Recently Viewed Messages: (An archive of over 1 million messages related to medical transcription industry)execuscribe -
Posted By: b
Has anyone heard of or worked for Execuscribe. Have not seen their name posted on any od the old archives.
Question -
Posted By: Tammie A. Diaz
The doctor I currently work for is very soon tranferring to EMR. He has opened an additon two offices and has hired another doc and a PA to help, so I am transcribing for three. My workload has somewhat increased. I have not asked for a raise as of yet. However, he has asked if I would like to try VR to make my job a little easier. My questions to you'll is what should I do - continue with what I am doing now, which is typing out everything or try VR and edit reports? And should I ask for a raise?
Has anyone worked for this company? Just curious.
working in a pool -
Posted By: MrsBTFuller
Hello, I have been doing medical transcription for 11 years, most of them as an IC. 2 years ago I changed companies from which I get my work and, for the first time, I am in a pool situation. Here's my question. Is it standard procedure (or normal) when you are working in a pool to not be able to pass on doctors that you cannot do well or just find too frustrating to do? In all the years I have been doing transcription, this is the first time I have not been able to say I can't or do not want to do that doctor. I am expected to do whatever comes up in my pool, regardless of whether or not I do them well, and at the same time keep my accuracy up at 97%, and not send all of the jobs to QA. It is a very frustrating situation and honestly, for the first time in 11 years, has me thinking about quitting altogether. MrsBTFuller
A local lady won $1000 per week for life. Now I do realize that a lot of MTs make more than that (not me). I average that every other week. We do not have a lot bills though and I know that we could live comfortably on that amount. This lady says she will continue to work, but plans to slow down. She is married and in her 40s.
I think I would probably stop MT'ing for awhile, but I like my job, so I would probably eventually miss it and go back. Just curious what other MTs might do if they were to hit the lottery!
Could users of Word 2007 share what you think of it, please. Do you like it, hate it, etc. How does it compare with other Word versions? Thank you.
unemployement -
Posted By: cs
Just wandering about unemployement. I have never been unemployed before. I was just laid off from my job and I guess I am eligible for unemployment. I worked 30 hours a week at this job as an employee. However, I also work 20 hrs a week as an IC for a different company. I will continue with the IC job, so does anybody know if I can still get unemployement from the employee job while continuing to work the IC job? Thanks!
Wal-Mart doesn't offer health insurance to millions of workers but now they are selling it to -
Posted By: the public thru Sam's Stores. What is that??
I am beginning to get a little disheartened about MT'ing. Not sure if I have what it takes to do it long term because the longer I do it, it seems like I can't edit my own stuff anymore! ...its really frustrating.
I've had typos lately that I know are dead wrong, but for some reason, I can't edit my own stuff anymore! It's not every report, something like for every 10 I do, two or three will have one or two typos, stupid ones too!
To do this for a living, do all mt's have to be 100% accurate ALL the time? I thought that was what the editors were for or was I mistaken?
I am not new to this, just new to doing it full time at home (with no other job duties in between). I want to do this so bad I can taste it so that I can be at home with my kids, but I'm beginning to wonder if I'm not cut out for it. I'm no rookie and I can hold my own , but is there an alternative to strictly typing? Any advice woudl be appreciated.
and I have to straighten it all back out again, so that the name of the hospital that I worked at is on the first line, then the dates worked there, etc. My question is, do I need to straighten this out or does it just mess it up more for the person who is trying to print it out who receives it. It is perfect when I copy it from MSword, but then when I paste it, it is messed up. Should I straighten it out to look right because the place that is hiring will read it from that place that I copied it to or should I leave it the way it was originally because they will open it to a larger screen and it will appear normal again?! I'm not sure which I should be doing so that the person on the other end gets a normal appearing resume! Thanks for your help!
If you use LecStar as your home/business phone service read -
Posted By: Consumer guru
They had a judge sign a Chapter 7 bankruptcy order on 10/2 and have begun cutting off phone service to residental and business customers. I found out about this when I attempted to make a long distance call today (I had the unlimited long distance home phone plan) and got notification that I had no long distance service available. Upon calling them the representative told me that they're working on cutting phone service to everyone and at any time I could lose service. I've called the "mega" phone service for my area, BellSouth, and signed up to switch hopefully before the line is disconnected by LecStar.
Interestingly I had signed up for their service through a cooperation they had with my power company. The power company just found out yesterday about the bankruptcy and services starting to be cut off and is in the process now of calling every power company customer who had phone service with LecStar and telling them what is happening so that hopefully no one else will be caught off guard with a disconnected phone service.
it. Dont know if it is allergies or sinuses. I dont want to be taking antibiotics because mostly they dont help but I wish I knew what to use to help this. It gets old and tiresome. My throat feels sore and hurts. I always sound like I have a cold and I dont.
