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Also, does Focus have paid training

Posted By: & how much? NM on 2008-08-05
In Reply to: Focus Infomatics? - MTinTX


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Training on the system, not paid, but if you are physically typing reports then you are getting paid
FYI Focus training program
I just went through Focus' training program (FOF)... 3 weeks of unpaid training was very tedious... and on top of that another review period on the new account before we can work at a regular pace. They also seem to be over-hiring right now and there are very few hours available to new employees...While the company has a LOT going for it, be sure to ask a lot of questions and be aware that it is a slow process with them before you'll be working for real.
You get paid training
They pay you for your training per hour for those 2 weeks.
I was paid for training...and as far as the PTO goes....
It starts accumulating after 90 days but I believe you have to wait until your one-year anniversary to use it....and I am pretty sure that is all across the board at Keystrokes..
then thats not paid training
you're working on production at that point. In spite of this, I think its still a decent company but lets not mislead people on this board about something thats not true.
and, no paid training.
Was told training was not paid
I spent a couple of afternoons training on the system but told it is without pay. Footpedal was sent - did not have to purchase. Been there a few weeks. The pay is above what other companies offer these days, and they pretty much leave you alone to do your work. I can definitely see the possibility of making decent money on the system I work on that does not cheat you of lines like some other companies are doing out there. I know a lot of us have been deceived on this board with recruiters cruising by here. By the time we realize whats going on we've already given them a couple months' of work. Believe me when I say, I am just another MT giving my totally honest opinion on this company - so far so good. More updates later.
Paid hourly training SM

Anyone can tell me what companies pay at least minimum hourly wage during training?   I don 't mind line rate pay during this time, but I heard many of them will only let you do several reports a day during training and pay by the line, all along the work you do learning their software and platform, phone calls, conference calls, etc. is per g-r-a-t-i-s.  Anyone?

You eluded to the fact that training was paid
when you are working on production thats not training and you are working for every penny of it, so your first post makes no sense and is misleading. This is just wrong wrong. State facts that are concise and true so this company does not get a bad name. I sure hope this was not somebody in management that posted this originally. This is how people get misled and then what are they to believe? Keep it straight so people will want to go to work for KS. Thanks
I did phone training years ago on the platforrm and was paid 50.00 per call (sm)
The call usually lasted an hour, and was one-on-one.
You're supposed to get 12 hrs of paid training even though it doesn't take that long to learn
How funny.. I did the Focus thing too but even they paid 4 cpl for editing, not 2.5, that is too low
but I understand your just trying to get the experience. I havent heard anything about AC but I say go for it.. You dont know until you try and your right ANYTHING is better than Focus.. They are a nightmare for sure.
Ever thought of a home health care aide? Usually paid training and start work right away. Can work
Their training schedule kind of got backed up and so far the only training..(sm)
I've had is one short Bayscribe session. But I extended my 2 week notice at Medquist and I have until July 17 now to get some training in at MDI and do some reports to get familiar with the platforms. I'm looking forward to it! 
I can't say enough about their training team. Excellent training!
The people at Medware are all just great. I wish I would have joined the Medware family sooner! They are very flexible and caring!
do you mean company training or med transcription itself training?
Focus, focus, focus on your work. It's amazing what you can do! nm
what training? no training for me, first day they Tried to give me 2 ESL....
they did not come up first. An hour of training is not really training.
Oh, yea -- PAID, too. Grandmother PAID LEAVE would be a great drawing card to TT !!

Just love that PAID TIME OFF !!

