
In a recent job search, they were the lowest offer.

My cardiology account is actually my lowest paying.
Think the lowest I've seen is 600 lpd (maybe 500?) with Phoenix MedCom in 24 hours, but they..
Not the lowest! Was offered 2cpl back in April.



Always email first, ask lowest to highest rate offered.
I bet they offer prob. 7 cents if that.
QUERY - What is the lowest cents-per-line or hourly

I have been looking for an MT Employee job for a couple of months and I have noticed that more and more job opportunities are asking for Independent Contractors rather than Employees.  Out of the hundreds of MTSOs out there, I could only count less than 2 dozen MTSOs who offer employee status. 

Between off-shoring to India and VR, it has almost become impossible for a single MT to make enough to pay the mortgage, etc.  Medical Transcription is becoming a secondary employment in two-worker households.  If some of the MTSOs who hire ICs would admit that they are actually hiring employees and treat them as such, MTs might have a better chance of getting paid what they are worth.  With less than 2 dozen MTSOs offering employee status, they can pretty much set their wages and we are stuck with it if we want any benefits at all.  They are on the verge of almost a type of price-fixing or monopoly.  We need more employers to create more competition for the well-trained MTs looking for work. 

There is an ad for employment as an INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR – Editor at $10.00 per hour.  After the Editor pays taxes and Medicare, etc (which can be 20 to 30%), they are actually working for less than minimum wage. 

I am interested in knowing if anyone would take a position for this wage and also if you think this is actually an Independent Contractor or really an employee. 

Below are the IRS guidelines for IC versus employee. 

I think if the IRS audits this company, the MT will be stuck dealing with the IRS for years to get their money back. 

WHAT DO YOU THINK?   Is this IC Editor job really IC or employee? 




In determining whether the person providing service is an employee or an independent contractor, all information that provides evidence of the degree of control and independence must be considered.

Facts that provide evidence of the degree of control and independence fall into three categories:

1.    Behavioral: Does the company control or have the right to control what the worker does and how the worker does his or her job?

2.    Financial: Are the business aspects of the worker’s job controlled by the payer? (these include things like how worker is paid, whether expenses are reimbursed, who provides tools/supplies, etc.)

3.    Type of Relationship: Are there written contracts or employee type benefits (i.e. pension plan, insurance, vacation pay, etc.)? Will the relationship continue and is the work performed a key aspect of the business?


Type of relationship refers to facts that show how the worker and business perceive their relationship to each other.

The factors, for the type of relationship between two parties, generally fall into the categories of:

·   Written contracts

·   Employee benefits

·   Permanency of the relationship

·   Services provided as key activity of the business

Written Contracts

Although a contract may state that the worker is an employee or an independent contractor, this is not sufficient to determine the worker’s status.  The IRS is not required to follow a contract stating that the worker is an independent contractor, responsible for paying his or her own self employment tax.  How the parties work together determines whether the worker is an employee or an independent contractor.

Employee Benefits

Employee benefits include things like insurance, pension plans, paid vacation, sick days, and disability insurance.  Businesses generally do not grant these benefits to independent contractors.  However, the lack of these types of benefits does not necessarily mean the worker is an independent contractor.

Permanency of the Relationship

If you hire a worker with the expectation that the relationship will continue indefinitely, rather than for a specific project or period, this is generally considered evidence that the intent was to create an employer-employee relationship.

Services Provided as Key Activity of the Business

If a worker provides services that are a key aspect of the business, it is more likely that the business will have the right to direct and control his or her activities.  This would indicate an employer-employee relationship.



I recently emailed asking for lowest to highest line rate sm
it was toooo low 7.5
I routinely email lowest-to-highest rate offered sm
and did in April. Rate only 8 cents, to low for me.
Average pay
Just curious. What would be considered average as far as pay?

No one can help you unless you have an average
line rate.  If you were doing 1000 lines/day then the answer would be easy, but if you have no experience and little education you're not going to be making that number of lines for months.   You will be making minimum wage or less for a while. 
Average pay

I hope you mean per week not month. 

Yes, I average about 250 LPH and they do have some ESL
physicians. Many of their accounts are bad. I like the work though, the people and my team
Actually $1.10-$1.25 is the going average.
I work for a small MTSO at $1.10 a report and make more now than I did working for MDI-FL at $1.15 a report and another company at $1.25 a report. The work is steady and I easily get 200+ reports in 8 hours with no weekends. I don't think $1100+/week is bad pay but others might disagree.

If you get $1.25 a report but are unable to get over 100 reports - you are not making any money. Do the math and do what works best for you. Good luck!
$1.10 seems to be average...
Altho I make $1.50 and was just offered a job for $1.70, so if ya look around you can make more than the standard $1.10.
I don't know what the average is, but (sm)
can add my own past to the bucket. I had a base of 35K, and made bonuses on top of it. The bonuses were paid in chunks based on how long the MT stayed. So unlike some negatives I've read here, many times a recruiter only gets paid a bonus if the MT they hired stays with the company so many months. A very good year netted me 55K.

The work was stressful and long hours. Very stressful was coming on the Internet and seeing your name slung through mud on the bulletin boards. Some MTs would say that they weren't told things, when you absolutely KNEW they were because you kept a checklist as you talked.

Perhaps the most stressful part was being told one thing by the supervisors and owners about what accounts were like, what the shape of the company was, etc., and then relaying that publicly, only to find it wasn't true. The recruiter takes the fall for things like that in the MTs' minds. Unfortunately, as a recruiter, you only know so much and only control so much.

There are recruiters who will say anything to hire an MT. There are also honest ones. I am no longer a recruiter, but I'm proud that I always told the MTs the absolute truth and was the most successful recruiter for my national. It proved that you could be honest and still successful. Oh, and it helps to have been an MT before. I would never trust a recruiter who hadn't been an MT for a national!