Productivity Board? -
Posted By: Grumpy
As you can probably tell from my "name" I've been doing this a l o n g time. I would like to learn the Escription platform, in particular because of my on and off carpal tunnel syndrome. It has left me unable to type as much as I would like and my bottom line (paycheck) is showing it! I still need to pay bills, however! So, I'd like to switch over to editing as well as performing transcription. Having had my own transcription company in the past I've done Q&A for years too! But like everything else there's a "Catch 22" (anyone remember that book?). You can't get the work until you know the system. You can't learn the system if you don't get the work! Is there a company out there that will teach (or let you learn on your own) the Escription platform?
Line counting -
Posted By: Tracey
I work as an IC for a company. When I type my document I go into Tools and use the Word Count and divide by 55 (that's what my company pays by) giving me my line count.
However, when I get my paycheck it is considerably less than what I anticipated. Is the MS word count not adequate to go by?
DOes anyone feel it is necessary to have their own line counting program?
SoftScript -
Posted By: voo
Anyone ever heard of SoftScript? I guess they are based out of CA? Has anyone ever worked for them before? I would like to know more about their platform and pay...
Posted By: CB
Does anyone else feel like we are training computers to take our jobs when we do ASR reports? I was told that we will not loose our jobs to ASR, but it makes me wonder.....
Are you incorporated? How did you come up with a name? sm -
Posted By: Mimi
I was advised by an attorney I hired, for something not related to MT, to incorporate. It may not matter, or perhaps it will, I don't know what name to give my "company." Any ideas? I'm currently very happily subcontracted with an MTSO and have no plans of making any changes but never say never... Thanks for your ideas.
Re: Post below about whether to quit my job or not... (s/m) -
Posted By: May not continue to hang on!; email=[isthmus1997-f
I want to say a great big 'thank-you" to all of you who shared your thoughts and personal experiences with this decision with me! So far it runs in favor of quitting. Time is on my side at present, as many key people at work are off for the summer. That gives me some clout. I also have a vacation coming up later this year and would of course want to take that before leaving! Hehe.
Below, I will answer each and every response I got!
It was used when I bought it and I want to make sure that I have everything I need to work from home on it. The PC I'm on now will be going back to the hospital. It is a Dell Latitude. It has a Pentium IV processor, 512 mg of RAM, 40 gig hard drive, wireless internet plus ethernet card, Windows 2000. Will that laptop suffice for working from home? I assume it will, but I just want to make sure before I starting applying places.
Has anyone had any experience with this type of keyboard. I am looking into different types and this one seems very interesting. Any input would be helpful
Grammar Question: 9 years' ago or 9 years ago? *sm* -
Posted By: kittykat
I have a terrible time trying to remember this rule! HELP!
Question -
Posted By: tam
I work for an oncologist and I am no longer IC. I am on the doctor's payroll.
Should I ask him to provide plain paper? He does not want me to use his nice linen paper for progress notes that are going out to doctors only on new patients.
Does anyone here use this? I downloaded the free trial and emailed the webmaster but haven't heard anything yet. Do you have to remember all of your shorts with this, or does a screen pull suggestions up? So far, I haven't seen this, that's why I am asking. If not this expander, which one? Please, I already know about IT and I do NOT want to purchase it at this point. For the $ and the learning curve, I don't have the time right now. What Expanders are easy to use, and hit the ground running that don't cost a lot? Any info is appreciated! Thanks! Eclipse voicewriting & pedal -
Posted By: Voicewriter
Does anyone use Eclipse to do voicewriting transcription? Can you tell me what footpedal is compatible with Eclipse? The goal is to get off the footpedal but in the beginning it will be needed.
A friend loaned me an trial version of SpeedType. I have tried to get my Instant Text glossaries to convert over and it will not separate the keyword from the entry. The SpeedType then assigned the entries keywords of 5001, 5002, etc. Is there anyway I can fix this?
Anyone work for Sten-Tel? -
Posted By: ArkieMT
Do any of you work for Sten-Tel? I was thinking of accepting their offer, but could not find any recent posts about this company. Would appreciate any information what it is like to work for them.
Oh, and yes, outsourcing will collapse in times to come when the financial divide reduces among nations, especially once major unions like the EU are formed. Moreover, research indicates that it's more of a hassle to manage and offers only marginal cost reduction.