Any company that makes you wait to get paid until they get paid by the client
is not a company you want to get involved with. That's part of being an MTSO, figuring out how to cover your payroll while waiting to get paid. I would stay away!
Is this a live count of lines paid for or same as CTRL I that we do not get paid for ?? nm
Me too.. the outsourced company was paid for and paid me for headers, but OSI does/did not.
I have always paid yearly and have never paid or been assessed a penaltly. nm
Be glad you get paid tomorrow. We are paid on the 1st and the 15th, so sm
since the 1st is on a weekend, we don't get paid until Monday.  It will happen again on the 15th of August �sigh.  It is the only thing I do not like about the company, though, so I guess a few weekends of poverty a year is not too much. 
Lori never paid me and now ETC has not paid my friend.
What is WRONG with these companies?    
Is it still being paid on time if you are paid on the 1st and 15th.....
and if the 15th falls on a Saturday getting paid on the 17th?  My bank is open and posts on Saturday that means I am not being paid on the 15th doesn't?  This has happened a lot lately. 
At least you get paid, I would rather be paid late than not at all. Just my 2 cents.
Yea, at least u got paid. Everyone who worked for TSI is STILL waiting to be paid

I don't understand how Jayne cannot pay us.  We have christmas coming up.  I bet her family has a fantastic Christmas because she is using OUR money to pay for it.  I worked so hard for her and I know the other girls did too.  How insulting that she will not return phone calls or emails or PAY us.  How does she look at herself in the mirror knowing that the MTs who did all the work FOR her did not get paid.  She even sent me an email saying I give you my word HAHAHA her word is nothing, obviously.  Well, I will call the attorney for the THIRD time and see what is going on. 

To the poster, at least you got paid even if it was late.  I sincerely hope you get your last check.

They did go through it on your first day of training.
Check your email attachments again. Call the HR person or the trainer on her toll-free number, and they will explain it to you again. Posting and venting here won't do anything for you.
Training was good. It is what happens after the training that is not so good. Why do they not read what people post on their own portal. If they would just do that they would see what they need to change.
Have you had any training? sm
You know, I hate when people nitpick over accidental misspellings in otherwise good posts, but your post makes me wonder about your background--and I don't think it's nitpicking.

What MT education do you have? You do have to train for this field. It's not an easy thing you do after just a couple months of studying medical terminology from a book. Maybe you know these things already.

The answer is no as far as at-home entry-level jobs. Any reputable company I've come in contact with wouldn't let entry-level MTs work at home or probably hire them, for that matter. IF you have completed MT training, a hospital may be your best bet for getting your foot in the door as well as getting a firm foundation for later at-home work.

Good luck
New training

I just had to give my 2 cents. I started training on Monday, I got sick with the stomach flu early Tuesday morning. They were so nice and understanding about it, and rescheduled me for next Monday. I was a bit skeptical of this company because of this board and all of the negativity that I almost didn't take the job.

I left one nightmarish company in December. They were soooooo unorganized it was pathetic. I get the feeling that Spheris is going to be a lot more organized than the last company, and I also feel that if I have any problems at all, I will be able to get in touch with someone and maybe they will listen to me.  I am really upset that I had to get sick this week, because I would have been starting on my scheduled shift this coming Sunday. Yes, things are new at the moment and I am not even out of training yet, but I have a feeling that I am really going to like it there. Unlike the last company, I kept having red flags and bad feeling all the way around. And because I was new and the money seemed decent, I went against my best judgement and spent 5 months of hell.

Anyway, that is just my 2 cents.

I'm training with new job & then I'm out of there! sm
I was happy there before they started being ignorant! Now there is too much required OT, hours must be exact, too much header info we're not paid for, and most of all the account hopping is absolutely awful! There is no way to make any $$

It really irks me that they send out these emails noting the high producers. If I were allowed to stay on one account I'd be a high producer, too. I usually have 2-3 accounts per day. I've asked them if they would let me stay on one, but I'm told that is the nature of the business; deal with it.

Going to be good to be gone. New job is better already.
Training pay???
Any  suggestions on companies who pay an hourly rate for decent period of training?  Any info would be appreciated.

For training, they do the conference call to tell you how to use the program and show you how to find things on the intranet.  After that, they turn you loose to start typing.  Everything will go to QA until you get the required accuracy (usually takes 1 to 2 weeks).  You will get feedback through your email on pretty much every report you do in that time.  The QA people are awesome and a great help.  Plus, you have everyone on IM to contact if you should have any questions at any time, including other people who work on the accounts you work on.  My TM sends out an updated team list every week or so to let us know who works on what.