Sorry so long. :) The pay can be good, but NEVER take a recruiting position that is commission only. There are too many factors out of your control, and those who hold the money will have too much control of your pay. Only accept one with a base pay that you would live on without assuming you'd make any bonuses.

Good luck!
Right now, I average about
275 lines an hour, but we are switching platforms, and I've heard bad things about it!!  I don't know if I can post who I'm working for, but there's a whole forum for them ;)
$1.25 seems to be the average (nm)

Do you mind telling me what you average on Meditech then??   I'm not the cherry-picker.   I'm the person who started this post?  Thanks.  Just don't wanna get sucked into a bad situation - again.

Average would be about 15. Nothing great!
Is it below average?
and do I need any equipment or do they supply everything. Thanks to all for information.
that's average
Does anyone know what the average is??? nm
My friend get 4-1/2 cents and I thought I was doing good at 3-1/2. What is a good average?
Not the average
This is certainly not the average. I would have to work 2 entire 8 hour shifts to average 3000 lines on my account. The highest I ever got was 1500 lines and that was because I happened to get a lot of template dictations that day. Ordinarily get maybe 1 or 2 a day, sometimes none.
Their pay is average if not more than what is being
Isn't that what the OP asked for a supplement?  If you don't want a strict schedule, then sometimes you have to settle for a little less money unless you want a strict schedule and to work your life away. 
15 cpl - way above average. nm
HUH? 319 LPH was my average

doing rad for a local hospital. (That's 2392 lines in an 8-hour shift with 0.5 off for lunch.)

That was in Word Client, based on a 65-character line, black characters and spaces counting.

Using your typing shortcuts (ESP in WC) should make that goal a piece of cake.

Was 600 - 700 lph your average?
Was 600 - 700 lph your average?
What could you average per day on that?
My average LPH is at least 200 or so,
or I should say, it is when I put my head down and go for it, and not goof off with my e-mail and blog and watching baby panda bears live online, and other time-wasters.... :)

So if you calculate your own average LPH and do the math with your per-line rate, you can figure out how many lines it will take you to reach that magic minimum figure. Of course, it depends a great deal on your individual per-line rate....

Yesterday I spent waaaay too much time goofing off, and barely cracked 1000 lines for the day, which is just miserable for me....

A whole lot is going to depend on how low the workload actually is, and how much time you sit there staring at the screen (and surfing the net) while you wait for the next one. On the platform I work on (which is NOT Transcend's own) the new jobs pop in automatically, depending on what work pools I am assigned to; the next available job goes to the next available queue. I have no idea how it works on other platforms; if you have to keep manually checking, that really stinks, big time.

I hope this at least gives you some idea how it works--at least, this is how it works for me, on my team, the TRS transplanted DEP platform team. Can't speak for how it works for anyone else. My supervisor and leads are very good about keeping us informed several times a day about the workloads and the backlogs, and when there's no work (which is VERY rare), we are usually given the option to flex our time for that day, i.e. just leave early and perhaps try back later, especially if we check our e-mail and see by the latest backlog report that the workload has picked up; or we can switch to working on our usual day off; any way we can get in our time and our lines. They work very hard to make sure the workloads and the staff are distributed as best as possible.

But as I have said before, usually we do not run into the low-workload problem; in fact, it's most often the opposite. I wish I had a dollar for every Sunday morning I have gotten home from church to find an SOS message on my answering machine....
Average QA wages
Here are some known QA wages, starting out.

OSi - around $13.50
Transcend - around $13.50 - $14.00
Spheris - Mostly start at $12 - $13
MQ - $12
Sten-Tel - $12

In my opinion, a good QA should get 16-19, true, but that is just not the industry standard. It is lower than that.
Definitely lower than average. nm
Average salary for MT


 not sure if it matters from state to state but i live in NY and would like to know what the average income might be for a MT thinking of going to school for this so I'm not sure what the variables would be as far as income. I know that some work for hospitals or private practice would like to get a round about figure for the average.


Oops...the pay was average...sm
as I recall, and was between 0.075 cpl and 0.085 cpl and based on productivity. I know they were hiring a new director recently too. Don't know where the other one went, but she is no longer there. Their base of operations changed too. I believe they're trying to put some distance between themselves and the health system, as it was deemed a conflict of interest. Good people though...
Not based on average..
PTO is based on 1200 lines, not by an average.
My average at Medware

is about 6500 per week and I work 32 hours per week, so I am a little over 200 per hour.  That is an average as one week I did 7100.  I am on a hospital acute care account.

They offshore, pay is average. nm
Just figure out average of how much (sm)
you have made per hour for the last, say 24 weeks.  If you consistently make under $15, I'd go for the salary.  If I was over most of the time, I'd go for production.  Figure out what would be a fair amount of time to go back.  Good luck. 
In my opinion, yes, this is average for
You are not likely to get more, unless you find one of those rare mid size MTSOs who have a high pay range.
Anybody have any idea what the average
Very curious. I would love to be a recruiter yet never see any posted opportunities. I was wondering what a ballpark salary might be.

I have been given misleading information by 2 recruiters in the past. I would never do that. They should see that their little lies always backfire. Some of them remind me of used car salesmen.
I average btw 400-600 lph on escription. nm
It is IC. They said the average report
is 1.0-1.5 minutes so maybe there will be some lines with that, hopefully! Thanks for your help.
Less than average school
But why would someone settle for a less than average school? Do they want to be content with producing less than average work? As a businessperson, that is what I would be concerned with in hiring such a person. I would want someone who cared enough to get the best education out there from one of the big 3.
Not really. I think the average is higher than that. That's on the low end.

I would not take less than 1.25. Just my opinion though.