November 11, 2008 09:02 PM
Outsourcing is what caused the demise of the United States economy, in my opinion. The rest of the world depends on the U.S. economy; listen to the news. Multilingual for the U.S.? Realize we are from different backgrounds, but in the U.S. English is the official, unofficial language. In the U.S., learn the language. Reap the benefits but can't speak the language? Automate Spanish and French for our bordering countries but beyond that? I have had very bad experience dealing with customer service reps from another country. You can't even understand each other some of the time. Ask them where they are from and they mispronounce the name of the city and state. Ask them their name. Fake one given. Very misleading. Our country in the last few years has gone downhill economically--lost jobs, lost homes, medicines unavailable for those who need it, because they cannot afford it, etc. Keep people in jobs in the U.S., and the U.S. will do better economically, hence the world would do better economically. Worldwide recession did not start until after U.S. failed--the trickle effect. 24/7 coverage? Pay people enough, and they will work. Heck, at this point, pay them anything and they will work the off shifts. Some people want the graveyard shifts. Americans working in America who aren't bilingual in certain areas (Texas, for example) can't even get a job at Wal-Mart. Think about it. Outsourcing was our demise.
November 11, 2008 09:06 PM
I agree that stopping the outsourcing would be better for the economy since Japan blamed its problems on outsourcing and temp agencies 2008.
November 11, 2008 09:59 PM
In our big publishing company, help desk and infrastructure support have been consolidated and outsourced several years ago, with disastrous results. Since then, we have had to deal with extended production-critical outages, with CSRs who don't understand simple technical words that everyone in U.S. knows, and with CSRs whose heavy English accent is no good for any kind of customer support.
November 11, 2008 10:45 PM
It is of course expected that someone from Nuance Communications, which makes IVR software, would be in favor of automated response systems, which drive their revenue. And of course Nick Sharma would prefer outsourcing to India. What are needed are neutral viewpoints. If customers could get a choice of country (Press 1 for U.S., Press 2 for India), when they call their support line, this would make clear what customers prefer.
My issue with outsourcing has nothing to do with the call center agents themselves. My issue is with the executives who implement this solution without thinking it all the way through. They are puppet masters, walking off with all the money on the backs of their employees. Their only concern is the bottom line, the shareholders, and their yearly bonuses. Customer satisfaction seems to have taken a back seat to greed long ago, and outsourcing is merely one facet of this big picture. Don't blame the tech in India who's busting his ass for next to no money to feed his family, just like us "high-and-mighty" Americans do. Blame the executive who hasn't spent enough time and money on training these people, sending them to English class to speak and write clearly, and not paying them enough to get the high quality people that they need to man the call center.
Have you ever had a day when your fingers just don't want to cooperate? I feel like they have a mind of their own this morning! I'm having to backspace every other word because they keep throwing a letter in there or typing them out of order!
Maybe they are trying to tell me to TAKE A BREAK! LOL
I just had to post this as it reminds me so much of a lady who posted about her family, saying that they were ungrateful.
I was going to take the Amtrak train to visit my family on Thanksgiving, it's only about an hour on the Amtrak, and about $80.00 for the ticket! My stepmother says to me that it would be way to much trouble for them to drive the 15 minutes to the station to pick me up, they are having company that day. My father would spend his whole Thanksgiving day going back and forth to the train station. But I was welcome to come the day before Thanksgiving and stay until the day after Thanksgiving, that way they could drop me off at the train station when they didn't have company. Company meaning her children, who have always come first. So I am supposed to go to their house at an alloted time? I'll be darned if I'm going to do that.
Now I'll be darned if I am going to pay $80.00 for a train ticket to spend a day with a family with this attitude. I told them I won't be coming, I haven't had the time to spend 3 days there and have to work, and they said it would be too much trouble to pick me up at the train station on Thanksgiving. Am I right or wrong in not going on Thanksgiving? Any opinions?
To the multiple posters below, regarding the thread on farm animal cruelty. First of all, I believe you. Second of all, me and many like me don't have access to video and/or cannot watch the video. Yet, we still want some facts. I was not able to pick up fact based on the thread. Here is what I found out -- VERY INFORMATIVE by the way, and I appreciated reading it -- but there were still questions in the air. Can someone please CLARIFY, by way of simply stating the facts, what is going on with each of the following animals, so that we, AS CONSUMERS WHO MOSTLY SHOP AT BIG CITY SUPERMARKETS, can make an INFORMED CHOICE based on these facts:
1. Chickens. Know they live their lives squashed and get heads severed off via rotating razor blades. True, false, anything missing?