Besides being an MT for close to 14 years now, what specific training is needed for QA? We take turns doing the QA in our department in the hospital where I work.
10.00 an hour for the first 12 hours worked
How do you get trained on VR? I have transcribed for 30 years and am ready to do VR because I think eventually that is all that will be available. Does the company train you? Any info appreciated. Thank you
What's the training like?
I got a call from them and all they said was that they want me to get a yahoo account so they can set me up on an account.
They sent me an e-mail with information for my electronic signature on the IC documents and then another with how to set up the platform and a userguide to get started.  Training was only about an hour with IT and then they usually have you do 25 notes in an 8 day period, 5 max notes per day for your review period.  I found set-up, training and review to be very undemanding and simple. 
Yes they DO pay for training.....sm
3 weeks for text and 6 weeks for VR. Whoever this person is that stated they don't is a LIAR. Remember, there are going to be disgruntled employees who spread LIES about companies on any list you are on.
MDI training
You have a 2-week probationary period where you transcribe 5 reports/20 minutes a day. After 2 weeks, both parties decide if it is a good fit and want to proceed with employment. No hourly training. We are not employees. System is easy, easy to learn. My training session was maybe 20 minutes, and I didn't even need that.
MDI training
Yes, 20 minutes of dictation, about an hour of work. You don't have to purchase a spell checker or expander. It is all included in BayScribe. Some accounts are on the internet. Some still require a Dictaphone or Lanier station, which they will rent out. If you have one of those accounts, you are responsible for long distance.
In training currently and
I don't find it difficult to deal with.  It is much different than I am used to but I think it is fairly easy to learn.
TT training etc
I wouldn't want to get my account specs via phone, for sure. I get those and any necessary updates by email. I get very prompt responses about QA and all other questions by email. If you felt you needed extra time for training or further explanations, you should have asked. They understand that each MT is different and some need a little more time and reiteration than others to feel secure. I'm sorry you left a good company but hope you find a good fit for you.
It has also been a couple of years since I worked for them (I do not work for them anymore). I did the evening training. I do not remember the exact hours, but it was kind of like the summer school version of training. It was very intense and a lot of information was condensed into a more abbreviated format. My kids are grown, but there is no way I could have done it with a small child. You really need to be able to concentrate while in training without interruptions.
I am this trainer.  I explained the situation at the beginning just so you would be prepared. I also apologized for the interruptions.  A trainer can only train those wanting and willing to learn.  Funny...out of all the many folks I trained, only 2 complaints here...That is pretty durn good in my book. 
Your training
If you can before it's too late. Now that you've lost your money, at least do not lose your precious time on their endless training. Once you are there you are in a dead end and would never move into the real work.
There are lots of rip-off reports and articles on internet written about them.
Just go to Ripoffreport.com and read it. Good luck to you.
I actually went through the training with
them and was supposed to start but decided not to once I saw the acct rules.  The information was very confusing and in many cases contradictory.  The training was okay and the trainer stated in response to my question if they every run out of work it is very rare this happens.  I'm glad I saw this post since I know for certain now I made the right decision.  As for the platfrm - I think it was Apix or something like that.  They do have to send you the pedle that goes with it since regular ones don't work.  I should mention that during training the program actually got stuck and the trainer had to close it down and start over so I guess the platform issues in other posts could be accurate. 
IM training
It sounds like I work for the same company and account. I have been an MT for 10 years and this is the first account that I would fight to keep. The system is a little confusing at first, but only the first time or two you log in. I don't think it is unreasonable to log into a VPN, transcription platform, and then program to get voice files (best audio quality I have ever come across). I was also trained through IM and there were no confidential files EVER sent through that method, only account specifics and drivers. When I had questions, the trainer graciously provided me with a phone number and walked me through anything I needed. Did you ask her to call you? I know she would have. Because of this account, I have now surpassed DH in income and am doing very well!! Little pat on the back here!! I'm sorry it didn't work out for you, but I know it has for many others. Good luck!