2. Veal calves. The cruelest fate of all (besides french geese for fois gras or however you spell it). Tiny crates, water deprivation, light deprivation, no straw, no way to move the extremities. And how are they killed?
3. Regular calves, and cows for meat. How are they killed - really? I think the general public thinks they get a humane bullet in the head. Is this not true?
4. Dairy cows. Their fate? And aren't they treated a little better (fresh air, etc.) for dairy vs meat? Please inform.
5. Pigs. We know that they eat, we know they are dirty, but assume that they, too, get room to roam, and are killed with a bullet BEFORE being cut up. Is this true? If not, how different?
6. Anything else we need to know about?
So very, very much appreciate a WRITTEN answer to those of us who have no access to / cannot go the video route. BIG THANK YOU IN ADVANCE.
I've been doing transcription for over 20 years (my own accounts). I recently began supplementing my work with an MTSO. I can't believe the amount of "errors/corrections" I'm getting back! It's enough to make me feel like I don't know what I'm doing. Has anyone else had this experience?
Happy Thanksgiving Holiday to -
Posted By: Pocahontas
Has anyone ever heard of WEType Transcription? They are based out of Florida and Wisconsin.
Phoenix Medcom -
Posted By: job posting
I haven't ever heard of this company before but they had a posting in the job bank. I'm wondering if they are worth my time applying for. I have a job, just looking for extra to do. Anyone's experience would be appreciated. Thx!
Back in December I had a car accident. I was POURING rain and the woman in front of me slammed on her brakes rather suddenly. I hit my brakes, but I guess because of all the water on the road I didn't stop, I slid and hit her.
Her car had very little damage, if any. My car (Dodge Stratus) had about $1000.00 worth of damage to the front end. The airbags did not deploy though because it was a very low impact accident.
Well, I had removed collision insurance from my auto policy because at the time I couldn't afford it. My son had been having some medical problems and I was trying to cut corners any way I could.
My car has been sitting at a body shop since December waiting to be repaired. The estimate was $900.00 to replace the hood, headlights, and pull the engine forward as the accident had pushed it back some and clamed the radiator hose shut and the fans weren't turning either. The estimate did not include painting.
I have not been able to afford getting my car repaired yet. I have been driving an old piece of junk that my parents have sitting at their house as a "back up" vehicle for emergencies. It burns oil like the dickens, smokes like crazy, no air conditioning (in NC that is critical), and drinks gas like its going out of style.
Yesterday my son and I went to my parents house for lunch. I pulled in the driveway, AND THERE SAT MY CAR!!!!!! I swear to you, I cried. I couldn't believe my eyes. They had had it repaired and painted. Well, they painted the new hood and the front fenders. The fenders didn't have any damage, but they did it in order to blend the paint. It looks increadibly good. I can't even tell any difference between the new paint and the "old paint".
They also took it to Stanley Steemer and had the interior steam cleaned. When they did that, they also cleaned the motor, so it looks brand new. The only thing left is getting a new front bumper. It has a couple of cracks in it up where the hood and the bumper meet. But the body shop could not find a used bumper for it and to replace it with a new one would cost $900.00 by itself. So, we will be looking out for a used bumper and when we find one we will have the bumper replaced and have the entire car painted. I can wait for that though. I am just so thrilled to have my car back!!! No more piece of junk for me!
Does anyone know what happens if someone doesn't have health insurance and ends up with huge medical bills? Can you just pay a little every week/month (forever) or will you lose any assets you might have?
I am upper middle-aged and might have to give up my insurance because I just can't afford it right now. I have paid for years (and rarely used it), but I am terrified something major might happen if I give it up.
Hello all, just got hired by a new company, and will be going from being an IC for 13 years to being an employee. Also going from part-time to full-time. Circumstances at home necessitate this move, but I'm a little worried about the change. I'm used to setting my own hours and not working a full day. Any tips for making my day more constructive? I'll be working 8-4, so it'll be normal work hours at least.
My SIL wants to be a transcriptionist... -
Posted By: The Singing MT
She wants to study at home, but I went to college for it like 15 years ago. I don't know anything about computer courses or whatever. I don't just want to "google" it. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
I just started on this platform, after having worked on DocQScribe for years. I am looking for info about the Expander in Bayscribe. Do I have to use this expander or can I purchase my own, i.e. Shorthand, etc. and use it in conjunction with this program. Unless I'm not using it correctly, it didn't seem to convert all of my DocQScribe expansions to Bayscribe. I find it rather cumbersome to use and am thinking about purchasing my own expander. Any comments or suggestions?